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텍스트 조절
(영문) 창원지방법원 마산지원 2014.01.22 2013고단1046

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than two months.


Punishment of the crime

1. Crimes against the victim B;

A. (1) On June 5, 2012, the Defendant: (a) forged private documents; and (b) drafted the content of “B”, “F”, “G”, and “G” in the name column on a new contract form, etc. with the intent to open a mobile phone by stealing the victim’s name in order to use the victim’s name in the “E” mobile phone sales store operated by the Defendant; and (c) drafted the content of “B”, “F”, and “G” in the name of the contract form using an official stamp on the paper for a new contract form, etc.; and (d) one written application for purchase of the victim’s mobile phone name (number C); and (e) two copies of the written contract for purchase of the cell phone name (number C); and (e) one copy of the written document for purchase of the cell phone number discount; and (e) continuously transmitted the forged application form to an employee in charge of receipt of the Plaintiff’s mobile phone opening, as seen above, and exercised it as if each of them were sent.

(2) The Defendant sent by facsimile a copy of the driver’s license under the name of B, such as a forged new application, at the same time and place as the above-mentioned paragraph (1) of the above-mentioned A, and by deceiving the victim of the said SK Telecom, he/she did so as if he/she received a legitimate opening request from B, and by deceiving the victim of the said SK Telecom, he/she acquired the pecuniary benefits equivalent to KRW 99,010 in total of the equipment charges and communication charges using the said mobile phone until November 14, 2013, after opening the cell phone (number C) through the said employee.

B. (1) On July 13, 2012, the Defendant: “B” and “F” in the name column of the contract using a verification fluorial pen in the paper of the SKS service new contract with the intent to use the victim B’s name from the aforementioned “E” mobile phone sales store operated by the Defendant for the purpose of opening the mobile phone by stealing the victim B.
