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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울남부지방법원 2017.12.22 2016고단5704

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.


Punishment of the crime

"2016 Highest 5704"

1. The Defendant of the forgery of private document: (a) was a person who operated a “D” mobile phone agency in Eunpyeong-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government; (b) opened a mobile phone to the victim E and the victim F, a middle school alumni, and E, and obtained the victims’ driver’s license by driving; (c) did not obtain consent from the victims; and (d) did so in mind to open an additional mobile phone in the name of the victims without obtaining consent from the victims.

A. On August 17, 2015, the Defendant entered “E”, “G”, “G”, and “H 1 floor in Eunpyeong-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government” in the customer name column, using a test color pen, which was kept at the foregoing mobile phone agent around August 17, 2015, and signed the victim E’s name in the following subscriber column.

B. Around August 17, 2015, the Defendant entered “F”, “I”, “I”, and “H 1 floor in Eunpyeong-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government” in the customer name column, using a verification color pen, and signed the victim F’s name on the following subscriber column: (a) the Defendant entered the victim F’s name in the victim name column; and (b) signed the victim F’s name on the next side.


On August 25, 2015, the Defendant entered “F”, “I”, “I”, and “I first floor in Eunpyeong-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government H 1st floor in the customer name column by using a verification color pen, which was kept in the foregoing mobile phone agency around August 25, 2015, and signed the victim F’s name in the following subscriber column.

As a result, the defendant, for the purpose of uttering, committed each of the above parts of the application for joining the mobile phone in the name of victim E, and two copies of the application for joining the mobile phone in the name of victim F.

2. The Defendant, at each time and place as referred to in paragraph 1, has forged the aforementioned investigation document three times in total.
