A Imprisonment for one year, and each of the defendants B shall be punished by imprisonment for eight months.
However, this decision is delivered to the Defendants.
Punishment of the crime
The Defendants are Korean women in Chinese nationality, and Defendant B is the father of Defendant A.
A tried to apply for a visa for visiting employment (H-2) with the aim of staying in the Republic of Korea and punishing money, but he/she was sentenced to two years of imprisonment by the Permanent People's Court of the City in the roadside in the roadside of China on March 2011 to "an intentional injury" and thus, he/she could not be issued from the authority the "certificate of Unillegal Crime Records" necessary for applying for a visa for visiting employment. As his/her father, he/she had the intent to forge the said documents with Defendant B, who is his/her father.
1. 사문서 위조 피고인 B는 2015. 11. 말경 대한민국 이하 불상지에서 중국에 있는 불상의 위조업자에게 중국 돈 500 위 안을 지불하고 피고인 A의 무위법범죄기록 증명서의 위조를 의뢰하였고, 불상의 위조업자는 그 무렵 불 상의 장소에서 ‘ 无違法犯罪錄證明’ 이라는 제목 하에 성 명란에 ‘A’, 성별 란에 ‘ 男’, 출생일 란에 ‘C’, 신분증 호란에 ‘D’ 이라고 기재한 후 중국 길림성 화 띠 안 시 공안 처 공 길 파출소 명의의 도장을 찍어 행사할 목적으로 사실 증명에 관한 사문서인 중국 길림성 화 띠 안 시 공안 처 공 길 파출소 명의의 무위법범죄기록 증명서 1통을 위조하였다.
As a result, the Defendants conspired with the franchising service providers and forged a copy of the certificate of non-illegal criminal records in the name of the police box in the Chinese franchisium in the event that they became aware of the Chinese flachisation belt on fact-finding.
2. On November 30, 2015, Defendant A, who interfered with the exercise of the above investigation documents and the performance of the official duties by fraudulent means, left China and received a copy of the above certificate of unlawful criminal records from the above non-factor, entered the Republic of Korea on January 7, 2016, and entered the Republic of Korea on January 8, 2016. On January 8, 2016, Defendant A was forged upon Defendant B’s request from the Immigration Office of KRW 39,00, the head of Suwon-gu, Suwon-si, Suwon-si, Suwon-si, the head of the Dong-si, the head of which was