본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 2016.11.02 2016가합100106

1. The defendant shall set forth in the attached Table 2 [Attachment 2] to the plaintiffs.

(5) The amount corresponding to each paragraph shall be stated in the attached Table 3.


1. Basic facts

A. The Defendant is a local public enterprise established to efficiently manage and operate public facilities designated or entrusted by the Daejeon Metropolitan City Mayor, etc., as prescribed by the Ordinance on the Establishment of the Local Public Enterprises Act and the Daejeon Metropolitan City Facilities Management Corporation. 2) The Defendant is divided into (i) general service, (ii) annual salary system (the executives and employees of Grade III or higher who have determined wages by year), and (iii) business (the employees who have concluded an employment contract with no fixed period) in accordance with the forms of employment contract.

The remaining Plaintiffs, excluding Plaintiff A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H (Plaintiff’s heir Nos. 464 through 471; hereinafter “Plaintiff’s heir”), are the workers belonging to the Defendant or retired workers after their work, except the Plaintiff’s heir, and the Plaintiffs listed in the attached Table 2 [Attachment 2] are the employees in general service, the employees in general service, and the employees in general service, and the Plaintiffs listed in the attached Table 3 [Attachment 4] are the employees in office.

3) Meanwhile, I, J, and K were killed while serving as a worker in general service belonging to the Defendant, and their successors inherited their rights and duties as shown in [Attachment 1]. On November 7, 2014, Plaintiff A (3/7), Plaintiff B, and C (2/7), J on June 15, 2013, Plaintiff D (3/7), Plaintiff E, and F (2/7), respectively) [Attachment 1] G, H (1/2] [Attachment 1], and H (1/2].

B. The main contents of the Defendant’s remuneration regulations, welfare rules, customized welfare system operating guidelines, work-related employee management rules, and annual salary system regulations, including the Defendant’s remuneration regulations, are as follows.

Except as otherwise provided for in the Local Public Enterprises Act, the Ordinance on the Establishment of Corporation, the Articles of Incorporation, and other provisions, remuneration for executives and employees under Article 2 (Scope of Application) of the Rules on Remuneration of the Defendant shall

Article 3 (Definition of Terms) The definitions of terms used in the provisions of this Article shall be as follows:

