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텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 2016.08.04 2016고단2998

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than two months.


Punishment of the crime

On July 13, 2016, the Defendant was sentenced to 10 months of imprisonment with prison labor for the crime of forging a private signature at the Suwon Friwon method sources, and the judgment became final and conclusive on July 21, 2016.

1. On July 26, 2015, the Defendant violated the Resident Registration Act: (a) operated the C Costa car without mandatory insurance at the point near the source-dong of Young-gu, Suwon-si, Suwon-si, Suwon-si, and the transportation and survey team office at the transportation and survey team office of the Suwon-gu, Suwon-si, Suwon-si.

“On the investigation of suspicion,” upon the request of the superintendent of the police station affiliated with the Suwon-nam Police Station to state his personal information from Suwon-nam Police Station D, notified the name and resident registration number “F” of the suspect’s birth to the above D, and denied the other person’s resident registration number.

2. The Defendant forged the signature of the company and signed the above investigation at the same time and place as Paragraph 1 of this Article, without authority, entered “E” in the column for the statement of the suspect interrogation protocol prepared by the said D without authority for the purpose of exercising the investigation from the said D, and forged the above E’s signature by using the seal attached thereto, and exercised the above investigation signature by presenting the above suspect interrogation protocol to D.

Summary of Evidence

1. Statement by the defendant in court;

1. A E-document;

1. A written statement of vehicle operation;

1. The self-examination protocol (E);

1. A written appraisal;

1. A previous conviction: Application of a reply to inquiry, such as criminal history, investigation report (verification of the fact that a criminal suspect is pending in trial), investigation report, and Acts and subordinate statutes;

1. Article 37 subparagraph 10 of the relevant Act and Article 37 of the Act on the Registration of Residents of the Selection of Punishment (Unlawful Use of Resident Registration Number, Selection of Imprisonment), Article 239 (1) of the Criminal Act (the point of a signature of a company), Article 239 (2) and Article 239 (1) of the Criminal Act (the point of exercising a signature of the above investigation) concerning criminal facts;

1. The first sentence of Article 39 (1) of the Criminal Act concerning the treatment of concurrent crimes: Provided, That the first sentence of Article 37 (1);

1. The grounds for sentencing under the former part of Article 37 of the Criminal Act, Article 38(1)2, and Article 50 of the Criminal Act, and the contents and methods of the instant crime, and other similar methods prior to the instant case.
