Appellant. An appellant
Final Affairs
Judgment of the lower court
Busan District Court Decision 2005 High Court Decision 1846 delivered on March 16, 2006
The defendant's appeal is dismissed.
1. Summary of grounds for appeal;
피고인의 항소이유의 요지는, 피고인이 이 사건 학원에서 교습한 지루박은 체육시설의 설치·이용에 관한 법률이 규정한 국제표준무도(볼룸댄스)에 포함되지 않는 사교춤에 불과하므로, 위 학원은 학원의 설립·운영 및 과외교습에 관한 법률에서 규정한 ‘학원’에 해당할 뿐, 건축법상의 위락시설인 ‘무도학원’에는 해당하지 않는데도, 이를 무도학원으로 보아 피고인이 신고 없이 근린생활시설인 사무소를 위락시설인 무도학원으로 무단으로 변경하였다는 공소사실을 유죄로 인정한 원심판결에는 사실을 오인하거나 법리를 오해하여 판결결과에 영향을 미친 위법이 있다는 것이다.
2. Determination:
A. First of all, the relevant laws and regulations are as follows.
The Installation and Utilization of Sports Facilities Act (amended by Act No. 7678 of Aug. 4, 2005; hereinafter “Sports Facilities Act”).
Article 10 (Classification and Types of Sports Facility Business)
(1) The athletic facilities business shall be classified as follows:
2. Reported athletic facilities business: Dance institute business.
Attached Table 2 of Article 7 of the Enforcement Decree of the Sports Facilities Act / [Scope of sports facility businesses by type]
9. 무도학원업 : 수강료 등을 받고 국제표준무도(볼룸댄스) 과정을 교습하는 업 (사회교육법·노인복지법 기타 다른 법률에 의하여 허가·등록·신고 등을 필하고 교양강좌로 설치·운영하는 경우와 학원의 설립·운영 및 과외교습에 관한 법률에 의한 학원을 제외한다)
The Building Act (amended by Act No. 7511 of May 26, 2005)
Article 2
(2) The uses of buildings under the provisions of paragraph (1) 2-2 shall be classified as follows, and the types of buildings for each use shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree:
3. Class I neighborhood living facilities;
4. Class II neighborhood living facilities;
12. Amusement facilities;
Article 14 (Change of Use)
(1) Any alteration of the use of a building shall conform to the standards for construction for the altered use.
(2) Any person who intends to change the use of a building, the use of which has been approved pursuant to Article 18, shall report it to the head of a Si/Gun/Gu under the conditions as prescribed by Presidential Decree: Provided, That in cases of changing the use of a building falling under the same facility group pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (3), or in cases as prescribed by Presidential Decree
(3) The groups of facilities shall be classified as follows, and the uses of buildings falling under such groups shall be determined by the Presidential Decree:
1. Business and sales facility group:
2. Cultural and assembly facility group:
3. Industrial facility group:
4. Educational and medical facility group:
5. Residential and business facility group:
6. Other facility group as prescribed by the Presidential Decree.
(4) The uses of buildings falling under the facility group of each subparagraph of Article 14 (3) shall be as follows:
1. Business and sales facility group:
(a) Amusement facilities;
6. Other facility group:
(a) First-class neighborhood living facilities;
(b) Class II neighborhood living facilities;
Attached Table 1 of Article 3-4 of the Enforcement Decree of the Building Act (Types of Buildings by Use)
4. Class II neighborhood living facilities;
(i) Private teaching institutes (limited to those whose total floor area used for the relevant purpose is less than 500 square meters in the same building, and excluding private teaching institutes and dance institutes);
12. Amusement facilities;
(f) Dance halls and dance institutes;
나. 살피건대, 원심이 적법하게 조사, 채택한 증거들에 의하면, 피고인은 근린생활시설용도로 사용승인을 얻은 이 사건 건물에 사교댄스교습소를 차려 놓고 지루박을 교습하는 무도학원을 운영한 사실을 인정할 수 있는바, 위에서 본 관계법령의 규정에 의하면, 피고인이 교습한 춤인 지루박은 국제표준무도(볼룸댄스)에 포함되지 않아 위 학원은 체육시설법 소정의 체육시설에 해당하는 무도학원에는 해당되지 않고 학원의 설립·운영 및 과외교습에 관한 법률이 규정하고 있는 학원에 해당한다 할 것이나, 한편 건축법은 무도학원은 위락시설로, 학원은 근린생활시설로 각 규정하면서 근린생활시설인 학원에서 무도학원을 제외하고 있으므로, 피고인이 운영한 위 학원은 건축법상으로는 학원이 아닌 무도학원에 해당한다 할 것이다.
Therefore, where the defendant operates the above dance institute in the building of this case, which is a neighborhood living facility, the defendant should report to the head of the competent Gu pursuant to Article 14(2) of the Building Act, so the above argument by the defendant is without merit
3. Conclusion
Therefore, the defendant's appeal is without merit, and it is dismissed in accordance with Article 364 (4) of the Criminal Procedure Act. It is so decided as per Disposition.
Judges Shin Chang-chul (Presiding Judge)