본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주지방법원 2018.12.20 2016가합58012

1. The defendant shall make each of the plaintiffs listed in the attached Table 5’s Schedule “Plaintiff” as stated in the “recognized Amount” column, and it shall be as follows.


1. Basic facts

A. 1) The defendant is a legal entity that established pursuant to Article 35 of the Electric Utility Act and carries out the business of opening and operating the electric utility market (Evidence A 1). 2) The plaintiff is employed by the defendant, or retired workers who retired while working.

(C) fact that there is no dispute;

The contents related to this case in the defendant's collective agreement, such as the defendant's collective agreement, employee remuneration regulations, enforcement regulations of employee remuneration regulations, employee salary regulations, and enforcement regulations of employee salary regulations are as follows:

Article 60 (Evidence A 4) (1) All matters concerning the benefits of members of an Exchange shall be governed by the provisions related to wages of members of an Exchange.

The definitions of terms used in the provisions of Article 3 (Definition of Terms) of the Employee Remuneration Regulations (No. 3) shall be as follows:

2. The term “retirement allowances” means overtime work allowances, technical allowances, and special work allowances, other than the standard salary class;

3. The term “ bonus” means the basic bonus and incentive bonus;

Article 4 (Kinds of Remuneration) Remuneration shall be classified into base salary, allowances, bonuses, and retirement allowances.

Article 5 (Standard Salary Grades) The basic salary grade table for each class of employees shall be as specified in attached Table 1.

Provided, That in cases of members who become members after May 28, 2009, the standard salary grade table in attached Table 1-1 shall apply.

Article 12 (Reward) (1) Bonuses shall be classified into basic bonuses and incentives, and incentives bonuses shall be differentiated according to the results of the management performance evaluation of the previous year.

(2) The annual rate of payment of basic bonuses shall be 300%, and the rate of payment of incentives shall be determined according to the results of the management performance evaluation.

(3) The method of calculating bonuses shall be determined by multiplying the calculation standards of bonuses by the payment rate.

(4) Detailed matters concerning the payment of incentives and bonuses, such as the methods of management performance evaluation and payment rates by grade shall be separately determined.

(5) Detailed matters concerning bonuses, such as standards for calculation of bonuses and timing of payment.
