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텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주지방법원 2017.02.24 2016고단3766


A Imprisonment with labor for one year, for four months, for Defendant C and E, for each fine of two million won, and Defendant D.


Punishment of the crime

"2016 Highest 3766"

1. Defendant A

A. On April 2016, the Defendant violated the Act on the Punishment of Acts, etc. of Arranging sexual traffic (such as brokerage, etc. of sexual traffic) was a person who operates a sexual traffic business establishment on the third floor of the commercial building located in the Seo-gu in Gwangju, Seo-gu, Gwangju, with the trade name "K", and had female employees employed to cause them to engage in similar acts against customers finding the said business establishment.

From April 20, 2016 to June 13, 2016, the Defendant installed 8 rooms with shower rooms and simplified beds, etc. at the above business establishment, and provided guidance to the inside room by receiving additional fees of 30,000 won from the name and non-name customers with an average of 8 passengers per day, and caused female employees to engage in a similar sexual intercourse that may stimulate the sexual organ of the customer by hand.

Accordingly, the defendant arranged sexual traffic for business purposes.

B. As above, the Defendant in violation of the Medical Service Act employed employees L, M, etc. who did not obtain recognition of qualifications for massage companies while operating the K, and provided guidance to the inside room after receiving 5 to 120,000 won from the 10-day average customers in accordance with the courses, and had the said employee take care of her hand, such as taking care of her hand or taking care of her hand.

As a result, the Defendant established a massage place even though he was not a massage doctor.

2. On May 13, 2016, Defendant B, while operating the said “K” with the business as seen above, operated the said “K,” in order to assist the Defendant in committing the crime by facilitating the commission of the crime by providing customers with pre-contract calls from around June 13, 2016 and providing them with information on the inside room where female employees are located.

Defendant A, around April 20, 2016, employs N, who entered the Republic of Korea in the capacity of visa exemption (B-1) at the above “K” around April 20, 2016, employs M, who entered the Republic of Korea in the same capacity as around April 21, 2016, employs M, who enters the Republic of Korea in the same capacity as around April 21, 201, and on May 5, 2016.
