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텍스트 조절
(영문) 춘천지방법원 2018.06.21 2017고단1268

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for a period of two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

【Status and Business Affairs of Defendant and B】 The Defendant was the person who was the head of the “D” national or public childcare center in Chuncheon City, and B is the person who was the head of the said childcare center as the head of the said childcare center.

【Support for Personnel Expenses for Former Infant Care Teachers by the State, etc.】 The State or a local government may fully or partially subsidize expenses incurred in infant care services, such as personnel expenses for infant care teachers, operating expenses incurred in excess infant care, promotion of the welfare of infant care teachers and staff, provision of vulnerable infant care services, etc. The Minister of Health and Welfare shall pay 80% of the personnel expenses for infant care teachers of Young-do to the State in accordance with the guidelines of "Guidance for Infant Care Services" in 2016 and 2017.

【A person who commits a crime” shall not receive subsidies from the State, metropolitan organizations or local governments or appropriate subsidies by fraud or other improper means.

Nevertheless, on March 1, 2016, the Defendant sent a document stating that the above B was appointed as an infant care teacher in exclusive charge of infants in the above childcare center under the name of the Chuncheon City Mayor on March 1, 2016, and on March 21, 2016, on the basis of the above report, on March 21, 2016, the Defendant applied for the payment of personnel expenses for infant care teachers in exclusive charge for the above B to the Chuncheon City Mayor on March 2016.

However, in fact, B was not an infant care teacher of the above infant care center, but an infant care teacher of the above infant care center who is mainly in charge of administrative affairs for the above child care center.

The Defendant, as above, was paid KRW 1,887,300 to the E account (Account Number:F) in the name of the above “D” childcare center from the Chuncheon market on March 24, 2016, which is a subsidy for state-owned projects, from March 24, 2016, as well as the Defendant, from May 15, 2017, to KRW 28,438,570 to KRW 80 to the above 80% of the personnel expenses of B from the Chuncheon market, as shown in the list of crimes in the attached list of crimes.
