The defendant shall be innocent.
1. In the facts charged, the Defendant is a person who serves as a teacher of the branch of the D Child Care Center in Jeju, as a teacher of the branch of the branch of the D Child Care Center.
No person shall commit any physical abuse against a child, which may injure his/her body, or injure his/her physical health and development, or emotional abuse which may injure the mental health and development of his/her child.
피고인은 2016. 3. 16. 11:38경 위 D 어린이집 지혜로운반 교실에서 피해자 E(5세)이 교실에서 잠바를 벗지 않고 말을 듣지 않는다는 이유로 피해자를 잡아들고 교실 밖으로 나갔다가 같은 날 12:24경 피해자를 안고 들어와 교실 구석에 던지 듯 내려놓고, 피해자의 잠바를 피해자의 얼굴에 던진 후 발로 피해자의 배부위를 1회 찼다.
Therefore, the defect that the victim intends to move out of the classroom, the defendant was able to sit down with the shoulder of the victim, and the bridge of the victim can not be separated. The defect that the victim intends to see and see the defendant, the defendant also sees the victim's face four times by driving off the part of the bridge and driving off the victim's face with his hand, and the victim's body cannot be frightd.
After that, the defendant set up the victim to leave the classroom, and the defendant was faced with the victim by pushing the victim in the classroom room, and the defendant was unable to get the victim from the classroom room.
As a result, the Defendant committed emotional abuse that may injure the body or physical health and development of a child, or that may injure the mental health and development of a child.
The prosecutor applied Nos. 3 and 5 among prohibited acts under Article 17 of the Child Welfare Act, but it is not clear whether he/she was prosecuted for a single crime, or prosecuted for a multiple crime, but it is considered as follows.