본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원 동부지원 2013.04.18 2012고정1320

The prosecution of this case is dismissed.


1. The Defendant, prior to the facts charged, was believed to have obtained a fraud for the year of the yacht inspection of the vessel when purchasing one yacht with the victim C’s introduction, and was not good between the victim and the victim:

A. On October 201, 201, the Defendant’s “E” owned by the Defendant at anchored in the Busan Shipping Daegu DY Stak Stak Stak Stak St., and the victim openly insults the victim by saying “C is a fraudulent change” in front of the “E” yacht;

B. At the above “E” yachts from the date in which 2011, the victim openly insults the victim by saying “C is replaced by fraud.”

C. On November 201, 201, on the job in the “I” office operated by the Defendant located in the Busan Shipping Daegu H, Busan, the victim C, who was sexually insultingd the victim by stating “the victim, J, K, L, F, etc., with the large interest of “the victim, who was sexually damaged by the brupt, the brupted bom, and the brupted flap flap, the brued flap.”

2. The crime of the above facts charged is an offense subject to prosecution (Articles 311 and 312(1)). Since the victim withdraws the complaint against the Defendant on March 5, 2013 after the prosecution, the prosecution of this case is dismissed in accordance with Article 327 subparag. 5 of the Criminal Procedure Act.
