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텍스트 조절
(영문) 인천지방법원 2019.10.17 2019고단4322

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

30,000 won shall be additionally collected from the defendant.

The additional collection charge shall be equivalent to the above additional collection charge.


Punishment of the crime

[Criminal Power] On June 23, 2016, the Defendant was sentenced to ten months of imprisonment with prison labor for a violation of the Act on the Control of Narcotics, etc. at the Incheon District Court on February 2, 2017 and completed the execution of the above punishment.

【Criminal Facts】

"2019 Highest 4322" Defendant dealt with narcotics as follows, although he is not a person handling narcotics:

1. At around 20:00 on March 2019, the Defendant: (a) received psychotropic drugs from Mebampacters (one philopon; hereinafter “philopon”) from Mebampacters (one philopon; hereinafter “philopon”); (b) received Melopon using a one-time injection device containing approximately 0.08g of psychotropic drugs; and (c) administered melopon by dilutioning the Melopon with water in the said one-time injection device.

2. Around June 17, 2019, the Defendant received a one-time injection device with approximately 0.06 gopon from H within H’s car parked near G located in Michuhol-gu Incheon Metropolitan City. The Defendant received a penphone.

3. On June 17, 2019, the Defendant: (a) inserted phiphones received from the I building of Michuhol-gu Incheon Metropolitan City and from his own dwelling in a single-use injection machine; (b) dilution with water; and (c) administered phiphones by means of injection with arms blood cells.

Around February 13, 2019, the Defendant, “2019 Highest 5764,” even if he is not a person handling narcotics, administered them by means of inserting approximately 0.07gg of psychotropic drugs in a single-use injection machine, dilution them into the knife, etc., and dilution them into the knife, etc.

Summary of Evidence

1. Previous convictions: Criminal records, investigation reports (verification of repeated crimes of suspects, attachment of judgment, etc. on crimes involving narcotics, etc.), and personal confinement status "2019No432";

1. Defendant's legal statement;

1. The suspect examination protocol of K by the prosecution;

1. Seizure records;

1. Written appraisal of narcotics;

1. Each investigation report (revision of a crime and calculation of an additional collection charge);

1. A mobile phone;
