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텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원 2017.12.06 2017고단5462

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for two years.


Punishment of the crime

In order to establish a call center in the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as "China"), the Defendant planned to commit the crime of deceiving the victims as if they were involved in the crime by deceiving their employees, etc. of the Financial Supervisory Service by deceiving them as if they were involved in the crime, and receiving cash directly from them (hereinafter referred to as " Bosishing crime"), after having them go through telephone calls by using data bees in which personal information such as contact information was stored, and misrepresenting them to the prosecutor or the prosecutor's office investigator, etc.

In accordance with the above crime plan, “C” plays a role in exercising overall control over phishing crimes, such as telephone inducement management, and giving a specific direction to the cash collection book; Do, etc., as a means of inducing a large number of unspecified domestic victims to withdraw cash from the account and deliver the cash to the book; Do, etc., as a means of attracting a large number of victims in China, the Defendant, who is an employee of the Financial Supervisory Service, using forged identification cards in accordance with the instructions of all policies in Korea, was using a falsified identification card to collect and transfer cash from the victims of the phishing organization to the total book; Do, a guarantee book of the phishing organization, stayed in China; and Do, etc., as a means of checking the name of the victim of the phishing organization located in China; and Do, etc., explained the situation of cash transfer to the police officer, first of all, in which the Defendant, as an employee of the phishing organization, was in charge of collecting cash from the victim of the phishing organization.

In accordance with the above public offering, a nameless telephone is made.
