1. The Defendants jointly do so and jointly with the Plaintiff KRW 533,831,957, and KRW 5,000,000 and each of the above amounts to the Plaintiff A.
1. Basic facts
A. Status 1) Defendant C Hospital (hereinafter “Defendant C Hospital”)
(2) A local medical center is a local medical center established pursuant to the Act on the Establishment and Operation of Local Medical Centers, the Medical Service Act, and the Ordinance on the Establishment and Operation of C Hospital, and Defendant D is an emergency medical doctor employed by the Defendant Hospital, and Defendant E is a medical specialist in film and video who is employed by the Defendant Hospital. (2) Plaintiff A (FF) is a person who was provided medical treatment with Plaintiff’s home care on April 15, 201, and Plaintiff B is the father of Plaintiff A.
나. 원고 A의 피고 병원 내원 경위 원고 A은 2011. 4. 15. 오후 하굣길에 학교 근처 분식집에서 떡볶이 등의 음식을 먹고 화장실에 갔다가 갑자기 의식을 잃고 쓰러졌고, 이후 원고 A의 친구들에 의해 발견되어, 같은 날 16:41경 피고 병원 응급실로 이송되었다.
C. Plaintiff A’s medical staff at the Defendant Hospital’s medical staff 1) at the time the Plaintiff arrived at the Defendant Hospital, stating that the Plaintiff’s food condition at the time of the arrival of the Defendant Hospital stated that the Plaintiff’s condition of anti-comuous (Seminous and nursing records of the Defendant Hospital indicated that the Plaintiff’s condition of the Plaintiff’s “welves, have a common sense, but does not seem to have some reaction.”
The medical personnel of the Defendant Hospital was the Plaintiff’s director X-ray, blood tests, and brain computer shotgraphing (hereinafter “brain”) against the Plaintiff according to the direction of the Defendant D by the Head of the Department.
(2) On April 15, 201, the medical personnel at Defendant Hospital, including Defendant E and Defendant D, in charge of brain CT test and ste reading to Plaintiff A, determined that there was no special opinion as a result of brain CT test with respect to Plaintiff A, which was conducted around April 16, 201, and diagnosed Plaintiff A as a mipathic mal mal malutism (certificate).
3. A around April 15, 201, around the retirement of Defendant D on April 18, 201, Plaintiff A transferred the status and content of the Plaintiff A’s medical professionals, including G, etc., from that time until April 16, 2011, to G, etc.