본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 전주지방법원 2015.11.27 2013가단32323

1. The Defendant: (a) KRW 39,331,012 to Plaintiff A; (b) KRW 2,00,000 to Plaintiff B; and (c) KRW 500,000 to Plaintiff C and the same D respectively.


1. Occurrence of liability for damages;

A. Based on the facts, Plaintiff A is the victim of the traffic accident as set forth in paragraph (2) below. Plaintiff C and Plaintiff B are the children of Plaintiff C and Plaintiff B. The Defendant is the non-life insurance company that entered into an insurance contract with Nonparty A, which caused the traffic accident as set forth in paragraph (2) below (F special work vehicle, the insured is the non-party A, which entered into an insurance contract with the insured vehicle (hereinafter “Defendant”) which caused the traffic accident as set forth in paragraph (2) below. Plaintiff A following the occurrence of the traffic accident in this case, around 16:30 of August 28, 2010, when the traffic accident in this case occurred, the G vehicle (hereinafter “Plaintiff”) was in the vicinity of Kim Jong-dong, Kim Jong-si, at the right speed of the front left-hand of the vehicle at the speed of 70km from the front left-hand speed of the vehicle at the front-hand speed of Defendant Kim Jong-si, which was operated by the non-party name purchaser to the left-hand side of the vehicle at issue.

(3) After the Plaintiff’s accident, the Plaintiff complained of the bareboat and the left side of August 28, 2010, immediately after the accident, and hospitalized in H Hospital. However, the Plaintiff did not return to the hospital after having completed 20:00 out of the country (out of 11 days after the 20:0 of the same day) and having returned to the hospital at around 13:00 of the following day ( August 29, 2010). The Plaintiff’s 16:0 out of the country (out of 9:0 days after the 20:00 out of the country) and did not return to the hospital (in the course of the fact inquiry into H Hospital, see the part of the nursing record from August 30, 2010 to August 30, 2010).
