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텍스트 조절
(영문) 춘천지방법원 2013.12.27 2011고합266 (1)

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of two years and six months and a fine of five hundred thousand won.

When the defendant does not pay the above fine.


Criminal facts

"2011 Gohap266"

1. On July 22, 201, the Defendant was unemployed to commit suicide with his wife, such as not having any relation with his family. On July 22, 201, at around 04:00, the Defendant was familiar with D in the Bupyeong-gu Incheon, Bupyeong-gu, Incheon, “Eel” 203, and was placed in the entrance, “Eel” 203, which was operated by D, and the Defendant laid up a string and garbage in advance on the table table, and had the fire spread on the wall of the said guest room, etc. via the wall by attaching the fire by using gas gas.

As a result, the Defendant, including D, destroyed part of the Maur Building owned by approximately 20 persons, including 8,400,400 won, such as repair cost, etc.

2. Larceny;

A. At around 02:40 on July 18, 201, the Defendant: (a) committed an Internet game in the “GPC room” located in Sinposi F, Sinposi; (b) thereby, the Defendant stolen one of the victim H-owned smartphones, which was located adjacent to the Plaintiff, using a gap in the market price of KRW 950,00,000.

B. On July 29, 201, at around 16:00 on July 29, 201, the Defendant: (a) committed theft by using a gap in which surveillance of one of the victim’s market value, which was posted at the reading room managed by J Residents’ Center in Chuncheon City I, the second victim K, using one ticket at the reading room.

"2013 Gohap104"

1. Larceny;

A. On January 8, 2013, around 02:00, the Defendant: (a) committed theft with 3 mobile phone 1, cash 20,000 won; and (b) 3 physical cards posted crebs in the work clothes of another victim, which were located in the victim’s work crebs of the victim’s crebs.

B. At around 12:50 on July 5, 2013, the Defendant: (a) stolen the victim’s cash 51,000 won in the victim’s possession, and a wall with identification card; (b) on July 5, 2013, the Defendant stolen the victim’s crepit in the N in Gwangjin-gu Seoul Special Metropolitan City.

2. On June 22, 2013, the Defendant for the larceny of a structure at night, Seoul.
