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텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 여주지원 2012.10.19 2012고단468


A Imprisonment for 6 months, 1 year of imprisonment for Defendant B, 8 months of imprisonment for Defendant C and 1 year of imprisonment for Defendant D.


Punishment of the crime

On September 20, 201, Defendant D was sentenced to 10 months of imprisonment with prison labor and 2 years of suspended execution on September 28, 201, for violation of the Game Industry Promotion Act at the Suwon District Court Eunpyeong Housing Site.

Criminal facts

1. No person other than Defendant A person handling narcotics shall carry, possess, use, transport, control, import, export, manufacture, prepare, administer, administer, trade, assist in trade of, possess, give or receive, or deliver, psychotropic drugs;

Notwithstanding the absence of a person handling narcotics, the Defendant:

A. At around 20:00 at the end of May 2008, at the fifth-story guest room in K, the Defendant’s arms injection was made by dilution the weight weight of L in a single-use injection machine into a raw water and melting it into the Defendant’s arms.

B. On June 1, 2008, a police officer administered L in the same place by dilution the weight and microphones contained in L with a single-use scopic scopic scopic scopic scopic into the Defendant’s arms bloodline.

2. No person other than Defendant B, who is not a person handling narcotics, shall possess, possess, use, transport, control, import, export, manufacture, prepare, administer, trade, assist in trade of, possess, deliver, receive, or deliver psychotropic drugs;

Notwithstanding the absence of a person handling narcotics, the Defendant:

A. On April 8, 2011, around 01:00, the Defendant transferred 1.2 million won of philopon to the preceding NN in the Defendant’s Mdiversified car parked in the vicinity of the Ethical sports site located in Ischeon-si, Leecheon-si, and purchased and sold the 0.6g of philopon, which was contained in the disposable injection machine that the Defendant received by theO.

B. At around 02:40 on the same day as the above paragraph (a), in the second floor plan for the Defendant’s residence located in Ischeon-si, the amount equivalent to 0.1g of phiphones purchased as above paragraph (a) was dumped into a single-use divers and administered them in a way of injection into the arms bloodline.

C. At around 16:00 on April 12, 201, at the same time in the same manner as the penphone in the same place as the above paragraph (b).
