1. On January 24, 2018, the Defendant’s appointment of local public officials of Seoul Special Metropolitan City for the Plaintiff on January 24, 2017 is added.
1. Details of the disposition;
A. On August 16, 2017, the Defendant publicly announced the Seoul Metropolitan Government Guidelines for Additional Examinations for Appointment of Local Public Officials in accordance with the Guidelines for Increase in Local Public Officials in the latter part of the second half of 2017 as follows.
Methods and subjects of examination;
(a) 12th test method: multiple-choice written test (joint-choice questions entrusted by the Minister of Personnel Management): - 100 out of 10 points per subject, 4 choice-1 type 20 points per subject, and 1 minute per subject: Interviews - Only those who have passed the 12th test can take the third test;
(b) Scope of subjects to be drawn for senior subjects from among those of class 9: Law, politics, economy, social culture - Science: physical education 1, chemical I, life sciences Ⅰ, global science - Education - Education 1, education Ⅱ, probability and statistics, unsatisfying class 9 of the subject to the examination (refer to Article 50-2 of the Decree on the Appointment of Local Public Officials). The examination schedule is applied to resolve points to eliminate the differences in points due to differences in difficulty between the selected subjects of the open competitive appointment examination
B. The Defendant conducted a written examination on December 16, 2017 (hereinafter “instant written examination”) in accordance with the foregoing public notice, and stated only one answer that is most appropriate for the purport of the provision in the column of the direction for the applicants for the sign of the examination in the test site.
C. Of the written examination of this case, the following issues (hereinafter “instant issues”) were drawn up at five times:
5. 다음 자료에 해당하는 나라에 대한 설명으로 옳지 않은 것은 대가(大家)들은 농사를 짓지 않고, 앉아서 먹는 자(坐食者)가 1만여 명이나 된다.
He/she shall provide rice, grain, water scrap, and salt at a distance of nho Lakes.
큰 창고가 없고 집집마다 작은 창고가 있어 부경(京)이라고 부른다.
- 『삼국지』- ① 전쟁에 나갈 때 우제점(牛蹄占)을 쳐서 승패를 예측했다.
② The head of the Si/Gun/Gu had presented his/her ear, and also presented his/her ear and resignation.
(3) Gold, silver.