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텍스트 조절
(영문) 창원지방법원마산지원 2015.12.18 2015가합100723

1. Defendant Samsung Fire Marine Insurance Co., Ltd.: (a) KRW 137,586,717 for the Plaintiff and its related amount from April 8, 2015 to April 2015.


1. Basic facts

A. The status of the party is a person who runs a mutual aid business established pursuant to the Trucking Transport Business Act and engages in the mutual aid business, and entered into a mutual aid agreement with the limited liability company (hereinafter “the instant car truck”). Defendant Samsung Fire and Marine Insurance Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Defendant Samsung Fire & Marine Co., Ltd.”) with respect to the instant car (hereinafter “instant fish code car”), Defendant Hyundai Marine Fire & Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Defendant Hyundai Sea”) entered into a comprehensive automobile insurance contract with respect to the instant car (hereinafter “instant car”)

B. 1) E, around 05:10 on September 23, 2013, 2013, driving the instant fish code car and operating it at a point 111 km away (hereinafter “instant road”) on the south Sea Highway, which is located in the Materne, Mansan-gun, Hanan-gun, Hannam-gun, Hannam-do.

During the two-lanes, while driving along the three-lanes, it was discovered that the height of the side on the right side of the running direction entered and was driven rapidly. E was driven by a sudden operation on the left side and right side, and came to turn two times in the half direction, and the G Poter truck driven driven by F while driving on the two-lanes of the above road (hereinafter “instant damaged truck”).

2) The lower part of the lower part on the right side of the loading box was shocked with the fences and even door parts of the fish code car driver’s seat (hereinafter “first accident”).

2) In the instant accident, the instant damage truck stopped in the reverse direction over the first and second lanes, and the instant damage truck stopped in the direction of two: (a) the instant damage truck stopped in the direction of two: (b) the direction of two: (c) H driving the instant multi-use vehicle along the four-lanes; and (d) H driving the instant multi-use vehicle into the first lane of the instant road. However, the instant damage truck stopped in the reverse direction over the first and second lanes.
