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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 안동지원 2019.01.24 2019고합3

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten months.

A candidate for medical treatment and custody shall be punished by medical treatment and custody.


Criminal facts

The facts of the cause of medical treatment and custody [criminal facts] Defendant and the applicant for medical treatment and custody (hereinafter referred to as “Defendant”) reside in the third floor of a building located in B at the time of permanent residence, and the victim C (V, 69 years old) is a person who operates the loss of the name “D” on the first floor of the above building with the trade name “D,” and the victim E (V, 60 years old) is a victim C’s friendship.

The Defendant committed the following crimes under the lack of the ability or decision-making capacity to discern things due to “cerebral cerebral le, or any other brain damage and functional failure, etc.”:

1. On May 26, 2018, the Defendant suffered special injury: (a) around 09:20 on May 26, 2018, when opening the back door by the victim C of ordinary peace, and (b) the victim said that “I shall die of this year”; (c) the victim said that “I shall be dead,” and (d) when the victim’s right part of the materials for stech lease, which is dangerous object, has increased the string of the materials for stech lease, then the victim sprinked the victim with the string of the number of days of treatment.

Accordingly, the defendant carried dangerous objects and inflicted an injury on the victim.

2. On May 31, 2018, at around 20:08, the Defendant: (a) discovered the victim C from the loss of the above rank while working, and the victim discovered the victim C from the out of the locking point of view; (b) went to the victim for the same year; and (c) went to the victim.

Accordingly, the victim was sent to the “G restaurant” operated by F, which is located in the first floor of the above building, and the defendant went to the above restaurant according to the victim, and the F prevented the defendant, thereby getting out of the above restaurant.

그 후 피고인은 위 식당 앞 노상에서 F과 이야기를 나누던 중, 위 식당에서 나오는 피해자를 발견하자 양 주먹으로 피해자의 얼굴과 머리 부위를 수차례 가격하고, 그 충격으로 바닥에 머리를 찧고 누워있던 피해자의 머리 부위를 오른발로 1차례 강하게 밟은 후 양 주먹으로 피해자의 얼굴 및 머리 부위를 수차례 가격하였으며,...
