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텍스트 조절
(영문) 인천지방법원 2015.11.12 2015고합305


A shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for a year and two months, and by imprisonment with prison labor for a year.


A 3,000,000 won,


Punishment of the crime

[criminal record] On December 9, 201, Defendant B was sentenced to a suspended sentence of two years for a violation of the Attorney-at-Law Act at the Seoul Central District Court on October 10, 201, and the judgment became final and conclusive on December 17, 201.

【Criminal Facts】

No person shall receive or promise to receive money, valuables, entertainment or other benefits under the pretext of solicitation or arrangement with respect to cases or affairs handled by public officials.

Nevertheless, Defendant A misrepresented a senior position in the Cheongdae, and Defendant B pretended to be a pro-friendly post, and accessed the victim G by pretending that it was a pro-North Korean employee, and Defendant A was committed as if he was a senior executive. Defendant B, as a senior senior public official of the former office, conspired to use the victim’s civil petition through Defendant A by deceiving the victim with money from the victim, and then acquired the total amount of KRW 97 million through the following four times.

1. On April 6, 2009, Defendants of fraud and Violation of the Attorney-at-Law Act concluded that, around 17:30 on April 6, 2009, the Defendants were false on the front of the branch office of the New Bank of Korea located in the Seosan-do, Busan, Seosan-do, Busan, the Defendants did not have worked in the Cheongdae-do, and Defendant B did not have any intention or ability to obtain permission for the construction of golf courses from the authority that permitted the construction of golf courses of 1430,000 square meters away from the Busan, the Defendant B, despite of the lack of intention or ability to obtain from the authority that permitted the construction

As above, the Defendants, under the pretext of deceiving the victims as well as soliciting or arranging the affairs handled by the public officials, acquired KRW 5 million in cash for the expenses related to permission for the construction of golf courses from the victims.

2. The Defendants’ fraud, April 23, 2009, at the victim’s house located in the Busan Y around 15:00 on April 23, 2009, at the victim’s house located in the Busan Y, the Defendants were in the Cheongdae as above.
