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텍스트 조절
(영문) 의정부지방법원 고양지원 2017.09.07 2017고단1070

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.

However, the execution of the above sentence shall be suspended for a period of two years from the date this judgment became final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

The defendant and the victim C were legally married on November 22, 2000, which completed the marriage report on November 22, 2000, but currently are in the divorce lawsuit.

From around 2005, the Defendant borrowed and used the amount of KRW 60 million for the business funds incurred while operating the company E from around 201 to around 201.

When it is no longer possible to grant additional loans due to existing loans, the defendant thought that he/she will use the loans in business funds, living expenses, repayment of existing loans, etc. under the name of the victim C.

1. The part regarding the Rod Co., Ltd. Collection Center

A. On September 7, 2015, the Defendant entered the “Loan Contract” paper sent from D offices located in Gyeyang-gu F to the said KOF Collection Center, in the form of a “Loan Contract,” the Defendant entered the signature of C in name next to the name, stating in C, the amount of KRW 5,00,000,000, which was entered in the column for the first loan column (5,000,000), the amount of KRW 5,000,000,000, which was entered in the column for the first loan column, “5,000,000,000,0000, on the date of signing the contract, September 07, 2015, the date of maturity of the contract, October 07, 200, and gender C, respectively.

Accordingly, for the purpose of uttering, the Defendant forged Chapter C’s “Loan Transaction Agreement” in the name of private document C, which is a private document on rights and obligations.

B. The Defendant sent a copy of a loan transaction agreement in the name of C forged at the time and place mentioned in paragraph (1) to the employee in charge who is aware of the forgery by mail and exercised the same as the authentic document.

2. The portion regarding industry and loan;

A. On September 7, 2015, the Defendant sent from the “Loan Contract” paper, which was sent from D offices located in Gyeyang-gu, Gyeyang-gu, Seoyang-gu, Seoul to the said Co., Ltd. and the said Co., Ltd. to the said Co., Ltd., by using a verification color pen to the Defendant’s debt column, 3,000,000 apartment complex in the Gyeonggi-gu, Youngyang-gu, Gyeonggi-gu, Gyeonggi-gu, the amount of loan, 2015-09-07 of the contract date, 2018-02-26 of the contract date, and customer column.
