본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 춘천지방법원 속초지원 2013.10.24 2013고합33


A shall be punished by imprisonment for eight months, by a fine of three thousand won,00,000 won, respectively.

However, as to Defendant A, this shall not apply.


Punishment of the crime

1. The Defendants jointly committed the crimes of the Defendants resolved to go home to the victim’s house when the victims were able to drink alcohol in the victim’s D (55 years of age, 55 years of age, E) and cafeteria, and the victim returned home. A.

around 21:50 on May 31, 2013, the Defendants violated the Punishment of Violences, etc. Act (joint residence intrusion) led the victim’s G seated house located in Gangwon Yangyang-gun F, and did not open the door so that the victim would not open the door. Defendant A used alcohol alone, thereby destroying the entrance door door door glass, and the Defendants went back to the room inside the house.

Accordingly, the Defendants jointly intruded upon the victim’s residence.

B. Defendants who violate the Punishment of Violences, etc. Act (joint violence) are above Ga.

At the time of port entry, Defendant B, in his hand, flabed with the breath of the victim’s flab, and flabed with the flab, Defendant A opened a window on the rail outside the house and flabed with the victim’s chest.

Accordingly, the Defendants jointly assaulted the victim.

2. Defendant A’s property damage and damage to Defendant A’s property

In the time and time of entry in the port, by means of gathering and throwing away from the above G inside and outside, the glass bars (180cm X 150cm) 2, which are owned by the victim D, damaged the victim’s disease, such as 150cc x 150cc mm), 1 berara, 10cc, 10 times, 10 times, and 10 times, 150,000 won of the cost of repair, and 3 times, the market value of the glass windows in the aggregate of the cost of repair, which are worth KRW 150,000,000 of the cost of repair.

3. The Defendants’ insult

A. Defendant A’s above 1-A

In light of the date and time stated in the above paragraph, the police officer of the Seocho Police Station, who was dispatched after receiving a report in front of the above G, and the assistant police officer of the same He Police Station, who belongs to the same He Police Station, the victim, resisted the Defendant and B in order to arrest the Defendant and B as a flagrant offender, and the above D, K autonomous police officer, three, and B are heard.
