본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대법원 2007. 12. 13. 선고 2005다66770 판결
[손해배상(기)]〈수능 반올림 점수 사건〉[공2008상,10]
Main Issues

[1] Whether the examination implementer or the person in charge of screening process has discretion in preparing and allocating points, marking or interviewing points, detailed method and criteria for calculating points, selection of successful applicants, etc. in relation to the College College Ability Test and admission screening by each university or college (affirmative) and the criteria for determining its illegality

[2] In the College Ability Test, whether the act of notifying the university of the "displacement by anti-conplacement by anti-conplacement" policy and the scores drawn off according thereto constitutes a work process belonging to the scope of discretion of the Minister of Education and Human Resources Development (affirmative)

Summary of Judgment

[1] In the admission process for each university or college, not only the College Ability Test in charge of the state's implementation and management, but also each university or college entrance screening, questions and points, decision-making, marking or interview method, detailed calculation method and standard of points, and the selection of successful applicants are, in principle, entrusted to the decision-making of the test executor's own policy or autonomous decision-making by the person in charge of screening procedure. However, it is illegal only when the method or standard violates the Constitution or laws or loses excessive rationality and objective legitimacy, or when it is judged that the method or standard was considerably unreasonable or unreasonable in light of the purpose of examination or entrance screening and the purpose of entrance screening, or when it is judged that the discretionary power was abused or abused.

[2] In relation to the implementation and management of the Collegetic Ability Test (hereinafter “AD”) the Korea Institute of Education and Human Resources Planning, which is entrusted by the Minister of Education and Human Resources Development and the Minister of Education and Human Resources Development in relation to the performance and management of the College Ability Test (hereinafter “AD”) shall have broad discretion based on the unique expertise and policy decision-making in order to measure the ability of education necessary for university education and to achieve the policy purpose of fostering creative human resources by contributing to the normalization of high school education. In this respect, the act of notifying the university of the policy of “the abolition of a minority number by antilim” and the points written off accordingly, shall be deemed to fall within the scope of the above discretion-making by the Minister of Education and Human Resources Development and Human Resources Development in relation to the performance and management of the ADD Test, and it shall not be deemed that the act of notifying the university as the applicant only the points written off by each area of the university as the basis for general tort liability or national liability.

[Reference Provisions]

[1] Article 2(1) of the State Compensation Act, Article 750 of the Civil Act, Article 34(3) of the Higher Education Act, Article 36(1) of the Enforcement Decree of the Higher Education Act, Article 44(4)2 of the Regulations on Delegation and Entrustment of Administrative Authority / [2] Article 2(1) of the State Compensation Act, Article 750 of the Civil Act, Article 34(3) of the Higher Education Act, Article 36(1) of the Enforcement Decree of the Higher Education Act, Article 44(4)2 of the Regulations on Delegation and Entrustment of Administrative Authority


Plaintiff 1 and one other (Law Firm Jin Law, Attorneys Yi-min et al., Counsel for the plaintiff-appellant)


[Defendant-Appellant] Plaintiff 1 and 1 other (Law Firm Korea, Attorney Kim Jong-soo, Counsel for defendant-appellant)

Judgment of the lower court

Seoul High Court Decision 2005Na1447 delivered on October 13, 2005


The judgment below is reversed and the case is remanded to Seoul High Court.


The grounds of appeal are examined.

1. In principle, the method and criteria for setting questions and marking points, decision-making, marking or interview, specific method and method of calculation of points, successful applicants' selection, etc. for each university or college entrance screening, as well as the able examination to be in charge of its implementation and management pursuant to the Acts and subordinate statutes, are matters belonging to a wide range of discretion and discretion, as it is left to the inherent policy decision of the test executor or autonomous decision-making of the screening procedure manager. However, if the method and criteria are contrary to the Constitution or laws or are too unreasonable and lack of objective legitimacy, or if it is determined that the method and criteria are considerably unreasonable or unjust in light of the purpose of the test or entrance screening, and the purpose of the entrance screening, and relevant

2. 원심판결 이유에 의하면, 원심은, (1) 판시 각 증거를 종합하여, 피고 대한민국 산하 교육인적자원부(당시 ‘교육부’)는 1998. 10. 19. 발표한 ‘2002 대입제도 개선안’에서, 대학수학능력시험(이하 ‘수능시험’이라고 함) 점수를 대학 입학의 최소 자격기준으로만 사용하거나 점수를 사용하더라도 그 입학 여부 결정에 미치는 영향력이 대폭 낮아지는 입학환경을 상정하여 제도개선을 검토한다는 기본전제하에 수능시험 보완책의 하나로서, 그동안 ‘변별력 제고’라는 이유로 시행되어 왔던 소수점 배점이 석차화를 부추길 수 있다는 이유로 2002학년도 수능시험부터는 이를 폐지하기로 한 사실, ‘행정권한의 위임 및 위탁에 관한 규정’에 의하여 교육인적자원부장관으로부터 수능시험 관련 업무를 위탁받아 수능시험의 시험영역, 출제문항, 배점 및 시험시간, 출제형식, 성적통지 등 기술적인 사항에 관한 세부시행계획을 수립하고 이를 기초로 수능시험을 연 1회 실시하는 피고 한국교육과정평가원(이하 ‘피고 평가원’이라고 함)은, 2002학년도 수능시험에서 소수점 배점까지 폐지할 경우 배점단계가 축소되어 문항제작상의 어려움이 있는 점 등을 감안하여, 영역별 문항당 배점은 각 문항의 교육과정상 중요도, 소요시간, 난이도 등을 고려하여 2001학년도 수능시험과 마찬가지로 소수점 배점 방식을 유지함으로써 급격한 점수 체제 변화로 인한 수험생의 혼란을 최소화하고, 위 대입제도 개선안의 ‘소수점 폐지’의 의미를 성적통지에 반영하는 것으로 축소 해석하여 모든 점수는 소수점 이하 점수를 반올림하여 정수로 표기하되, 다만 원점수를 반올림한 정수로 표기하게 되면 실제 획득한 점수가 제공되지 않기 때문에 정수로 표기된 동일한 원점수라도 백분위점수, 표준점수 등에서 차이가 발생할 수 있는 현상에 대하여 수험생이 납득할 수 있도록 수험생에게는 원점수를 소수점 이하까지 그대로 통보하고, 대학 배포용 성적자료에는 대학에서 소수점 이하 단위의 원점수를 입학전형에 사용하지 못하도록 원점수의 소수점 이하를 반올림하여 정수로 표기하기로 하였으며, 2003학년도 수능시험 역시 같은 점수체제를 유지하기로 한 사실, 이로써 2002학년도 및 2003학년도 수능시험의 각 영역 중 수리 영역을 제외한 언어, 사회탐구, 과학탐구, 외국어(영어) 및 제2외국어 영역에서는 소수점 이하 단위의 배점이 이루어졌는바, 응시자에 대하여 각 영역별 성적을 통지함에 있어서는 원점수만 소수점 첫째자리까지 표시하고 다른 점수들은 소수점 이하 점수를 반올림하여 정수로 표기하되, 대학에 입학전형자료로서 제공하는 성적자료에는 원점수의 경우에도 소수점 이하를 반올림하여 정수로 처리한 사실, 원고들은 2003학년도 수능시험에 응시한 후 경산대학교(현 대구한의대학교, 이하 ‘대구한의대’라고 함) 한의예과의 정시모집에 지원하였고, 그 일반전형의 경우 수능시험 성적이 60%, 학교생활기록부(교과) 성적이 40%의 비율로 반영되어 고득점자 순으로 선발되며 수능시험 성적은 수리, 사회탐구, 과학탐구, 외국어의 각 영역 원점수를 반영하도록 되어 있는데, 원고들의 총점은 각 994.38점이 되었으나 합격선인 996.72점에 미치지 못하여 모두 불합격한 사실, 그런데 원고들과 마찬가지로 2003학년도 수능시험에 응시하여 대구한의대 한의예과에 지원한 소외인은 반올림 이전의 단순 총점에서 원고들보다 낮은 점수를 취득하였음에도, 피고 평가원이 대구한의대에 통보한 반올림된 원점수를 기초로 대구한의대의 입학사정 기준에 따라 점수가 환산된 결과 총점이 997.02점이 되어 오히려 합격하게 된 사실 등을 인정한 후, (2) 원고들로서는 대구한의대 한의예과의 입학전형에서 당연히 원고들에게 통보된 원점수의 가치가 정당하게 반영되리라고 기대하였을 것임에도 피고 평가원이 반올림된 원점수를 대학에 통보함으로써 원점수의 가치가 변형된 결과 위와 같은 점수 역전현상이 초래되어 원고들이 불합격하고 소외인이 합격하게 되었으며, 이로 인하여 원고들은 단순히 사실상의 기대이익이 침해된 것을 넘어 법적 이익이 침해되었고, 또한 교육인적자원부장관으로서는 피고 평가원에 위탁하여 수능시험을 실시함에 있어 수험생의 권리나 정당한 이익이 침해되지 않도록 피고 평가원을 지휘, 감독하여야 함에도 이를 게을리하여 앞서 본 바와 같이 원고들의 대학입학전형에서 점수 역전현상을 초래하여 그들의 정당한 이익을 침해하였다는 이유로, 피고들은 각자 위와 같은 위법행위로 인하여 원고들이 2003학년도 대구한의대 한의예과 입학전형과정에서 입은 정신적 손해를 배상할 책임이 있다고 판단하였다.

3. However, examining the reasoning of the judgment below in light of the records, it can be deemed that a test is conducted to measure the thinking ability based on integrated subjects, such as language, repair, social search tool, scientific search tool, foreign language, etc. according to the contents and level of high school curriculum in order to identify the academic ability necessary for university education. It cannot be deemed that a test is conducted to measure the thinking ability based on integrated subjects, and it can not be deemed that a test is conducted to use it as data for filling in lots. Since the system itself can have a certain range of errors, evaluation or calculation of points can not be fully guaranteed. In order to minimize these problems, the defendants adopted a policy to abolish a small number of points to alleviate the number of visual change results of university admission, along with the introduction of various screening factors, with the adoption of the university entrance examination scores, and ultimately, the above minority point disuse policy cannot be seen as having adopted a standard point to measure the creative human resources by changing the entrance score based on the quality and aptitude of the university, and it cannot be viewed that the standard point can be seen as being inappropriate in light of the importance of the standard point in the examination form as it is inappropriate.

In addition, as long as it cannot be deemed that the policy of abolition of a minority point does not accurately reflect the ability of the applicants, it is difficult to regard that the applicants who have acquired only the scores of a small number of less than the decimal point and the applicants who have acquired only the scores of a fixed number not exceeding the decimal point as discrimination without any reasonable ground, or that they did not guarantee equal opportunity according to their ability. In addition, in light of the error in the examination system as above, it cannot be readily concluded that the evaluation of the scores by rounding the scores is without arbitrary change or no reasonable calculation standard, without changing the scores of a small number of points below the decimal point according to a certain standard, it cannot be deemed that it is strictly appropriate in terms of social and educational aspects without changing the scores of a certain number of points below the decimal point, and even without indicating the scores of a small number of points below the original points by area, it cannot be seen that the defendants' act of removing the total number of points within the scope of the examination results cannot be seen to be contrary to the basic principles of the university's total number of points.

Examining these circumstances in light of the aforementioned legal principles, the Minister of Education and Human Resources Development and the defendant Evaluation Institute in relation to the execution and management of a water-related aptitude test shall be deemed to have broad discretion based on the unique expertise and policy decision in order to achieve policy goals to measure the ability of education necessary for university education and to train creative human resources while contributing to the normalization of high school education. In this respect, the act of notifying the university of the policy on the abolition of a minority by anti-forest and the points calculated accordingly, and the act of notifying the university of the policy on the abolition of the minority by anti-forest and the points calculated accordingly, shall be deemed to fall within the scope of the above discretion of the defendants related to the water aptitude test, and it shall not be deemed to have abused authority in the process. Thus, the act of the defendants notifying the applicants of only the points written off by each area as the applicants for the examination shall not be deemed to constitute an unlawful act that constitutes the basis

Therefore, the court below's judgment that held that the defendants' above acts are liable to compensate for mental damage on the premise of illegality is erroneous, which affected the conclusion of the judgment. The ground of appeal pointing this out is with merit.

4. Therefore, without examining the remaining grounds of appeal, the judgment of the court below is reversed, and the case is remanded to the court below for a new trial and determination. It is so decided as per Disposition by the assent of all participating Justices on the bench.

Justices Ahn Dai-hee (Presiding Justice)

심급 사건
-서울중앙지방법원 2004.12.1.선고 2003가단137096