Head of Daegu Regional Veterans Administration
Conclusion of Pleadings
May 14, 2010
1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.
2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.
Purport of claim
The Defendant’s decision that rendered against the Plaintiff on April 22, 2009 as non-conforming to the requirements of a person who rendered distinguished services to the State shall be revoked.
1. Details of the disposition;
A. From May 4, 1998, the Plaintiff and Nonparty 5 (hereinafter “the deceased”) entered the Air Force on the part of May 4, 1998, who had been on duty as an aircraft gas maintenance soldier among the △△△△△ Maintenance Unit of the Air Force around 13:25, around April 24, 1999 while serving as the aircraft gas maintenance soldier, the Plaintiff and Nonparty 5 (hereinafter “the deceased”) were found to be in a state of hanging and hiding the trees into the military empty belt on the street zone of the entrance door frame of the underground toilets of the central affairs base around 13:25, 199.
B. On March 5, 2001, the Plaintiff and Nonparty 24 notified the Defendant of the decision on the eligibility of a person of distinguished service to the State (hereinafter “previous disposition”) to dismiss the said application on the grounds that the deceased’s death constitutes a death by self-injury on May 17, 2001, and thus, the deceased’s application for registration of bereaved family members of a person of distinguished service to the State was made to the Defendant under the Act on the Honorable Treatment of Persons of Distinguished Service to the State
C. The plaintiff and the non-party 24 filed an administrative litigation seeking the revocation of the previous disposition. The court of first instance (Seoul District Court 2001Gu7535) rendered a favorable judgment against the plaintiff who ordered the revocation of the above disposition on June 28, 2002. However, the appellate court (Seoul High Court 2002Nu1688) rendered a judgment against the plaintiff that revoked the first instance judgment and dismissed the plaintiff's claim on the grounds that the suicide of the deceased constituted self-injury on January 17, 2003. The appellate court dismissed the appeal on June 13, 2003 (Supreme Court 2003Du1325) and became final and conclusive as it is.
D. On April 18, 2006, the Plaintiff submitted a written petition to the Military Literature Empic Committee demanding to discover the truth of the deceased’s death. On December 8, 2008, the Military Literature Empicing Committee decided on December 8, 2008, that “In the absence of appropriate management by the commander, the deceased was caused by extreme stress and personality violations caused by verbal violence by the military unit members, such as sacrificing, harsh treatment, bathing, etc., and collective bullying by the military unit members, such as classical bullying, heavy stress and personality caused by the occurrence of an acting test according to illegal orders such as the chief of the company, and the officer’s disease.” As to the instant case, the Minister of National Defense requested the re-examination of matters on the classification of the deceased’s death.”
E. Accordingly, on February 11, 2009, the Plaintiff again filed an application for the registration of bereaved family members of the person who rendered distinguished services to the State with additional documents to the Defendant on February 11, 2009. However, the Defendant rendered the instant disposition rejecting the registration of the person who rendered distinguished services to the State on April 22, 2009, pursuant to the deliberation and resolution of the Board of Patriots and Veterans Entitlement that the deceased does not meet the requirements of the judgment of the court because the above written decision cannot be
[Ground of recognition] Facts without dispute, Gap evidence 2, Eul evidence 3-1, 2, Eul evidence 1-7, the purport of the whole pleadings
2. Whether the instant disposition is lawful
A. The plaintiff's assertion
On August 15, 198, the deceased was treated as paid at the New Military Education Team and received additional basic military training for 15 weeks. On August 15, 1998, he was assigned to the △△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△ was carried out with a high strength in order to establish a strict military discipline. At the time, the relationship was planned to inspect the direction of the Air Force Headquarters, and the preparation such as training evaluation, academic evaluation, etc. was high. In addition, the said △△△△△△△△△△△△△△△ was in a state where the deceased was suffering from heavy stress due to the nature of the maintenance work, and the conflict between the deceased and the staff and the kinant’s own ties.
Moreover, the Deceased had been habitually and continuously engaged in sacrificing and cruel acts from the appointed soldiers due to the learning of scarcitys and the number of times on duty, etc., and had been neglected or rejected from the latter soldiers, and had experienced personal sacrificings, sacratics, and sacrifies, etc.
While the Deceased was suffering from such psychological pain, he/she was compelled to take an action on behalf of a selected soldier in the evaluation of soldiers’ science, and was found to have been exposed to the injury and disease, he/she was able to take a bath and boom with the test supervisor. Since then, he/she was unable to check the remaining psychological pressure that led to the psychological state equivalent to mental illness due to psychological pressure following the discovery of the substitute examination, the criminal liability for serious seafarers, and uneasiness, which led to suicide.
Therefore, in light of the above circumstances, the deceased’s suicide cannot be deemed as self-injury committed by normal and free will. Thus, the instant disposition that reported differently should be revoked as unlawful.
B. Relevant statutes
It is as shown in the attached Form.
(c) Fact of recognition;
(1) The deceased’s military life and suicide circumstances;
㈎ 망인은 1978. 11. 24.생으로 대구 ○○○대학교 기계계열과 1학년을 휴학하고, 1998. 5. 4. 공군 병529기로 입대하여 공군기본군사훈련단에서 5주간의 기본군사훈련을 받았으나 실기평가결과 3개 과목(태권도, 방어전기, 도수체조)에서 과락을 받는 바람에 같은 해 6. 2. 유급처리되어 후임 기수인 병530기와 같이 5주간의 추가기본군사훈련과 특기교육을 마치고 같은 해 8. 15. 제△△전투비행단 군수전대 부대정비대대 □□□정비중대에 전입하였다.
㈏ 내성적이고 소극적인 성격이었던 망인은 기본군사훈련에서 유급되어 후임 기수와 함께 수료한 것에 대하여 열등감을 느끼고 있었고, 소속부대에 전입된 후에도 업무처리가 미숙하여 선임병들로부터 무능하다는 이유로 자주 질책과 따돌림을 당하였으며, 후임병들과도 잘 어울리지 못하는 등 군생활에 제대로 적응하지 못하였다.
㈐ 한편, 망인이 소속된 제△△전투비행단 단장은 소속 부대원들의 군 기강 해이를 이유로 전부대원들이 전투군장을 갖추고 총검술·구보 등의 강도 높은 훈련을 받도록 하는 이른바 ‘군차려’를 자주 실시하였다.
㈑ 제△△전투비행단에서는 공군본부의 지휘검열에 대비하여 감찰실 주관으로 1999. 4. 19.부터 기지광장에서 소속 장병 전원을 상대로 장병학술평가시험을 시행하였는데, 망인의 소속 중대장인 대위 소외 1은 1999. 4. 23. KF-16 추가배치에 관한 회의로 인하여 당일 실시되는 장병학술평가시험에 참가할 수 없게 되자 소속 중대원으로 하여금 자신을 대리하여 시험을 치도록 지시하였고, 한편 항공기비상대기(ALT)의 야간근무조에 편성된 병장 소외 2와 소외 3도 그 무렵 후임병들에게 자신들의 대리응시자를 물색하라고 지시하였으며, 이에 따라 망인은 병장 소외 2를 대리하여 위 평가시험에 응시하게 되었다.
㈒ 망인은 다른 응시자들과 함께 기지광장으로 가서 19:30경부터 20:20경까지 시험을 친 후 20:25경 시험지를 제출하던 중, 이름을 묻는 시험감독관인 중위 소외 4에게 ‘ 소외 2’라고 대답하였지만, 전투복 명찰에는 ‘ 소외 5’로, 출입증에는 ‘일병 소외 6’으로 되어 있는 것을 발견한 소외 4의 추궁에 못 이겨 대리시험 응시사실을 토로하였고, 이에 소외 4는 망인의 소속부대를 확인한 후 인식표와 출입증을 빼앗고 중대로 복귀할 것을 명하더니, 기지강당 앞에서 무릎을 꿇고 자신의 다리를 잡고 용서해 달라고 애원하는 망인의 뒷머리를 오른쪽 손바닥으로 2, 3회 때리고, 멱살을 잡아 흔들면서 옆 주차장에서 기다리고 있는 □□□중대원들 쪽으로 다가가 ‘시험이 장난이냐 이 새끼들아, □□□ 이거 개판 아니야’는 등의 욕설을 하다가 망인을 감찰실로 데려간 다음 21:05경 망인 소속중대의 일직사관인 준위 소외 7에게 대리시험 적발사실을 알리면서 망인에게 다음날 감찰실로 와서 조사를 받을 것을 지시하고 소속중대로 돌려보냈다.
㈓ 망인은 22:40경 소속 중대에 복귀하여 내무반에서 취침을 하지 아니하고 밤새도록 독서실에 있으면서 불침번 근무를 하고 있는 후임병들에게 3회에 걸쳐 중대분위기를 묻는 등 불안하고 초조한 모습을 보였고, 다음날인 같은 해 4. 24. 10:00경 감찰실에 출석하여 조사를 받았는데, 소외 4는 처음에는 망인에게 일주일간 무장구보를 할 준비를 갖추어 감찰실로 오라고 명하였다가 소령 소외 8의 충고에 따라 소속부대 실정에 맞는 재교육과 함께 일주일간 반성문을 제출하도록 하는 정도로 망인에 대한 처분을 종료하였다.
㈔ 망인은 같은 날 10:30경 감찰실을 나와 10:55경 중대에 복귀하여 내무반으로 내려갔고, 같은 날 13:25경 □□□무장중대 소속의 이병 소외 9에 의하여 중대 내무반 지하 화장실 우측 3번째 출입문 문틀 가로대에 군용허리띠로 목을 매고 숨져 있는 상태로 발견되었는데, 망인이 사망하기 직전에 자필로 위 화장실 조립식 칸막이 벽에 써놓은 것으로 보이는 유서에는 ‘이제 더 이상 남에게까지 피해주기는 싫다, 아버지 어머니께 미안하고, 군생활에 적응이 안 되고 있다’는 내용이 기재되어 있었다.
㈕ 군수사기관에서는 망인의 사체에 대한 부검을 실시하기 위하여 원고들에게 부검일시, 장소 등을 통보하였으나 원고들이 참여하지 않겠다는 의사를 밝히자 1999. 5. 14. 15:05경부터 16:30경까지 사이에 국군원주병원 부검실에서 부검을 실시하였고, 사체부검 결과, 망인의 목 앞쪽에서 양쪽 옆을 지나 뒷머리를 비스듬하게 올라가며 소실되는 형태의 삭흔(삭흔)이 보이고, 이는 군용허리띠에 부합하여 삭상물에 의한 경부압박사를 고려하여야 하며, 삭흔의 양상으로 보아 의사(액사)로 생각되는 점, 안검결막 및 안와주위의 피부에서 일혈점(일혈점)이 나타나고, 심혈이 암적색 유동성이고, 내부 각 장기는 울혈상인 점 등 질식사 혹은 급사의 일반적 소견들이 나타나는 점, 이마 좌측에서 작은 두피하출혈을 보나, 두개골, 두개강, 뇌 등에서 특기할 소견을 보지 못하여 사인과 연관시키기 어려우며, 전신에서 경부삭흔을 제외하고는 특기할 손상이나 병변을 보지 못하고, 혈액검사상 특기할 약물이나 독물이 검출되지 않은 점 등으로 미루어, 망인의 사인은 의사(액사)로 추정되었다.
The decision of the Dollical Finding Committee
㈎ 원고가 2006. 4. 18. 망인의 죽음에 대한 진상규명을 요청하는 진정서를 군의문사진상규명위원회(이하 ‘위원회’라고 한다)에 제출하자, 위원회는 2006. 7. 19. 조사를 개시하기로 결정하였다.
㈏ 위원회는 망인과 함께 복무하였던 당시 부대원들인 소외 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 6, 20, 21 등을 만나 당시 부대의 복무환경 및 망인의 자살 경위 등에 대하여 조사하였는데, 위 부대원들 및 관련자들의 진술 중 주요 내용은 아래와 같다.
In around 05:50 on the day of the instant case, the deceased showed the deceased at the reading room. At that time, the deceased was asked as to whether he left the zone. At that time, the deceased did not suffer much stress in leaving or undergoing an examination of a construction tool pocket book on which the location, etc. of the construction tool was written. The deceased, who was in the time of a sick or sick illness, was 15,25,18,14,200. There was no memory for the deceased, who was in the time of a sick or sick illness, and expressed a desire as a mixed-level form in order to suppress the atmosphere. In order to control the atmosphere, he was able to gather the ice from the inner base to the end of the day of the instant case. The gathering was almost 30 days before and after the Deceased’s day. The deceased’s day of the instant case, who was in the time of a sick or sick illness, was well aware of the deceased.
○○ Non-Party 11 (Post-Prison Disease): At the time, the number of soldiers was 30, and the number of soldiers was 16, and the Deceased was stroke. At the time of the examination, she also was stroken. At the time, 4-5 soldiers who assist the deceased in the 1-2 examination, but were able to conduct an examination formally. The contents of the examination were simple repeated, supporting duties, and were able to take a frisome. When she was 30 times of active duty, she was 10 times of active duty, which was 30 times of active duty, and was 16 times of active duty. At the time of official gathering, the deceased was 8 times of active duty, which was 10 times of active duty, and the deceased was 10 times of active duty, and the deceased was 10 times of active duty. The deceased was able to attend the examination individually, and the deceased was 3 times of active duty at the time of the examination.
○○ Nonparty 12 (Appointment of Defendant 12): The Deceased was found to have been subject to pressure due to the detection of an acting test, and the Deceased was not able to unfold. At the time, the designated test was a practice, and the test was no longer responsible for that day. At the time, it was thought that at the time, the unit members of the deceased was able to be tamp up due to the insult that the Deceased was received by Nonparty 4 and may work in the future. On the basis of our society, it was difficult for the Deceased to do so, and the Deceased did not have been able to know more than 5 times because he did not experience the atmosphere difficult. Although Nonparty 2 was unable to attend a large number of atmosphere due to the nature of the work of the maintenance representative, it was difficult for him to look at the appearance of the Defendant at the same time, it was difficult for him to know that it was difficult for him to do so.
The deceased was aware of the fact that he had been paid in the name of the 30th century, and that he had been paid. The 30th of the said 30th of the said 1st of the said 30th of the said 30th of the said 30th of the said 30th of the said 30th of the said 1st of the said 1st of the said 30th of the said 1st of the said 1st of the said 1st of the said 30th of the said 1st of the said 1st of the said 30th of the said 1st of the said 1st of the said 30th of the said 1st of the said 1st of the said 1st of the said 1st of the said 1st of the said 1st of the said 1st of the said 1st of the said 1st of the said 1st of the said 1st of the said 1st of the said 1st of the said 1st of the said 3th of the said 3th of the said.
○○ Nonparty 13 (Appointment of Soldiers): The Defendant was discharged from military service before the Deceased’s death, and the Defendant’s life was difficult. In addition, the Defendant was unable to receive education, such as the relationship between the press check and the sergeant, and the construction sections and pocketbooks. If she was unable to do so, she was her. When she was her, she was her head, she was her. There was a hole for 10 to 5 ambucks or bucks. The same was 10 times during her military life. The Defendant was 517 am and 518 am under the 517th,518 am. While the outside of the tools, the outside of the tools and pocketbooks, and the relationship between the sick were alleviated until the time when she was discharged from military service. When she was discharged from military service, she was her to the extent that she was her head and her was her to the extent that she was her at the end of his/her hair.
○ 소외 14(선임병) : 망인과 함께 생활하면서 보니 말수가 적었고, 겁도 많았으며, 행동과 말이 느려서 답답하다는 느낌을 받았다. 같은 내무반을 사용한 적은 없다. 망인은 적응을 잘 못했던 것 같다. 같이 온 530기에게 고참 대우 받기를 원했는데, 대우를 잘 하지 않았던 것 같다. 망인은 특별히 좋아했던 고참이 누구인지는 모르겠지만, 다들 밉게 보지는 않았다. 조지면 주눅드는 스타일이라 덜 조졌다. 그나마 30기 애들한테 대우받도록 다들 신경을 썼다. 망인의 제일 큰 장점은 순하고 착하다는 것이었고 시키면 하려고 해서 그런 점은 다들 인정했다. 기수표 외우기, 영내 하사에게 경례 안 하기, 공구수첩 외우기 등 이등병 생활은 고달팠고 특히 □□□중대가 제일 군기가 세다고 소문이 났지만, 차차 적응이 되고 우리 중대는 계급이 올라가면 하나씩 풀어주고 하는 전통이 있다. 상병으로 진급하면 많이 대우를 받는다. 엎드려 뻗쳐 상태에서 엉덩이와 허벅지를 밀대 자루로 맞은 적이 한 번 있었다. 라인에서 정도가 심한 실수를 했다거나 하사에게 경례를 했다거나 하면 병장급들이 집합을 시키는데, 내무반에서는 주로 머리박아를 시키고 심하면 따귀 정도 맞는다. 정도가 심한 집합은 본인 기억으로는 3-4번 있었던 것 같다. 상병 이하 집합이었던 것 같은데 뺨을 때리기도 했고, 가슴을 주먹으로 때리기도 하고, 머리박기도 하였다. 망인이 실수로 비행기 흡입구 앞을 지나간 일로 인하여 집합한 적도 있다.
○ 소외 15(선임병) : 한동안 전입하는 병이 없다가 망인과 30기 3명 등 4명이 동시에 중대로 전입했다. 망인이 대리시험 때문에 상당한 심리적 압박을 받았을 것으로 생각했다. 대리시험이 적발된 날 중대 중사 1명의 음주사고가 있었는데, 사고 당일 예정된 대대장 교육은 위 대리시험 적발과 음주사고 때문이라고 생각했다. 대대장 교육까지 잡혔다면 엄청 심리적으로 압박을 받았을 것이다. 최소한 ‘군차렷’(단독군장 차림으로 근무하는 것)은 받을 수 있다는 생각을 했다. 망인과 지내다 보니 좀 느리다는 느낌을 받았고 고참들이 30기와 비교하면서 망인을 질책하기도 하였다. 중대 내 고참들의 대화 속에서 망인이 상대적으로 굼뜨고 느리다는 사실을 자주 들었다. 라인 작업 중 영외자들의 지적이 있으면 병장들이 자존심 상해하면서 잔소리가 시작되는데, 망인은 그런 과정에서 의기소침해지고 위축되었던 것 같다. 18, 19기가 고참이 되면서 많이 나아졌지만 당시에는 하사와 병장 간의 갈등이 심해 분위기가 좋지 않았다. 졸병들이 극존칭을 쓰지 않도록 교육하고 작업할 때 병들이 잘한다는 것을 과시하기 위해 공구수첩 등을 악착같이 외우게 하였다. 당시에 졸병들은 고참과 하사 사이에서 심리적으로 엄청 고생을 했다. 본인이나 망인이 힘들었던 것은 동기가 없었다는 것이다.
○○ Non-Party 16 and 17 (Ex Post Facto Disease and 530) : A project to be operated by a graduate was the weatherman, toilet cleaning, and air room cleaning, etc. At the time of the internal affairs, the deceased was limited to the extent of a week, and the deceased was only 30 years from the beginning. The deceased was a high seat, and only 30 years from the beginning. The deceased was a high seat. The deceased was faced with the deceased, and there was a string up to a high seat. The deceased was well known at the same time as he was trying to be able to be faced with the deceased. Ordinarily, strokes were very difficult. At the time, Non-Party 18 was a person who was strokeed by the disease.
○○ Nonparty 18 (Appointment of Soldiers): Not only an important test, but also sick soldiers were allowed to take a test on their behalf. After a vicarious test was discovered, her fluencing flusium was flusent. On the day of the accident, a serious atmosphere was not good. On the day of the accident, the fact that there was a special education on a so-called flusium on the same day was delivered, which was aware of the fact that the education was conducted due to the drunk driving, and that the deceased was due to the fact that the education was conducted on the part of himself/herself. The Deceased was able to take a flusent flusium during his/her duties.
○ 소외 19(선임병) : 망인은 업무를 많이 어려워했다. 업무 중 공구를 잘못 챙겨와서 질책을 당한 적이 있다. 말을 잘 못 알아들어서 한 번 만에 일을 처리하지 못하고 두세 번 반복한 적도 있다. 행동이 굼뜨고 해서 고참들이 많이 답답해하였다. 우리 중대의 경우 업무상의 실수에 대해서는 상당히 엄하게 했다. 당시 망인이 왔을 때만 해도 사소한 업무상의 실수가 있어도 수시로 집합을 했다. 자신이 망인과 같이 근무할 때에는 1주일에 2, 3회 정도는 집합했다. 고참들이 망인을 인정하지 않았다. 바로 밑 후임들도 망인에게 고참 대우를 하지 않았던 것 같다. 망인은 졸병부터 상병이 될 때까지 계속 주눅든 모습을 보였던 것 같다. 병·하사 간 문제로 자신이 망인에게 지적한 것도 서너 번 된다. 우리는 많이 맞았고 22기까지는 때렸다. 보통 라인작업 끝나고 이글루 안에서나 분대 창고에서 밀대 자루로 맞았고, 성질 안 좋은 소병장의 경우는 공구인 쇠막대로 때리기도 했다. 내무반에서 머리박아 시키는 것은 일상이고, 가슴이나 뺨을 때리는 것도 다반사였다. 망인이 질책을 들을 때는 30기와 비교하는 말이 많았다. 고참들이 지나가는 말 한 마디에도 표정이 굳어지고 다른 사람보다 더 겁을 먹은 것 같았다. 망인은 ‘내놓은 쪽’에 속했다. 망인의 사망원인은 대리시험 발각이 가장 큰 계기가 되었던 것 같다. 자신 같아도 아무 생각 없는 그런 심리적인 공황상태에 빠졌지 않나 생각한다. 당시 망인이 상병진급을 했더라도 계급만 상병이었지 여전히 졸병 때의 모습이 남아 있어 고참들이 별로 좋아하지 않았다.
○○ Non-party 6 (Ex Post Facto Disease, 530): The Deceased was 529, and the deceased was able to report and treat the Deceased. At all times, we were grouped in the reading room at 8 times. At all times, we were 23,24, and 25. At all times, a person who taught us was 23,24, and 25, but was flicking the atmosphere. They did not have a glick. They were glicking. They did not want to recognize that the head was flicking to a certain extent after the period of adaptation was expired, and that the Deceased was directed to be flicking and inspected the cleaning condition. There was no book in which the Deceased was flicking in the military life. There was no difference between the deceased and the head of the independent military unit. There was no person who was particularly flicked at the time, and there was no glicking person who did not have to be on the part of the sick.
○○ Non-Party 20 (Appointment Disease): A living independently compared with other companies, was suffering from stress due to the characteristics of the maintenance company’s duty, and was well recognized as a stroke of the work. The deceased was a large concern about the minor work.
○○ Nonparty 21 (Appointment) was a practice at the time. At the time of the death of the deceased, the deceased was at the time of the death of the deceased, and there was a relatively higher Jeju National Institute of Education compared to other strokeies. The principal was almost every day, and he was at the time of the head, but only once one of the motive was reported to the military police unit, she was at the time of the death of the stroke.
○○ Nonparty 25 (Appointment of the Deceased): (a) started before the flight support service was conducted at the time; (b) an acting test was conducted on behalf of the deceased. In the case of the deceased, the officer conducting the test supervision was not understood as why is why he or she did so; (c) he or she did not have been able to do so; and (d) he or she could not go beyond his or her match at the same time; (c) he or she was in a structure where he or she could not go back without the spirit of the unit; and (d) he or she was in the same manner as the deceased was in a suppression atmosphere; and (d) from the end of the sick disease, he or she could be seen as having been in the same way that he or she did not live on the part of the deceased; and (d) he or she did not have any tendency to walk from the body of the deceased to the end of the sick; and (d) he or she did not have any tendency to walk the deceased.
○ 소외 27(선임병) : 고참들이나 장교들은 대부분 대리로 보낸 것으로 기억한다. 중대 비상대기 시간에 대리 시험자를 선발했다고 하는데 그런 자리에서 졸병이 거부를 못 한다. 대리시험 적발과 관련해 걱정을 해 주면서 별거 아니라고 얘기해 주는 사람이 없었던 것 같다. 그것이 고인으로 하여금 폭풍전야의 상황으로 오해하게 만들지 않았나 생각한다. 고참들이 자기를 편하게 하기 위해 ‘꼽창’을 만들었고, 소외 18과 같은 꼽창이 군기 잡는 역할을 했다. 간부들이나 하사관들이 보지 않는 이글루 안에서 밀대 자루로 때리기도 하고 하루가 멀다 하고 집합을 시켜 졸병들을 갈구었다. 어쨌든 졸병시절에는 고달팠고, 상병을 달아야 좀 풀린다. 망인이 졸병 때는 자주 갈굼을 당했다. 일상생활에서 주눅이 들어 있었던 것 같았다. 우리 중대는 상병을 달면 많이 풀어주는 분위기이나, 망인의 경우 상병을 달고도 경직된 모습을 오래 가지고 있었던 것 같았다. 망인은 고참들로부터 자주 질책을 들으면서 주눅이 들었다. 바로 밑 30기들과도 별로 어울리지 않았다. 당시에는 옛날처럼 노골적으로 구타를 하는 경우는 없었지만, 중대 분위기상 욕설을 듣고 ‘머리박아’ 상태에서 잔소리를 듣기도 하고, 화가 난 고참에게 머리를 맞고, 발이나 손으로 가슴을 맞는 정도는 있었으며, 문제는 그런 과정에서 풀기도 해야 하는데 망인은 그럴만한 친한 고참이나 동기가 없어 힘들었던 것 같다.
○○ Non-Party 28 (Appointment Disease): At the time of the night emergency person, the agency test showed a substitute test on behalf of the emergency person, and the agency test was a practice due to its nature. However, at the time of being aware of the headquarters, the agency test did not think of the fact that the agency test was conducted so seriously.A serious dust crisis, but it was not known that it was transferred to the upper class 4 of the sick class, or that it was less than the life of the Daegu △△ Group. If the captain or the person other than the captain pointed out that he was in the middle class of the sick class, he was an ordinary group, and the military unit was carried out for it. A conflict between the officer, the lower class, the lower class, and the lower class soldier was still in existence, and the conflict between the officer, the lower class, and the lower class. It is presumed that it was difficult to catch the 530th class of the Sick class.
○ 소외 2(선임병) : 사격이나 명단이 있는 행사의 경우 대리로 보내는 것은 관행이었다. 그날 아침까지는 별거 아니라고 생각했었다. 아침에 중대장도 대리시험을 지시했다는 것을 알았고, 근무자들을 대신해 대리로 하는 것이 관행이었기 때문에 자신이 어떻게 처벌받는다고는 생각하지 않았다. 사실 시험이 중요해서 시험 감독을 엄하게 하는 과정에서 대리로 응시한 사실이 발각되었다면 모르나 그런 경우가 아니었다. 이등병들이 저지르는 어처구니 없는 실수로 인식을 하였다. 자신이 군생활 하는 도중에 군차렷은 2번 정도 한 것 같다. 대리시험으로 소외 3 병장과 같이 영창 15일의 징계를 받았다. 우리 중대에서 졸병이라 함은 일병 4호봉 정도까지는 말하는데, 고참들이 보기에 망인은 일병 말이나 상병을 달고서도 행동이 부자연스럽고, 움츠러들고, 당당하지 못한 모습을 보인 것 같다. 그래서 고참들이 걱정을 많이 했다. 내무실 전체 집합에서 소외 13 병장이 망인에게 슬리퍼를 던진 것 같고, 소외 3 병장이 망인의 군기를 잡기도 하였으며, 그 외에도 밑 기수인 소외 29, 18, 25도 손을 좀 댔을 것이다. 망인은 업무 차원에서 상대적으로 좀 느렸고, 집합할 때 다른 부대원들보다 더 군기가 든 모습을 보였다.
○ 소외 30(본부 감찰실 소속 업무보조) : 감찰실은 일반병들이나 하사관들이 접근하기 힘든 곳으로 감찰실에 출두한다는 것은 그만큼 병들에게는 두려운 일이 될 수도 있다. 망인이 대리응시한 시험은 공군본부 지휘검열을 대비한 장병학술평가이다. 이 사건 발생 이틀 전 학술평가에서 부정행위를 하다가 두 세 명이 적발되어 큰소리 좀 나고 이름이 적힌 일이 있었다. 감찰실에 오도록 해서 질책을 하고 재시험 명단에 추가시키는 것으로 처리를 한다. 그렇다고 크게 문제를 삼지는 않았다. 그런데 또 망인의 부정행위가 일어나니까 깐깐한 소외 4 중위가 화가 났던 것이다. 망인의 사망원인은 지휘검열 대비 각종 교육·훈련과 시험에 대한 피로감과 스트레스, 대리시험 발각에 따른 부담감, 대리시험을 지시한 고참들의 질책이 잇따를 것이라는 불안, 최소한 외박이 중지되는 불이익 등이 복합적으로 작용한 것으로 생각했고, 혹은 ‘군차려’를 걱정했을 수도 있다. ‘군 차려’는 전 대대원이 단독군장 차림으로 근무를 하고 평소에 없던 구보나 총검술을 실시하며 정신교육도 수시로 실시하고, 더구나 영외하사관들도 영내에서 비상대기를 해야 한다. 당연히 장교나 하사관들의 정신적 긴장감이 더 할 것이고 그런 분위기라면 병들이 겪는 고통은 말할 수 없이 크다. 선임하사가 감찰실에 불려간다는 것은 중대사안이다.
○ 소외 31 중사 : □□□정비대대에서 병들이 하는 역할은 비행지원과 정비업무를 수행하는 부사관들의 조수 역할이다. 많이 바빴고 힘들었다. 망인은 내성적이고 소심했다. 정도가 보통 사람보다 심했다고 할 수 있다. 같이 온 30기 세 명과 비교할 때 느리고 서툴렀다. 공구를 제대로 챙겨오지 못하는 등의 사소한 실수나 안전사고와 관련된 실수가 다른 사람보다 잦았다.
○○ Non-Party 1 (former Captain : around 13:00 on the day of the deceased’s death, the education of the large-scale commander at around 13:00,000, is memoryd with the education related to drinking driving. There was a knowledge about the acting test’s practice. I also knew that there was a personal sanction, suspicion, and sacrificing among the sick.
㈐ 한편, 위원회의 의뢰에 따라 망인의 심리상태에 대하여 좋은마음 인지행동치료연구소의 임상심리전문가 소외 22가 작성한 심리학적 소견에 따르면, ‘망인은 소심하고 순종적인 성격과 평소의 비난과 무시로 일관된 어리버리한 사람이라는 편견, 문제 발생 후 부정확했던 사후처리와 그에 따른 지시 내지는 위로가 없었던 상황에서 망인이 지속적으로 보여 온 위축과 긴장감에 대한 확대해석, 그로 인한 극단적인 공포와 공항상태로의 급격한 변화가 망인에게는 절망, 비관 그리고 분노를 자극했을 것으로 판단되며, 이러한 맥락에서 극단적인 자기 연민과 함께 가족이나 지인들에 대한 걱정끼침에 대한 자괴감이 동반되면서 적어도 망인에게는 자살이라는 불가피한 선택밖에 없다는 생각이 있었을 것으로 사료된다’고 기재되어 있다.
[Reasons for Recognition] Each of the evidence mentioned above, Gap evidence 1-1-83, and the purport of the whole pleadings
D. Determination
“Death by self-injury” under Article 4(5)4 of the Act on the Honorable Treatment and Support of Persons, etc. of Distinguished Service to the State shall be deemed to mean death based on free will in a grammatic sense. In light of the purport of the Act aimed at promoting the stability of life and the improvement of welfare by providing honorable treatment for persons of distinguished service to the State who have contributed or made a sacrifice for the State and their bereaved family members, and contributing to the cultivation of patriotism of the people (Article 1 of the Act), and its regulatory form, etc., the mere fact that a soldier, etc., caused depression due to harsh acts by his superior, etc. or stress in the course of performing his/her duties, resulting in suicide as a direct motive or an important cause, does not constitute death according to free will. Determination of whether suicide was based on free will should be made by comprehensively taking into account the age, character and position and position of the person of distinguished service, degree and continuous duration of suicide caused by stress in performing his/her duties, surrounding physical and mental situation surrounding the person who committed suicide, and circumstances leading up to 20140.
In this case, according to the above facts, a serious military unit of the deceased was relatively strict compared to other units, and the appointed soldiers did not pay more detailed attention to the deceased so that the deceased could not properly adapt to military life due to resistant and passive nature, and rather, they were frequently responsible for the deceased through frequent gatherings, etc. on the ground that the deceased's work is well-grounded, and there were some sacity or harsh acts among them. Meanwhile, there was no motive for the deceased's entrance, and there was no motive for his entrance in the company, and it seems that the deceased's initial nature was more serious, and thus, it appears that the deceased's prosecution and sacrification of personality and numerical reduction, and that at the time of the detection of the substitute examination, the deceased's injury and sacrification were caused by his severe stress from his superior, and that he could not be subject to strict criticism or sacrification of mental stress in the military.
However, even based on the results of the examination by the committee for the examination of diagnosis of literature and photographs, it cannot be deemed that the degree of bullying against the deceased was significantly impossible for the deceased, and that the degree of bullying did not appear to have been significantly impossible for the deceased. As a result of the examination by proxy of the deceased, the quality of superior or the degree of disposition on the deceased may be sufficiently borne or overcome if the deceased were ordinary soldiers, and it is difficult to conclude that the stress and mental burden as above is likely that the deceased was likely to have a person in a state of mental disorder or mental distress caused by depression, etc., and that the deceased was likely to have selected suicide as a means of the deceased’s own will, and that the deceased’s age and character, surrounding circumstances surrounding the deceased, the time and place of suicide, close to the time and place of suicide, and that the deceased’s mental stress and mental stress cannot be freely considered as a whole due to the deceased’s mental stress and mental distress, etc., and thus, the deceased’s mental condition and mental distress cannot be considered free.
Therefore, the deceased’s death constitutes “self-injury” and thus, the Defendant’s disposition of this case based on the same premise is lawful, and the Plaintiff’s assertion disputing this is without merit.
3. Conclusion
The plaintiff's claim is without merit, and it is dismissed. It is so decided as per Disposition.
[Attachment Form 5]
Judges Soh-ho