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텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주지방법원 2015.06.11 2015고단429

Defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of one year and six months.


Punishment of the crime

The defendant is a person who works as a director of D Co., Ltd. as a side job production and construction business chain company.

1. An energy saving facility support project implemented to reduce the management burden of farming and fishing households due to increase in international oil and agricultural materials prices, and to promote energy efficiency, etc., the project subsidies related to the project were to be paid on the condition that the eligible recipient pays 40% of the total project cost in the year 201 and 50% of the total project cost in the year 2012 as his/her own charges.

The Defendant, after completing construction from a farming household to a self-charge, was provided with subsidies by submitting documents, such as the details of the project and the certificate of self-payment, etc., after the completion of construction work from a farming household. Based on the fact that a construction cost is unpaid and only some of the remainder is paid, the Defendant attempted to receive subsidies by means of manipulating documents and submitting documents as if the Defendant received all the self-paid charges from a farming household.

Accordingly, the Defendant conspired with F, a farmer cultivating crops in the Haws located in Gwangju North-gu, Gwangju, in collusion with F, who is a farmer cultivating crops, prepared and submitted a written request for subsidies to the effect that “Around December 2011, the Defendant would request F, a public official in charge of the project for efficient use of energy in the 239-2 Yongsan-dong, Jung-gu, Gwangju, North-gu, Gwangju, to pay KRW 17,31,200 out of the total project cost of the project cost of the 43,278,00-gu, Seoul, North-gu, Seoul, the economic policy office, and the office for the project for efficient use of energy, “The payment of KRW 25,96,800, out of the total project cost of the project cost of the 43,278,000, 200,

However, the above F is paid to the defendant an amount equivalent to 12,80,000 won out of 17,311,200 won of the above-mentioned F is equivalent to 4,511,200 won, which is the remainder.
