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텍스트 조절
(영문) 울산지방법원 2015.10.08 2015고단2108

Defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than two years and six months.

The evidence No. 1, 2, 3, 7 of the Ulsan District Prosecutors' Office, which was seized, No. 1264 of the pressure of 2015.


Punishment of the crime

1. The defendant's sole criminal conduct;

A. On August 18, 2011, the Defendant forged private documents, using a copy of the passport issued in the name of the foreigner “E” in the name of the Busan Jin-gu Office located in Busan, Busan, and the name of the mobile telephone contract (the name of a legal entity) in the name of the corporation, which is a general telecommunications business entity, the Defendant indicated “E”, “F” in the passport number column, “F” in the nationality column, “CHN” in the device model name column, “IM-U170” in the serial number column, “G” in the serial number column, “2011, 8, and 18” in the date of application, and “E” in the customer information column, and signed on the name side of the customer information column.

As a result, the Defendant, for the purpose of uttering, forged a copy of the business mobile telephone contract in the name of E, a private document on rights and obligations, from that time to November 8, 2014, and forged each of the contracts 1,648 under the name of foreigner 1,648, such as the attached list 1,648.

B. On August 18, 2011, the Defendant sent one copy of the mobile phone contract in the name of E forged at the above D office via facsimile to the person who was an employee of E business-related employee, and from that time until November 8, 2014, the Defendant sent one copy of the mobile phone contract in the above D office with the same method or a forged mobile phone contract in the same manner between November 8, 2014 and attaching the file in the e-mail, as shown in attached Table 1, a total of 1,648 mobile phone contract which was forged in the name of foreigner 1,648, to the employees of E business-related corporation, as shown in attached Table 1.

Accordingly, the Defendant sent the forged mobile telephone contract 1,648 as if they were duly formed and exercised each of them.

(c) Any person who violates the Telecommunications Business Act shall mediate a third party's communications using telecommunications services provided by the telecommunications business operator;
