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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울동부지방법원 2016.11.16 2016고단2850

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten months.

No. 1 of the evidence seized by the defendant shall be confiscated.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant, around 2008, married with the victim D (ma, 38 years of age), had been living together in F and Seoul Gwangjin-gu G and 101, a child born between D and the former husband, and a child born between D and the former husband.

1. A special assault Defendant: (a) around 16:50 on August 18, 2016, on the ground that the Victim D, who is the Defendant’s wife, was staying outside the country, sent a knife to drinking water; (b) on the ground that the victim was placed on the part of the Defendant’s wife, the victim refers to the victim’s knife that “the knife knife knife knife knife twice once the knife knife knife?” and the victim knifes the victim’s knife (30 cm in length) that is a dangerous thing that the victim followed and knife knife knife knife and knife knife knife knif, and carried the victim’s knife with a knif.

2. The Defendant violated the Child Welfare Act at the time, time, and place indicated in the preceding paragraph, stating that “A victim E, who saw the knife to the above D and saw the knife to the above D, she is required to report it to the police, if he does so.” It refers to “I am knif to the knif? knif we knif to the knif? knif to the knif? knif to the knif? knif the knif? knif to the knife? knif to the knife? knif the knif to report it to 112, the Defendant committed physical and mental abuse and emotional abuse of a child, such as assaulting the victim to the outside of the knife and the knif to the victim, thereby damaging the child’s health and physical development and child health.

3. The injured defendant shall be entitled to time as stated in paragraph 1.
