본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주고등법원 2008.3.20.선고 2007노313 판결

207No313 Special Obstruction of Official Duties, Punishment of Violence, etc. Act

Bans (injury by Group, Deadly Weapons, etc.) and violation of the National Security Act

2) Violation of the National Security Act (convening, communication, etc.), interference with general traffic;

Damage to public goods, entry of buildings, violation of the Protection of Military Installations Act, houses

Violation of the Assembly and Demonstration Act


○ ○

Gwangju 00 dong-gu

○○ ○○, ○○, e.g., Jeonnam-gun on the place of registration




○ Kim

Defense Counsel

Attorney Kim ○-○ (Presiding Ship)

The judgment below

Gwangju District Court Decision 2007Gohap258 Decided September 14, 2007

Imposition of Judgment

March 20, 2008


The defendant's appeal is dismissed.


1. Summary of grounds for appeal;

A. The assertion regarding the interpretation of the National Security Act

(1) As to the anti-government organization of North Korea (U.S. Democratic People's Republic)

North Korea does not have the ability to pursue the hostile unification, and as the federal unification route serves as the unification route serves, North Korea already waives its intention of unification, and since it is a state of legitimacy, it cannot be deemed that it is merely an organization that represents the government, and thus, it cannot be deemed that it constitutes an anti-government organization under the National Security Act. However, the judgment of the court below which held that North Korea is an anti-government organization

(2) With respect to the aptitude of the 13, 14 Korean Barun (Korean University Federation of Students)

(A) In relation to North Korea’s anti-government organization, North Korea is not an anti-government organization, and it is not an anti-government organization.

(b)In relation to the nature of the Korean Federation, the Korean Federation may not evaluate that the Korean Federation is pro-North Korea or is a pro-North or pro-foreign organization for some of its specific forces inside the Korean Federation, such as the Korean Federation of total students at each university at each university at each university at each university at the country, the Korean College of Science and Technology at each university at each university at each university at each university at each time.

(c) Even if some of the lectures, arguments, and activities of KIC are similar to the assertion of North Korea in relation to the basis and criteria for the aptitude, if there are reasonable grounds in its content and justifiable grounds, it shall not find the grounds and criteria of a dual organization in relation to the formal similarity to the assertion of North Korea.

(D) In interpreting the National Security Act with regard to whether there is a substantial danger, the scope of the application shall be reduced or interpreted only when an act under the same Act is clearly dangerous to the existence and security of the State and democratic fundamental order. The court below's failure to exhaust all necessary deliberations on the grounds for recognizing the substantial danger and the degree of actual danger is erroneous in the incomplete hearing and in the misapprehension of legal principles.

(E) In relation to Article 1(2) of the National Security Act, Article 1(2) of the same Act applies to the application of the National Security Act to achieve the purpose of the same Act.

The National Security Act provides that it shall be limited to the minimum necessary limit, and the application of the dual organization rule to the Han-gun is against the purpose of Article 1 (2) of the National Security Act, since it commits a lot of university students and university society across the country.

(f) With respect to subjective requirements

Although the defendant's perception that "the existence and security of the nation or democratic fundamental order is in danger," there was a lack of awareness that "herb is an organization composed of North Korea's activities in concert with North Korea."

(3) As seen above, it is not possible to recognize the nature of anti-state activities or dual aptitude as well as the existence of a clear and present danger even if it is recognized as family affairs. Thus, it cannot be defined as a dual organization of the South Korean Cheongsung as a dual organization.

(4) As to whether pro-enemy materials are pro-enemy materials, it cannot be evaluated as pro-enemy materials for the reasons stated in the facts charged, on the grounds stated in the above 1. A. (2) and (c).

B. As to the assertion of unfair sentencing

The punishment sentenced by the court below against the defendant (three years of imprisonment, five years of suspended execution, three years of suspension of qualifications) is too unreasonable.

2. Determination:

A. As to the interpretation of the National Security Act

(1) In a situation where it is obvious that North Korea is a threat to the fundamental order of our free democracy with respect to anti-government organizations, even if the Korean government used the name of North Korean authority and proposed a normal conference to discuss the reconciliation, cooperation, and unification between South and North Korea Koreans, and there was a declaration of open policies with respect to North Korea, such as the joint name between South and North Korea and the 7.7 Declaration, etc., and South and North Korea joined the United Nations at the same time, and the general interests of South and North Korea signed an agreement on inter-Korean reconciliation, in fact, it cannot be said that North Korea is an anti-government organization under the National Security Act. Thus, the judgment of the court below that recognized North Korea as an anti-government organization under the National Security Act cannot be said to be erroneous in misapprehending the legal principles on anti-government organizations under the National Security Act.

(2) As to the aptitude of KAWAD

(A) As seen above, the defendant's assertion to the effect that North Korea is an anti-government organization, and thus, it is not reasonable to judge whether it is an anti-government organization under the premise that it is not recognized as an anti-government organization.

(나) 원심에서 적법하게 채택하여 조사한 증거들에 의하면, 한총련은 1987년에 출범한 전국대학생대표자협의회(약칭 '전대협')의 협의체적 한계를 극복하고 강력한 중 앙지도력 구축과 전국적인 집행계보 확보를 위해 1993. 4. 25.~27. 전북대학교에서 창립대의원대회를 개최하여 조국의 자주화, 사회의 민주화 등을 내용으로 하는 강령과 '대의원대회'를 최고 의결기구로 하고 그 밑에 상임의사결정 기구로 '중앙위원회', 상설 의결 기구로 '중앙상임위원회', 그 밑에 집행기구로 '의장'과 '사무처', '중앙집행위원회', '정책위원회', '학원자주화추진위원회', '대변인', 그 밖에 상설적 정책협의기구로 '정책협 의회', '상무집행위원회' 등의 중앙조직과 서울 등 9개 지역별 총련, 25개 지구별 총련 등의 지역조직을 두는 등의 내용으로 된 규약을 채택하고, 1993. 5. 27.~ 29. 고려대 학교에서 제1기 한총련 출범선언식을 개최함으로써 구성된 소위 NL(민족해방)계 운동권 대학생들의 단체로서, 1993년에 구성된 '제1기 한총련'에서부터 2002년에 구성된 '제10기 한총련'에 이르기까지 각 기별 대의원대회 자료집과 각종 중앙위원회 자료집, 통일 일꾼 전진대회 자료집 등을 통해 남한 사회를 '미제국주의 강점에서 비롯된 식민지 반자본주의 사회'로 규정하고, 미국에 대해서는 '분단을 조장하고 고착화시킨 원흉'이라고 비난하면서 소위 '주적'으로 간주하고, 투쟁목표를 '남한사회를 뒤집어엎고 새로운 사회제도를 수립하여 민족의 자주성을 완전히 실현'하는 데 두고 있을 뿐 아니라 '노동자, 농민, 청년학생'을 주력군으로, '도시빈민, 중소자본가' 등을 보조역량으로 각 규정하는 반면에 '미 제국주의와 그 앞잡이인 매판 자본가, 지주, 반동관료' 등을 타도 대상으로 규정하고 있으며, 연방제 통일 방안이 유일하고 가장 타당한 통일방안이라면서, 미군철수·국가보안법 폐지 · 북미평화협정 체결 등을 주장한 사실, 2003년에 구성된 '제11기 한총련' 및 2004년에 구성된 '제12기 한총련'은 기존 한총련의 강령, 규약 등의 기본노선을 충실히 따르고 있을 뿐만 아니라, 이적단체인 '조국통일범민족청년학 생연합(약칭 '범청학련') 남측본부의 집행부를 장악하여 범청학련의 기본대오로서 활동하고 있고, 북한의 대남혁명 3대 노선인 자주·민주·통일을 적극 수용하여 '반미자주화 투쟁, 사회민주화(반파쇼화)투쟁, 북미불가침조약체결, 북한식 연방제 통일투쟁' 등을 주장하고, 주한미군 철수·미국의 전쟁책동분쇄 · 북미평화협정 체결·국가보안법 철폐·현 정권 퇴진 투쟁 등 북한의 대남적화통일노선을 추종한 사실, 2005. 4. 9. 출범한 '제13기 한총련' 및 2006. 2. 5. 출범한 '제14기 한총련' 역시 기존 한총련의 강령, 규약 등 기본 노선을 충실히 따르고 있을 뿐만 아니라, 이적단체인 범청학련 남측본부의 집행부를 장악하여 범청학련의 '기본대오'로서 활동하고 있고, 위 범청학련을 통하여 북한의 대남공작부서인 통일전선부의 사실상 지휘·조종을 받아 반국가단체인 북한의 대남적화통일노선을 그대로 수용하여 활동방향으로 설정하고 있으며, 제13기 및 제14기 한총련 대의원대회 자료집에 나타난 강령·규약, 총노선 등에 있어서도 북한의 통치사상이자 북한식 공산혁명사상인 주체사상을 원용한 '민중중심 · 학우중심의 사상'을 한총련의 지도사상으로 설정한 다음 주체사상을 근간으로 한 '우리민족 제일주의'를 수용하여 이의 확산을 주장하고, 대한민국을 '미제의 군사적 강점 하에 예속된 식민지 사회'로, 현 정부를 '식민지 사대매국정권'으로, 대한민국의 선거를 '미제의 식민지 대리 정권을 수립하기 위한 절차'로 각 규정한 반면 북한은 '일제식민지 해방투쟁을 계승한 민족적 정통성이 있는 정부'이고 '민족자주역량, 조국의 자주적 평화통일의 구현자'로 찬양하며 북한의 민족해방인민민주주의혁명을 추종하는 등 자유민주주의 체제를 부정하고 북한의 대남투쟁 3대과제인 자주·민주·통일노선을 적극 수용하여 '반미자주화 투쟁, 반파쇼 민주화투쟁, 연방제 조국통일투쟁' 등을 명시하고 있고, 특히 제14기 한총련은 북한이 2006. 11. 로동신문 신년공동사설에서 주창한 3대 애국운동 과제인 자주통일, 반전평화, 민족대단합 3대 애국운동을 그대로 수용하여 제14기 한총련 투쟁의 핵심과제로 내세우고 있고, 그동안 활동 내용에 있어서도 빈번한 불법 대북접촉 및 서신교환 등의 친북 이적행위를 하여 왔을 뿐만 아니라, 위와 같은 불법 대북접촉을 통하여 하달된 북한의 투쟁지침에 따라 제13기 한총련 및 제14기 한총련의 사업계획을 수립·시행하는 등 제13기 한총련 및 제14기 한총련도 북한의 민족해방인민민주주의혁 명론(NLPDR)을 여전히 추종하여 이의 실현을 위해 앞장서서 투쟁하고 있다는 사실과 한총련 규약에 의해 한총련에 가입한 각 대학교 총학생회의 중앙운영위원 중 학생들의 직접선거에 의하여 선출된 총학생회장, 부총학생회장, 단과대학 학생회장 등과 동아리 연합회장, 총여학생회장 등은 한총련 최고의결기구인 대의원대회의 구성원인 한총련 대의원이 되는 사실, 피고인은 이러한 사실을 알면서도 제13기 한총련 당연직 대의원 및 제14기 한총련 의장으로 활동한 사실을 인정할 수 있다. 이러한 사실에 의하면, 제13기 및 제14기 한총련은 반국가단체인 북한의 주장을 형식적으로 답습하는 것을 넘어 실질적으로 추종하여 동조함으로써, 우리 사회에 명백하고 현존하는 실질적 위험성을 초래하였다고 할 것이고, 피고인은 이러한 모든 정을 알고 가입하여 활동하였다고 할 것이므로, 한총련의 연합단체로서의 성격 · 이적성의 근거 및 기준 · 실질적인 위험성여부·국가보안법 제1조 제2항의 해석 방법 · 주관적 구성요건 존부 등에 관한 피고인의 위 주장은 모두 이유 없다.

(3) As to the aptitude of the South Korean Cheongsung headquarters

According to the evidence duly examined and adopted by the court below, the Cheongsung Institute is an organization that actually leads the South Korean government headquarters under the direction of the Conciliation Division (hereinafter referred to as the "Mademy") of the South Korean government on August 15, 1992 and the North Korean government, which consists of young students from North Korea, with independence, peace, unification, three principles of national unity, the number of iron in the United States Armed Forces, the unification of the federal system, the long-term number of consciences, and the release of consciences, etc., and ten (10) military units, which include the strong order and ten (10) military units, which are consistent with the North Korean Supreme Court's theory on the revolutions of the North Korean government (hereinafter referred to as the "Korean National Security Act"), and it cannot be acknowledged that the North Korean government headquarters is the organization that actually takes the lead of the South Korean government headquarters under the direction of the North Korean National Unification Committee (hereinafter referred to as the "Korean National Security Act"), and that is the main organization of the North Korean government 93 North Korean government Association.

(4) Based on the evidence duly admitted and investigated by the court below, the court below recognized the suitability as pro-enemy organization under the National Security Act with respect to the pro-enemy organization under the National Security Act. The judgment below did not err in the misapprehension of legal principles as to pro-enemy organization under the National Security Act. Thus, the defendant's assertion on this part is without merit.

B. As to the assertion on unfair sentencing, considering all factors of sentencing, including the nature of each of the crimes in this case, the status and role of the defendant who was in the form of the defendant, the motive leading up to the crime in this case, the relationship between South and North Korea, and other factors of sentencing, including the defendant's age, academic background, criminal history, home environment, etc., the sentence imposed by the court below merely appears to be reasonable and unreasonable.

3. Conclusion

Therefore, the defendant's appeal is without merit, and it is dismissed in accordance with Article 364 (4) of the Criminal Procedure Act. It is so decided as per Disposition.


The presiding judge ○○○

Judges Park Il-young

Judges Gin-○
