본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원 동부지원 2016.05.11 2016고단189


A Imprisonment with prison labor of one year and six months, and Defendant B shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor of one year.

(2) the date of this judgment.


Punishment of the crime

1. The Defendants’ joint crime committed the crime committed by the Defendants committed the crime by stealing and destroying a telegraphic cable, and then divide the profits therefrom. Defendant B (hereinafter “D”) committed the act of driving a motor vehicle and disposing of the electric wires stolen to the vicinity of the telegraphic line, and Defendant A conspired to play the role of stealing electric wires by preparing tools necessary for committing the crime, such as cutting machines, etc.

On October 29, 2014, at around 19:17, the Defendants moved to the road near Busan-gun F in Busan-gun, using the E truck drivened by Defendant B, and Defendant B parked and waited for the said vehicle in the vicinity, Defendant G cut down on the telegraph station at the electric cable (100 meters in length) equivalent to one million won at the market price of the Korean Electric Power Corporation owned by the victim, while the Defendants cut off the said vehicle.

In addition, the Defendants stolen electric wires worth 13090,000 won in total over 15 times from September 26, 2014 to March 1, 2015 by the following methods: (a) as indicated in the list of crimes in attached Form 1,30,000 won.

As a result, the Defendants conspired to steal the victim's property.

2. Defendant A and Defendant A were engaged in the joint crime of Defendant A and H with a telecommunication cable, and then divided profits therefrom. H driving a motor vehicle to the vicinity of the telegraph station, and Defendant A conspired to prepare tools necessary for committing the crime, such as cutting machines, to take the role of destroying electric wires and disposing of stolen electric wires.

A. On October 10, 2015, Defendant A, using the E-motor vehicle driven by H around 19:30 on October 10, 2015, moved to I in the vicinity of Busan, using the E-motor vehicle driven by H around 19:30 on and around October 10, 2015, Defendant A parked the said motor vehicle in the vicinity and waiting for the said vehicle in the vicinity, Defendant A cut up an electric cable (200 meters in length) of an amount equivalent to KRW 1.4 million at the market price of the victim’s electric power station (200 meters in length) and cut off the said motor vehicle with H.

Accordingly, Defendant A is H.
