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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 2013.08.28 2013고단1322

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for two years from the date this judgment became final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant is the actual representative director of C(hereinafter referred to as “C”).

The Defendant, while participating in a bid for early, middle, and high schools and leasing C’s buses, presented the condition that each school can supply a vehicle within five years (vehicle-type 2006 or more) after purchasing it to prevent accidents and ensure the safe transportation of students. However, it was difficult to satisfy this condition, the Defendant attempted to receive the contract by altering the vehicle's vehicle's parking certificate of a chartered bus owned by the Defendant.

1. On April 201, the Defendant of the alteration and alteration of an official document at the Seo-gu Seoul Special Metropolitan City D office located in the Seocho-gu, Daejeon Special Metropolitan City (Seoul Special Metropolitan City). On February 7, 2002, C copied the original registration certificate of F Bus manufactured on February 7, 2002 by using an electronic reproduction machine, and then altered the registration certificate of F Bus in the name of the head of the Seoul Special Metropolitan City Office, which is an official document, by putting a number of “2006” on the “date of initial registration” column of the copy and again putting a number of “206” on the “date of initial registration.

In addition, on April 201, the Defendant entered into a charter of student-transport buses in the Daejeon-gu G Middle School located in the Seocho-gu Daejeon, Daejeon High School in February 201, and submitted the modified registration certificate to H as if the said altered registration certificate was actually issued, and exercised it.

In addition, the Defendant’s correction is a clerical error in the “period from May 25, 2012 to May 5.27, 201” stated in the “period” column of I Middle School No. 2, No. 1, 2012.

The "period" column of I Middle School No. 2, 200,5.27, as stated in the "period" column of I Middle School No. 2, 2012.
