본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2019.01.16 2018가합530955
입찰자 지위확인청구

1. All of the plaintiff's claims are dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


Basic Facts

Public Notice of this case

1.6. Outlines of construction: L=4,125.22m, primary protective pipes (main lectures, UP-PIPE), secondary protective pipes (Stone Bags, S-FCM), one electric hole, and one ancillary note;

2. Bidding and contracting methods 2.1. The construction subject to the qualification examination;

2.1.1.The criteria for the examination of qualifications shall be applied to the Detailed Criteria for the Examination of Qualifications of the Government Procurement Service.

2.2.The construction is subject to a limited competitive tendering based on its performance.

3.1. Qualifications for participation in bidding: person who is registered for a underwater construction business or electrical construction business under the Decree of the Framework Act on the Construction Industry and under the Electrical Construction Business Act, and who is a single unit of 22.9kV (3rd) or more in length and has completed not more than 1.375 km in length as of the date of the public notice of tender.

3.1.2.Electric Construction Business Association under the Electrical Construction Business Act;

4. Other detailed matters concerning the examination of performance records including submission of an application for the examination of performance records, criteria for recognition of performance records and scale of evaluation standards, etc. and the announcement of the results of the examination [1] The submission of performance records and evaluation criteria shall be based on the risk of the submission of performance records and evaluation criteria.

[Attachment 1] The Submission of Performance and Examination Criteria

1. 1.1. of qualification for participation in bidding on the date of announcement of participation in bidding on the date of 2.9km or more which is completed within the last 10 years as of the date of announcement of participation in bidding, 1.375km or more in a b.9km or more in a b.9km or more in a b.375km or more in the length of a submarine cable line - 4 km if a 3rd or 2 km in a unit representing the length of a line as km (e.g.), regardless of the number of pilotages, a b. 3rd or more in a b. 3rd or more in the length of a b. 3rd or more in the length of a b. 3rd or more in the length of a b. 3rd or more in the length of a submarine cable

4. Standard for examining the performance results of construction) One unit structure which recognizes the scale of performance results of construction (the body shall meet the standard for recognition of performance results of construction works in question).
