본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 창원지방법원 통영지원 2014.02.17 2013고합51

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for four years.

Of the facts charged in the instant case, the victim D.


Punishment of the crime

1. [2013Gohap51]

A. A. Around October 2008, the Defendant made a false statement to the effect that, if the Defendant invests KRW 600 million in the cost of operating business necessary for the permission of a slot machine business (the other party cost of the relevant public official) in the E hotel located in the Vietnam Minh City, the Defendant would be able to promote a slot machine business by obtaining business permission until September 2009.

However, even if the defendant receives the above business expense from the victim, he did not have an intention or ability to obtain permission for a slot machine business.

The Defendant was transferred from the victim the sum of KRW 100 million on October 29, 2008, KRW 100 million on December 9, 2008, KRW 100 million on January 5, 2009, KRW 50 million on January 14, 2009, KRW 150 million on January 16, 2009, and KRW 100 million on March 24, 2009 to the new bank account (Account Number G) in the name of the Defendant.

Accordingly, the defendant was given a delivery of KRW 600 million by deceiving the victim.

B. Around July 21, 2009, the fraud Defendant loaned to the victim the Hwing Factory that is operated by the Defendant at the Si of the Si of the Si of the Si of the Si of the Si of Vietnam the payment of KRW 25 million to the victim until August 25, 2009, if the Defendant borrowed the amount of KRW 25 million as the cost of delivery of clothing to be supplied.

However, even if the defendant borrowed money from the victim, he did not have the intention or ability to repay it.

The Defendant was transferred from the victim the sum of KRW 20 million on the same day, and KRW 25 million on July 22, 2009 to the said account in the name of the Defendant.

Accordingly, the defendant was delivered KRW 25 million by deceiving the victim.

2. [2013 Gohap104] On November 207, the Defendant is a representative of J’s former K and L, a company with limited liability in Vietnam, whose representative director works for the victim I in the hotel coffee shop located in Vietnam at the end of the end of November, 2007. The Defendant is a representative of J’s former K and L, a corporation with limited liability in Vietnam, and is a representative of H, a corporation with limited liability in Vietnam, with respect to Taekwondo supplies, to be engaged in the same business as that of Taekwondo supplies in Vietnam.
