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텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원 2016.01.21 2015고단7067


A Imprisonment for one year, and each of the defendants B shall be punished by imprisonment for eight months.


Punishment of the crime


B is the representative of "(State) D" located in Busan, which is a person engaged in transportation services, such as leasing chartered buses, and Defendant A is a person who has been engaged in the duties of dispatch while serving as the head of the above company.


A, while leasing a bus for field experience study at schools at Busan level, normally, the terms and conditions of a contract require a vehicle to be loaded within five years after the delivery in order to ensure the safety of students. However, as the vehicle in compliance with the above conditions is insufficient at the time of dispatch, A, as if it is a vehicle within five years after delivery, the part of the “the date of initial registration” and “year” of the motor vehicle registration certificate, which is a document, was modified to be submitted to the school, and Defendant B, an employee, was recruited in a manner that allows the submission to the school by alteration of the motor vehicle registration certificate.

1. Alteration of an official document;

A. On April 22, 2012, the Defendants: (a) prepared documents related to bus leases to be provided to E Middle Schools at the above office around April 2, 2012; (b) revised the first registration certificate by adding the number of “2007” portion of “207” and “2007” portion of “207” of the first registration date on the right side of the F motor vehicle registration certificate, which is the leased vehicle, to the “2007” portion of “200, which is located on the upper right side of the F motor vehicle registration certificate; and (c) by copying “208,” the first registration date by inserting “14 January 2008,” and “208,” as shown in attached Table 1, from around that time to April 9, 2013.

B. The Defendants are the leased vehicle when preparing documents related to the lease of buses to be provided to G high schools at around November 31, 2010 at the above office around November 31, 2010.
