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텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 2016.04.27 2016고단1160

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year and six months.

Seized evidence 3 shall be confiscated.


Punishment of the crime

피고인은 2016. 3. 8. 경 서울 동대문구 C에 있는 피고인의 집에서, 전화금융 사기( 이른바 ‘ 보이스 피 싱’) 조직의 일원인 성명 불상자( 일명 ‘D’ )로부터 범행 가담을 제안 받고, 위 조직의 전화담당 조직원이 검사 등을 사칭하여 피해자들 로 하여금 지정하는 계좌로 돈을 송금하도록 하면, 현금 인출 책은 송금 받은 돈을 인출하고, 피고인은 성명 불상자( 위 챗 닉네임 ‘E’) 의 지시에 따라 위 현금 인출 책으로부터 돈을 건네받아 다른 조직원에게 전달한 후 그에 대한 수고비로 일당 10만 원 내지 20만 원을 받기로 순차적으로 공모하였다.

1. On March 10, 2016, the telephone commissioner in charge of the above telephone finance fraud organization assumes the Seoul Central District Public Prosecutor's Office G by phoneing the victim F at a place in a fire on March 10, 2016 and misrepresenting the victim F to the public prosecutor's G of Seoul Central Public Prosecutor's Office. "The victim was arrested, and the head of passbook was established in the name of the victim, and the victim was

In order to verify whether the money deposited as a towing installment in the victim’s name is a lawful money, 30 minutes of the transfer of the money to the account of the Financial Supervisory Service employee would return the money more than 15:36 of the same day to the victim’s bank account (Account Number:J) at around 15:36 of the same day, and at around 09:00 on March 11, 2016, KRW 10 million out of the remittance of the money transferred to the victim was illegal.

Therefore, since it is necessary to confirm the amount of KRW 20 million remaining in the victim's passbook, it is necessary to transfer the amount to the K account, which is an employee of the Financial Supervisory Service, to the K, and it is necessary to have the victim transfer KRW 19 million to the K's account (Account Number: L) account in the name of K around 11:08 on the same day.

피고인은 2016. 3. 10. 18:00 경 위 전화금융 사기 조직원 성명 불상자( 위 챗 닉네임 ‘E’ )로부터 지시를 받고, 2016. 3. 11....
