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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2018.03.21 2018고단505

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten months.


Punishment of the crime

In order to stabilize the residence of homeless workers, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport has operated a system of lending the entire housing rent to the workers at a rate lower than the market interest rate without securing any collateral.

The defendant, together with C, prepared a false lease contract and employment certificate with a false tenant or C as a false lessor, and submitted them to the financial institution, and conspired to receive a worker lease loan and to divide the loan in the name of a false tenant.

On February 21, 2012, the Defendant and C prepared a false lease agreement with the Defendant to lease KRW 302,00,000,000,000,000 owned by them, and the Defendant and C around that time, created and issued false employment certificates, payment specifications, health insurance qualification acquisition certificates, income tax collection certificates, etc., which are the same that the Defendant is working for MM, and the Defendant made and issued to the Defendant. On February 22, 2012, the Defendant made the said move-in report, and received the confirmation date in the said lease agreement, using the above employment-related documents and the lease agreement. On February 23, 2012, the Defendant applied for the loan of KRW 56,000,000 to the employees in charge of loans from the National Housing Fund at the seat of the branch of the Bank of Korea on February 23, 2012, as seen above, submitted the false employment certificate and the lease agreement as if they were true and were actually used.

However, the lease contract and the certificate of employment have been falsely prepared, and the defendant did not have any intention to lease the house or to use the loan as the deposit money.

Accordingly, the defendant conspireds with C and Bloker for loans, which belongs to this, is 56 million won as a loan on February 29, 2012 from the victim bank in collusion with C and Bloker.
