본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2017.12.20 2017고단4420

Defendants shall be punished by imprisonment for ten months.


Punishment of the crime

[Dissenting] In order to stabilize the residence of homeless workers with no special security, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport operates a housing lease fund loan system with interest rate lower than the market interest rate if an application for a loan is filed with only certain documents such as a certificate of employment, a statement of salary, etc. without any special security, and a lease contract.

However, the Defendants, on the basis of the fact that the financial institution entrusted with the affairs related to the loan of the loan of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit of the deposit

【Criminal Facts】

1. On June 27, 2014, Defendant A, in collusion with loan hub E, submitted a lease agreement between the victim KB Bank F branch loan manager, a financial institution dealing with the above fund, and a lease agreement between the Defendant and the Defendant for G 12 Dong Dong Dong 102 in Gwangju City and a certificate of employment that the Defendant works in the workplace of the company of the company of the company of the company of the company of the company of the company of the company of the company of the company of the company of the company of the company

However, in fact, the defendant does not think that he actually resides in the above real estate.
