본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원 2016.12.09 2015구합24728
관리처분계획취소 등

1. The plaintiff C, D, K, L, N, Q and the plaintiff G, H, I, J, M,O, T, U,V, and X parts of the preliminary claim.


1. Details of the disposition;

A. The defendant was established for the purpose of implementing the housing redevelopment improvement project for the Seo-gu AB members of Busan Western District (hereinafter “instant rearrangement project”) and was approved by the head of the Busan Metropolitan City Seo-gu Office on August 27, 2007 for the establishment of the association.

B. On September 9, 2009, the head of Seo-gu Busan Metropolitan Government announced the project implementation plan on the same scale as indicated in the table below (hereinafter “the first project implementation plan”) on September 16, 2009, with the project implementation plan on the project of this case within four years from the date of the project implementation authorization; the period of implementation is within four years; the site area is 29,853С; the building area is 5,864.3172С; the building area is 19.64%; the building area ratio is 107,391.864С; the floor area ratio is 237.35%; the floor area ratio is 4%; the underground 24 stories; the highest height is 68.20 meters; and the project implementation plan on the same scale as indicated in the table below (hereinafter “the first project implementation plan”).

The number of units of housing units with the same number of units to be supplied shall be 39.6597 59.8406 59.94 84.9894 84.984.9526 84.978 84.9727 84.984.984.9515.2363 113.247 8647 8647 8647 137 137 1374 65 654 65 864 36 36 41 48 75904 6554 654 86415 4157 157

C. On March 31, 2012, the Defendant held an ordinary general meeting on March 31, 2012 and passed the project cost of KRW 182,349,00,00 for the implementation period of the project, within four years from the date of authorization for the implementation of the project, the building area of KRW 32,949,00 for the implementation period of the project, within four years from the date of authorization for the implementation of the project, the building area of KRW 5,200.8501 square meters, the building area of KRW 17.49%, the total floor area of KRW 102,248.376 square meters, the floor area ratio of KRW 22.27%, underground floors, 24 stories, the highest height of KRW 68.7m, 215, 151 among the total members, and the head of Seo-gu Busan Metropolitan Government passed the project implementation plan for the implementation of the project on August 12, 2012.

Along with the authorization, the number of households in units of housing were publicly announced on August 22, 2012. The number of units of housing units in units of supply units (based on 39.962 39.962 39.962 9.662 39.662 9.8480 72.90 72.907076 72.6853 72.674.598 84.0682 84.0682 84.7052 84.89984 867244 22221084 421084 48484 1084 6846.2684 19684 7.20684 208 206.416844
