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텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원 동부지원 2015.10.08 2014고단1153

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.


Punishment of the crime

[2014 Highest 1153] The Defendant conspired with D to purchase the leased vehicle under the name of another person, and to receive documents necessary for the purchase of the vehicle.

Around April 2013, the Defendant made a false statement that he/she would move a vehicle under the name of the juristic person he/she operates to E in the name of E, and that he/she would use it again in finding it again, and that he/she would receive from E a certified copy of E’s resident registration card, a certified copy of resident registration card, a copy of a driver’s license, a certificate of personal seal impression, and a certificate of personal seal impression in the name of E.

1. On April 25, 2013, the Defendant, along with D, visited “G”, which is an imported vehicle specialized company located in the Nam-gu Busan Metropolitan City F, on April 25, 2013, with D, and marked “H”, “H 101 Dong-gu I Building 808, Jin-gu,” “76,200,000 won in the vehicle price column,” and “E” in the buyer column, and marked the above E’s seal imprint affixed to the name.

Then, D stated "E" in the application for car lease of Hyundai Capital, which is located there, using the test color pen, stating "E" in the customer information, the applicant and the underwriter column, and marks the above E's seal impression which was created in advance following his name.

Accordingly, the Defendant forged, in collusion with D, one motor vehicle sales contract and one application form for the lease of Hyundai Capital in the name of E, a private document on rights and duties.

2. The Defendant, in collusion with D, submitted a forged motor vehicle sales contract to G business employees J, who knew of the forgery at the time and place specified in paragraph (1).

Then, the defendant at the above place, representing Hyundai Capital Co., Ltd., who is aware of the forgery at that time, shall be a member of the business under name in favor of him.
