red_flag_2(영문) 부산지법 1984. 6. 23. 선고 84고합131,84고합261(병합) 제3형사부판결 : 항소


Main Issues

The case holding that there is a duty of care to prevent the occurrence and expansion of a hotel accident to hotel managers.

Summary of Judgment

Defendant (A) Even if the management of the hotel was almost worked for (B) her children, the president of the company must take overall charge of the operation of the hotel directly, and (b) make the above (B) be directly engaged in the operation of the hotel and directly operate the health club, which is an ancillary facility to the hotel, not only the building that is the second-class tourist hotel but also the building that is the ancillary facility of the hotel, and also the heating of the above health club, which is its affiliated building, should take measures to ensure that the defective fire is not used due to the heating facility that was formed as the representative team, but also the fire handling and supervision should be thoroughly verified and supervised as the management owner in order to prevent the occurrence of various fire caused by the corrosion in the fire handling system, and even if a fire occurred, the implementation of fire prevention and emergency evacuation instruction training, etc. and the internal structure of the building such as fire emergency level and fire doors should be prevented by making a decision to correct and supplement it in conformity with the standards for fire prevention and fire prevention.

[Reference Provisions]

Article 268 of the Criminal Act


Defendant 1 and 13 others


Defendant 1 shall be punished by imprisonment without prison labor for one year, by imprisonment for two years, by imprisonment for two years, by imprisonment for one year, by imprisonment without prison labor for one year and six months, by imprisonment without prison labor for Defendant 5, by imprisonment for one year and six months, by imprisonment without prison labor for Defendant 6, by imprisonment for one year and six months, and by a fine for 100,000 (one hundred million won) for Defendant 7, by imprisonment without prison labor for ten years, by imprisonment for Defendant 8, by imprisonment for one year and one year for nine years, by imprisonment for Defendant 10, by imprisonment for 11 year, and by a fine for 15,00,000 (one million one) for Defendant 12, respectively.

When Defendant 6 fails to pay the above fine, the same defendant shall be confined in a workhouse for the period calculated by converting the amount of KRW 5,000 into one day.

Of detention days prior to the rendering of a judgment, 70 days shall be included in the calculation of defendants 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7; 155 days, respectively; 45 days for defendants 10; and 100 days for defendants 11 and in the calculation of imprisonment or imprisonment without prison labor, respectively.

However, the execution of the above imprisonment or imprisonment without prison labor for two years for Defendant 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, and 11 from the date this judgment became final and conclusive, and for Defendant 10, the execution of the above imprisonment or imprisonment without prison labor for one year.

In regard to Defendant 13, a sentence of punishment shall be suspended.

50,000 won shall be additionally collected from Defendant 13.

To order the provisional payment of an amount equivalent to the above fine against Defendant 6.

Of the facts charged in the instant case, Defendant 1’s violation of the Fire Services Act, violation of the Building Act, preparation of false official documents against Defendant 13, and Defendant 14, not guilty.

Criminal facts

1. The Defendants’ duties

(1) Defendant 1, as the wife of the deceased non-party 1, was established by the non-party 1, as the wife of the deceased non-party 1, on May 16, 1975, and was appointed as the representative director, the non-party 1 was operated as the actual owner of the above (name omitted) tourist hotel and ancillary facilities (title omitted), which are the non-party 12 company, from August 16, 1976 to the second grade tourist hotel (name omitted). The defendant 1 was under the direct management of the coffee shop, dice club, age club, social club, letter, this, beauty club, gynasium, gynasium, gynasium, etc.). When he died on September 1, 1983 and transferred his property to the president of the above defendant 12 company on September 14, 1983, and was operated as the actual owner of the above (title omitted).

(2) Defendant 2 was a child born between the above Defendant 1’s Jeonnam, and the above Defendant 1 was appointed as the president of the above hotel on September 20, 1983, and was appointed as the former president of the above Defendant 12 corporation and was actually responsible for the management of the above hotel with the authority delegated by the above Lee Jong-young and was actually responsible for the management of the above hotel.

(3) Defendant 3 was in office as the director of the accounting division of the above (name omitted) tourist hotel from April 1, 1982, and was in office as one regular director of the above hotel from July 1, 1983, and was responsible for assisting the above Defendant 2 to supervise employees, etc. as to the overall management and operation of the hotel; and

(4) Defendant 4, as a manager of the above hotel from October 17, 1983, is a person who, as a supervisor of the above hotel, supervised the employees under the direction of the entire operation of the hotel, together with the above Defendants 1, 2, and 3, has been engaged in the business of supervising the management of the above hotel and the business of supervising the management of various kinds of firearms, including all kinds of hotel facilities and heating facilities, etc.; and

(5) Defendant 5 entered the above hotel on January 13, 1976 and from January 1, 1983, as the head of the materials division of the above hotel from January 1, 1983, as well as the head of the materials division of the above hotel, who was responsible for the duties of supervising the management and maintenance of facilities and the affairs of supervising employees.

(6) Defendant 6 was working as an engineer of the above hotel from November 4, 1979 on November 30, 1982, and was appointed as a fire prevention manager from the Busan Fire Station on November 30, 1982 and was engaged in the fire prevention management of the hotel; and

(7) Defendant 7, who entered the above hotel on September 20, 1981 and was in charge of dealing with the above hotel facilities such as scalkyas and scalkyas as the above hotel scalkyas, from August 8, 1983, and supervised its employees' business;

(8) Defendant 13 was affiliated with the Busan Jin-gu Environmental Sanitation and Sanitation System from February 5, 1982 and was in charge of all the affairs concerning public bath.

(9) From March 3, 1982 to October 12, 1983, Defendant 8 was affiliated with the above Gu office building and building guidance and was in charge of controlling unauthorized buildings; and

(10) Defendant 9 is the head of the above building and building guidance division from February 3, 1982 to May 16, 1983, who had been in charge of supervision over the above business and statistics officials belonging to the above business; and

(11) From September 15, 1979, Defendant 10 is the director of the construction division of the above Gu office, who is engaged in building permission, construction completion and unauthorized Building Control, and the direction and supervision of public officials belonging thereto;

(12) From December 30, 1982 to December 30, 1982, Defendant 11 is a person who belongs to the Busan Fire Fighting Station and has been in charge of flame retardation.

(13) Defendant 12 is a corporation established for the purpose of carrying out a tourist hotel business, a syke and product sales business, a real estate rental business, and (name omitted), a tourist hotel and ancillary facilities directly.

2. (Omission of Name) The location, structure, and vulnerable point to fire fighting of the tourist hotel building;

(1) (Name omitted) The building of a tourist hotel is a reinforced concrete building built on May 6, 1975 through May 20, 1976 between May 6, 1975 and May 20, 1976 by the time Non-Indicted 1 established Defendant 12 Co., Ltd., and its location, shape, and structure are as shown in the annexed sheet 1 to 11.

The first floor of the above building was originally dco clubs, coffee shop for the second floor, coffee shop for the second floor, 3th floor for the fourth floor for the public bath, hotel room for the fifth to nineth floor, conference room for the first floor for the public from April 1983 to September 2, 1983, and the public bath for the fourth floor for the public bath of the fourth floor was changed into a private house or a resting room for the public. As the fiveth floor was changed into a private house or a resting room for the public, stairs connected to the fourth floor for the public building for the public use of the public use of the public use of the public use of the public use of the public use of the public use of the public use of the public use of the public use of the public use of the public use of the public use of the public use of the public use of the public use of the public use of the public use of the public use of the public use of the public use of the public use of the public use of the public use of the public use of the public use of the public use of the public use of the public.

In addition, the front and the rear door of the above hotel are installed one elevator leading from the first floor to the 10th floor, and there are two straight stairs leading each to the elevator and the 10th floor, and one door door installed in the center part of the building-centered joint duct and pipe broom for ventilation purpose, and the above joint duct is installed in 10th to the 10th floor above the ground, and the above pipe broom is connected to the 10th floor above the second floor up to the 10th floor above the ground, and the entrance entering each floor from the direct stairs of each floor after the above hotel is installed in the 1st floor of each floor, and the entrance entering each floor from the direct stairs of the above hotel is installed in the 1st floor above the 1st floor above the 1st floor above the 1st floor above the 1st floor above the 6th to the 9th floor above the 1st floor above the 1st floor above the 1st floor entrance of each floor.

(2) 그러나 공조덕트는 방화구획인 각층을 관통하기 때문에 그 관통부분 또는 이에 근접한 부분에는 화재시 연기의 발생 또는 온도의 상승에 의하여 자동적으로 닫히며, 닫힌 때에 방화상 지장이 없게끔 틈이 생기지 아니하도록 구조를 갖춘 방화댐퍼가 설치되어 있어야 함에도 이와 같은 방화댐퍼가 전혀 설치되어 있지 아니하고, 파이프빗트에는 그 관이 방화구획을 관통하는 경우에는 그 관과 방화구획과의 틈을 시멘트모르터 기타 불연재로 메워야 하는데도 전혀 이러한 시설이 갖추어지지 아니하고, 위 갑종 방화문은 항상 닫혀진 상태로 있어야 할 뿐 아니라, 그 문틈을 불연재로 하고, 방화문이 문틀 또는 방화문과 접하는 부분은 그 방화문을 폐쇄한 경우에 방화에 지장이 있는 틈이 생기지 아니하는 구조로 되어야 하며, 자동개폐기를 부착하였다고 하더라도 그 개폐동작이 원활히 되도록 관리함으로써 언제나 닫힌 상태로 유지되어야 함에도 불구하고 위 방화문을 폐쇄하여도 그 문밑에서 바닥에 이르기까지 그 곳에 깔린 카페트 두께만큼 공간이 생긴 채로 설치되어 있고, 자동개폐기의 작동상태도 불량하여 문을 실내에서 옥내 피난계단쪽으로 약 90도 가량 젖혀 밀었을 때에는 자동개폐장치가 작동치 못하도록 되어 있었고, 위 건물의 서편에 위치한 후면 제일 끝에 위치한 객실에는 옥내 직통계단으로 통하는 개구부가 설치되어 있는데도 그 개구부에 대하여는 방화문설치등 방화장치가 되어 있지 아니하였고 특히 위 호텔의 4층 사우나 개조시 이미 방화구획으로 설치되어 있는 4층 천정 즉 객실로 사용하던 5층 밑바닥중 13.2평이 헐리어 4층과 5층 사이에 계단이 설치되고 5층의 사우나 욕객들의 편의를 위한 휴게실 내에는 석유화학제품인 합성피혁등으로 제조된 의자 80개와 동 휴게실 및 4층 탈의실 바닥에는 방염처리가 안된 카페트가 깔려 있고, 인접한 건물에 설치된 헬스크럽과 사우나시설과 통하는 통로는 위 호텔의 북쪽 방화벽의 일부를 가로 1.1미터, 세로 1.8미터 가량의 크기를 헐어내고 양 건물 사이에 위 호텔에서 약 35도 가량 아래로 경사가 지도록 계단이 설치된 것이며, 그 계단 및 위 4층과 5층 사이의 계단에는 역시 방염처리가 안된 카페트가 깔려 있었으며, 1983년도에 들어서서 부산진소방서장으로부터 6회, 부산진구청장으로부터 7회에 걸쳐 위 호텔의 각 객실의 천정 및 내장재를 불연재로 교체하라는 개선명령이 있었음에도 전혀 시정이 되어 있지않는 상태에 있었을 뿐 아니라, 위 호텔의 건물구조 자체가 동편은 서면 로타리에, 서편은 복개천에 접해 있어 꺽쇄형의 건물로서 도로연결 출입문이 2개에 불과하고 상가밀집지역이며, 주변에 고압선이 설치되어 있어 소방구조 활동이 매우 어려운 지형적 위치에 놓여 있었고 위 호텔 옥내에서 옥외로 통하는 비상문은 언제라도 내부에서 외부로의 탈출방향으로 밀기만 하면 그대로 열려지도록 설비 관리해야 함에도 도난방지등의 이유로 위 비상문에 부착된 철판고리를 건물에 부착된 장쇠에 끼어 넣는 방법으로 걸어두어 비상시 긴급탈출자가 위 철판고리를 벗기지 아니한 채 그대로 밀면 열려지지 아니하여 피난구로서의 역활을 하지 못하게 한 상태에서 그대로 방치되어 있었고, 또한 위 헬스클럽에는 스팀으로 된 난방장치가 되어 있지 아니하므로 날씨가 추워질 경우에는 이용객들의 편의를 위하여서는 난로를 설치하지 않으면 안될 처지에 있었기 때문에 이러한 경우 화기취급부주의 등으로 인하여 화재가 동 건물에서 발생한 경우 쉽게 위 화염과 연기 및 이로 인한 유독성 개스가 전객실 등으로 순식간에 번져 나감으로서 막대한 인적 및 물적 피해를 야기하고 공공의 위험을 초래케 될 우려가 있었다.

3. Parts violating the Fire Services Act and the Building Act;

(1) Defendant 2 as a de facto manager of the above hotel;

A. On September 15, 1983, to the above hotel, which is a fire fighting object from Busan Jinjin chief of fire station, in the above hotel:

(i)The third-story-class, government-invested food will require an automated gas detection machine and separation distance;

(ii)In the event of an order to correct and supplement, not later than September 26 of the same year, defective fire-fighting systems over two categories, such as Sections, storage parts, etc., necessary for the extension of two automatic fire detection stations in the power generation room and adjacent storage parts (the partitioned section, warehouse parts), and in violation of the above paragraph (b) above within the said period; and

B. On October 22 of the same year for the same building from the Busan Jinjin chief of fire station at the same place:

(i)be able to be operated on a regular basis at the indoor fire hydrant;

(b)A summary of guiding lights at the entrance of the hotel from the toilet emergency exit to the entrance of the first floor of the hotel.

(c) Summary of laying off emergency power storage cell facilities for broadcasting facilities;

(d) Demand for the opening of the ventilation equipment in the ground floor; and

(v)the removal of rooftop transit tanks;

(f) Summary of the installation of storage and explosion-preventive equipment for booms;

(vii) Safety equipment, such as earth and mountain products shops, e.g. e., e.g. e. e.s.s.

·Maintenance outline of inducement lights at all times

(9) Shall be kept at the age of the hotel.

On November 22, 199, an order to repair the defective fire-fighting systems over nine items was issued, but the said paragraph (d) (v) has not been performed within the said period, and is in violation thereof;

C. On December 7 of the same year, for the same building from the Busan Jinjin chief of fire station at the same place:

(1) The equipment of the heading school system is composed of eight storys (Pressures) and needs to be repaired.

(ii)in the indoor fire hydrants of each floor, the word "fire hydrants" shall be marked.

(iii)A summary of repair of automated fire detection equipment 2,12,15 times.

(d) A correction outline that has been abandoned from the studio, stairs floor (elevators, machine rooms).

(v) The 5th floor transmission sign, etc. broken off with lamps should be replaced.

(f) They need to install guidance signs at the entrance of the outdoor stairs of each floor.

(vii) the removal of rooftop light oil tanks.

(8) With respect to the number of indoor ventilation equipment in the underground tank and the display board facilities of the first floor of the building on which it is required to be attached in compliance with the standards of the sign board.

(9) The mark of the automatic fire detection equipment is needed at all times.

(C) Sheet of vehicles, such as guidance, etc.;

(ㅋ) 무대부, 카텐 및 카페트 방염 및 주방벽포지 방염처리 요함등의 미비된 소방시설을 1984. 1. 7.까지 개수, 보완하라는 명령을 받고도 위 기간내에 위 (ㅋ)항에 대하여는 이를 이행하지 아니하여 이에 위반하고,

(d)for the same building from the head of Busan Jin-gu at the same place on October 13 of the same year:

(1) The guest access door is a door door to open demand.

(b)Each guest room shall open the demand of smoke by fire.

(c)The smoke of internal walls of the electronic amusement room shall not be open to the general public by incombustible material.

order of correction for violation of the Building Act over three items, such as

(1) In most cases, the provisions of subsection (b) and (c) are breached without repairing the entrance doors of the employees in the machinery room of 6,7,88,9 levels by fire doors, but are not implemented;

(e)for the same building from the head of the Gu at the same place on November 8 of the same year:

(1) In part of the dwelling space, the interior materials of the dwelling space need to be replaced by an incombustible material.

(2) Indoor direct stairs shall be open to escape stairs.

The violation of the Building Act by failing to comply with the corrective order for the violation of the Building Act over two items;

(f)for the same building from the head of the Gu at the same place on December 20 of the same year:

(i)the cost of installing a fire partition, including the co-operative and pipeline;

(ii)Influence fireproof materials of some floors shall be combustibilityed by fire.

(c)Failures of escape stairs (to be installed as openings or moving-out material)

The provisions of Section (1) of the Building Act, even upon being ordered to correct the violation of the provisions of Section (2) of the Building Act, shall only correct the joint venture of the 8th floor, and the fire partition of the joint venture and pipe duct of the remaining floors shall be installed without being installed or not installed, and the provisions of Section (2) of the same Act shall be violated;

(2) Defendant 6 as a fire prevention manager of the hotel,

The above 3-(1)(a), (b), and (c) at the time and time as described in the above paragraph, the operator of the tourist hotel (name omitted), after being designated as the fire safety manager, did not comply with the above order with the contents of the fire-fighting system and other equipment, although the order of supplementation of the same contents as the mentioned above was issued from the Busan Fire Station, it did not perform it as stated in the order, and even though it did not perform the duty necessary for fire-fighting management, such as conducting the fire-fighting education for the hotel employees and the evacuation guidance training for guests at least once a month from January 1, 1983 to December 1 of the same year, the above hotel employees did not perform the duty necessary for fire-fighting management, such as conducting the fire-fighting training at least 2 and 3 times a month.

(3) Defendant 12 Company

A. Defendant 1, the wife of Non-Indicted 1, who died on September 1, 1983, was appointed as the president of the company, and Defendant 2, the wife of Non-Indicted 1, who was the wife of Non-Indicted 1, who was in fact, was in violation of the order to repair the company's business and to repair the company's business as described in paragraph (1), (b), and (c) of the above paragraph, as described in paragraph (1) and paragraph (5) of this Article, violated each order of repair of the head of Busan Jin-gu District Office, such as entry, D, E, and F;

B. As an employee of the deceased non-indicted 1, who was the actual representative of that company, Non-indicted 3, who was the actual representative of that company, is about the business of that company:

(i) without obtaining permission from the authorities;

Between July 1983 and September 12 of the same year, as shown in the annexed Form 12, concrete slvebing 13.2 square meters which is a fire zone between the fourth and fifth floors of the above hotel as of the annexed Form 12, and the third floor of the hotel, in order to make a passage to the third floor of the Korean-Japan 3rd floor health clubs adjacent to the fourth floor of the hotel, it shall be dismantled and repaired by 3.3 square meters inside the same slve or north, and it shall be installed at the 38.9 square meters away from the existing building of the above third floor of the Korean-Japan 3rd building adjacent to the above hotel and installed at the 38.9 square meters away from the existing building of the above hotel, and installed at the 32.9 square meters away from the front wall of the above building, and installed the entrance and the wall in accordance with the annexed Form 12, and installed at the 25.2 meters away from the entrance and the wall of the above building, and installed at the

4. Parts of business practice:

피고인 7은 1981. 9. 20.경 위 (명칭 생략)관광호텔의 식당 종업원으로 입사하여 근무하던중 1983. 8. 8.경 사우나 주임으로 임명되어 동 사우나탕 및 이에 따른 헬스클럽의 시설을 관리하고 특히 1984. 1. 13. 19:00경부터 그 다음날인 14. 12:00경까지 위 사우나실의 야간 당직주임으로 근무하면서 화재와 도난방지 및 이에 따른 각 종업원들의 업무를 감독하는 임무에 종사하는 자로서, 1984. 1. 14. 07:30경 위 사우나에 연결되어 있는 헬스클럽에 들어가 그곳에 그달 11. 설치된 별지 제13도면과 같은 구조의 석유난로에 처음으로 불을 붙이면서 난로의 심지를 최대한으로 올리고 점화시킨 후 사우나탕, 휴게실 등지에서 용무를 마치고 같은날 08:00경 다시 위 헬스클럽에 들어갔을 때 난로의 불꽃이 보이지 않고 주위에서 연기가 나고 있는 것을 보고 기름이 없는 것으로 생각한 후 동 헬스클럽 북쪽 구석에 있는 20리터들이 플라스틱 기름통을 가지고 와서 기름을 주입하게 되었는 바, 연소중에 있는 난로의 석유통에 바로 석유를 넣게 되면 연소중인 난로심지 주변의 가연성 개스로 인한 화재발생의 우려가 있으므로 이러한 경우 난로 취급등을 포함한 위 시설관리의 업무에 종사하는 피고인으로서는 우선 난로의 심지를 밑으로 내려 불이 완전히 꺼진 것을 확인한 수 위 난로에 약 3센티미터 가량 떨어져 호스로 연결되어 있는 보조 탱크에 놓여진 석유통(4.7리터들이)을 들어내어 그 마개를 열고 그 곳에 석유를 부어 넣고 다시 보조탱크에 석유통을 놓은 다음 위 난로의 심지를 올리고 점화를 함으로써 제반사고를 미연에 방지하여야 할 업무상 주의의무가 있음에도 불구하고 이를 태만히 한 채 연소중에 있는 난로에 부착된 석유통을 끄집어 내고 그 보조탱크에 막바로 위 프라스틱 기름통에 달린 호스끝을 대고 위 기름통을 기울여 석유를 부어 넣는 순간 연소중에 있는 난로내의 기화가스가 “퍽”하는 가벼운 소리를 내자 이에 당황하여 엉겁결에 붓고 있던 위 플라스틱 기름통을 바로 세우는 순간 그 기름통의 호수에서 나오던 기름이 가열된 난로 몸통 등에 뿌려져 화염에 확산되는 것을 보고 놀랜 나머지 손에 들고 있던 플라스틱 기름통을 그 곳에 두고 피신한 과실로 주위에 있는 불이 난로밑과 그 주변에 깔린 가연성 카페트 및 위 플라스틱 기름통에 인화되고 그 불이 그곳에서 약 57센티미터 가량 떨어진 벽과 약 90센티미터 가량 떨어진 통로에 옮겨 붙은 후 사우나로 연결된 통로를 따라 사우나 내부 탈의실등과 다시 위 사우나에서 5층 휴게실로 연결지어진 계단 및 자동개폐장치가 되어 있지 않은 공조덕트와 파이프빗트 및 방화문 틈새를 통하여 각층에 번져 순식간에 그 건물 4층 이상 전체에 파급 연소되어 같은날 10:15경까지 사이에 사람이 현존하는 동 건물 1동 시가 금 139,800,000원 상당과 별지 피해내역서 1기재와 같은 동 건물 내부에 있는 물건 합계 시가 금 289,800,000원 상당을 소훼한 것이다.

5. Parts concerning occupational injury and death

(1) As the president of the above defendant 12 corporation, he takes a general care of the operation of the above defendant 12 corporation (title omitted) tourist hotel and has his son work directly for the operation of the hotel without charge. When he directly operates the health club connected to the above fourth floor of the hotel as an incidental facility to the above 2nd floor, he must install a heating facility with the stst hotel team to prevent the occurrence of defective fire in the above health club, etc., to prevent the occurrence of fire and fire-fighting accidents, to prevent the occurrence of fire and fire-fighting accidents at all as well as to protect the employees from spreading and fire-fighting structures, and to protect the employees from spreading and fire-fighting structures from spreading as a result of thorough confirmation and supervision as the management owner of the above 2nd building, and to protect them from spreading and fire-fighting structures at all as well as to protect them from spreading and fire-fighting structures, and to protect them from spreading and fire-fighting accidents as soon as possible.

(2) Defendant 2 is in a position to exercise overall control over the management of various kinds of facilities of the above hotel, work performance, and various education under the delegation by Defendant 1, the owner of the above hotel. A health club, an affiliated with a hotel, when there is a need for heating, shall not install a petroleum scoo or electricity scoos other than the above facility by installing a scoos group, as well as, if he knows that two or one of the above health clubs was installed due to bad petroleum scoos and electricity scoos, he shall immediately remove or block the above scooscoos from the scoos and install them, and even if he was ordered to temporarily install scooscoos, he shall take appropriate corrective measures such as fire prevention and fire prevention measures against all the above employees, and shall take appropriate corrective measures such as fire prevention and fire prevention measures in parallel with the above employees' duty of care and fire prevention measures, as seen in the above Defendant 1's above.

(3) As the sole regular business of the above hotel, Defendant 3, as an assistant to the above defendant 1 and 2, was engaged in the duty of supervising various accounting and facility management necessary for the management of the hotel and the duties of its employees. When Defendant 5 received a report from the above health club to install a fixed petroleum shortage, Defendant 3 must refrain from doing so. Although Defendant 5 temporarily installed the above health club, it is installed without any danger of fire by taking into account the damaged passage's performance and safety level, and at all times check and check whether Defendant 1 and 2 are performing the duty of care to prevent fire by supervising the fire handler from time to time. As seen above, Defendant 3 has such duty of care in parallel with the above above Defendant 1 and 2, such as prompt supplementation and repair of the vulnerability in the building structure of the above hotel, as well as by actively recommending such policies to the whole-time committee and the chairperson, etc., and neglected to take any of the above measures despite the duty of care to prevent fire and the occurrence of the accident.

(4) Defendant 4, as the manager of the above hotel, is engaged in the duty of checking the state of fire against each guest room, including the oil scams installed in the above club, and supervising the performance of his duties, as well as daily checking whether the above person responsible for handling and his supervisor take appropriate measures with respect to the handling of fire, as seen in the above Defendant 1, 2, and 3, etc., as well as his duty of care to take any measures to prevent or reduce the damage to life and property caused by the fire by carrying out fire-prevention and escape training for his employees, as well as to take such measures without taking any other measures as deeming that his business performance would only be avoided, even though he had the duty of care to take measures to prevent or reduce the damage to life and property caused by the fire, and as seen in the above Defendant 1, 2, 3, etc.

(5) As the above hotel is an industrial accident of fire vulnerability factors in the building structure, Defendant 5 considered whether Defendant 6, a fire safety manager, faithfully performed his duties as a fire safety manager. In addition, Defendant 5 neglected not only to check and supplement various facilities expenses but also to take any measures against employees, regardless of their duty of care to educate and supervise the above health club as well as to check and supplement various facilities expenses.

(6) As seen above, Defendant 6, as a yellow dust manager of the above hotel, is expected to have a lot of vulnerability in fire-fighting management, and if a fire occurs, it is anticipated that the above hotel will rapidly cause many damage to human lives. As such, Defendant 6’s duty of care should be neglected by promptly correcting and supplementing such vulnerability factors, and by making recommendations to the above Defendants 1, 2, etc. from time to time to time to time to make correction of such vulnerability factors. Furthermore, Defendant 6 neglected his duty of care by failing to take any measures without any duty of care to prevent or reduce human lives, etc. in the event of a fire or a fire, despite the fact that he had a duty of care to take such measures as to prevent or reduce the loss of human lives, etc. in the event of a fire.

(7) As seen above, Defendant 7 is anticipated to suffer from fire due to the fire vulnerability in the above hotel structure, it is anticipated that the fire will rapidly occur in the hotel with a large number of casualties. Thus, when treating petroleum in advance for the prevention of fire, Defendant 7 caused the same fire as the above mentioned above by negligence without taking any measures, regardless of the fact that there is a duty of care such as handling oil, and as to the above Defendants 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, each error such as the above statements on the victim 1, 4, 4, and 6 were concurrent with the victim's 4th floor above, and the above fire would be removed from the victim's 5th floor above and the victim's 4th floor above 4th floor above, and the victim's 4th floor above 5th floor and the victim's 4th floor above 5th floor of the above 4th floor and the victim's 5th floor attached to the above 4th floor, and there is no difference between the above 4thr.

6. Part on acceptance of bribe

around 14:00 on September 19, 1983, Defendant 13 received a bribe in relation to his duties with the knowledge of the fact that the above non-indicted 6 was aware of convenience in the process of the resumption of the business of the above (name omitted) hotel Shob in the back of the main office of the Busan-dong Busan-dong Busan-dong branch of the Busan-dong branch.

7. Preparation, display, alteration, and display of false official documents

(1) Defendant 10,9, and 8

When Nonindicted 7, who operates a (name omitted) hospital in the Busan Jin-gu Office (hereinafter omitted), received a verbal civil petition from the owner of the building to change the parking lot facilities of the above hospital to an emergency room, making it impossible to confirm the violation of the Building Act of the same person, and not to take any accusation, it would not be possible to confirm the violation of the Building Act of the same person. As such, Nonindicted 7, the owner of the building, who concealed Nonindicted 7, and merely the construction contractor, made and keep a false public document that would enable Nonindicted 8, who

A. At around 12:00 on March 23, 1983, Defendant 9 filed an accusation with an unauthorized owner for the purpose of uttering at the construction of the Busan Jin-gu Office and the office office of the Busan Jin-gu Office: (a) stated the contents of the Building Act violations such as structure, building volume, use, reason, etc. using a black pen in the draft of the item; and (b) stated the above Nonindicted 8 in the building owner column in the building owner column with a false statement in the above Nonindicted 8; and (c) requested the building owner to take illegal measures against the violation of Article 48 of the Building Act; (d) Defendant 8 was in the column of the subsidiary draft of the building site; (e) Defendant 9 was in the opening column of the building site; and (e) Defendant 10 had Nonindicted 9, the final approving authority, affix each seal on the interim draft of the building site;

B. As above, exercise the right by keeping the land created as above at the above date and at the same place as if it were genuine contents;

(2) The purpose of Defendant 11 is to anticipate and exercise a warning on fire-fighting and administrative action against (name omitted) hotels prior to the instant fire incident, to be reprimanded against the fact that they did not take any administrative action:

A. At around 23:00 on January 6, 1984, there was no fact that he issued a flame retardation order with respect to (name omitted)dicokes in the Busan Fire Station's office, but on November 26, 1983, the company subject to the administrative order of the flame retardation order under custody with the approval of the chief of the fire station non-indicted 10 on November 26, 1983, using the (name omitted) ddicokes as a test color pen and put them in (name omitted) ddicokes with the above flame retardation order, which is an official document, as if he issued a flame retardation order with the approval of the chief of the fire station.

B. Although there was no fact that a DNA scoke is included in the subject of the verification of the flame retardation administration order, on January 5, 1984, the company subject to the verification of the local confirmation plan of the flame retardation administration order in custody with the approval of the above non-indicted 10 on January 5, 1984, put (title omitted) DNA scoke in the column of the company subject to the verification of the administrative order of the flame retardation administration order under custody with the approval of the above non-indicted 10 on January 5, 1984, and then (title omitted) DNA scokeis is included in the subject of the verification of the flame retardation

C. On the above date, at the above place (name omitted), dicocokes shall be prepared with a letter of local confirmation (name omitted), which is a false public document, to the effect that (name omitted), dicocokes are irrelevant to the object of flame retardation treatment as a result of the on-site verification using a verification color pen in the land B of the flag site, notwithstanding the fact that there was no on-site verification, and (name omitted) one copy of a letter of local confirmation on the object of flame retardation treatment, which is a false public document, as if on-site verification was made;

D. The above date, at the above time and place, one copy of the above flame retardation order, one copy of the on-site confirmation plan of flame retardation administration order, and one copy of the on-site confirmation letter of flame retardation disposition order, which had been altered or falsely prepared as mentioned in the above subparagraph (a), (b), and (c), are used respectively by keeping it in the above office as if they were duly formed.

Summary of Evidence

Each fact in the ruling,

1. Statements consistent with or partially consistent with the facts stated in the judgment of the Defendants in the court

1. Each statement that conforms to the facts set forth in Articles 1 through 5 in the ruling of Nonindicted 11, 12, and 13 in the court

1. Statement that conforms to the facts set forth in Article 7 (1) of the judgment in the court of non-indicted 14

1. Each protocol of suspect examination against the Defendants of the prosecutor, which corresponds to the relevant facts in its holding

1. Each statement written by the prosecutor as to Non-Indicted 6, 15, 11, 3, and 16 of the suspect examination protocol as to Non-Indicted 6, 15, 11, 3, and

1. Statement that corresponds to the facts set forth in the judgment of the prosecutor's suspect interrogation protocol as to non-indicted 6

1. Each statement made by the prosecutor on Nonindicted 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23 that conforms to the facts set forth in the judgment in the prosecutor’s statement

1. Statement that corresponds to the facts described in the judgment of the court in an interrogation protocol of Defendant 3 in preparation of judicial police assistant;

1. Each statement made by Nonindicted 12 and 32 other than 12 in preparation of a judicial police assistant, which corresponds to the facts described in the judgment, in each statement;

1. Each statement that corresponds to the facts set forth in Article 7 (1) of the judgment in each statement of Nonindicted 57 and 8 prepared by the judicial police assistant;

1. Entry of the results of verification consistent with the people indicated in the first inspection protocol prepared by a judicial police officer;

1. Each entry of the fifth inspection report and actual inspection report prepared by a judicial police officer, which conforms to the facts listed in the judgment in subparagraphs 1 through 5;

1. Each statement written by Nonindicted 59 and 60 that conforms to the facts set forth in the judgment of the court below

1. The description in accordance with the facts stated in the judgment of the court below in the letter of confirmation of Nonindicted 61 (the investigative record No. 2792 pages 2792)

1. Each description in line with the private person’s respective points in the judgment of each of the doctor Nonindicted 62 and nine and each of the non-indicted 4 and the non-indicted 39 prepared, and the death diagnosis report

1. Each description of the doctor Nonindicted 63 and 21, each written diagnosis of Nonindicted 5 and 67, each of which corresponds to the part and degree of the injury as indicated in the judgment, and each description of which corresponds to the part and degree of the injury as indicated in the opinion

1. As a result of confirmation of the administrative order in the name of the head of Busanjin Fire Station, a copy of the corrective order, a copy of the supplementary order (investigative records, 743 pages), a copy of the supplementary order and a copy of the repair order (investigative records, 2382, 2383 pages), a copy of each corrective order (investigative records, 742, 2375, 2377 pages) under the name of the head of Busanjin Fire Station and (in omitted), a copy of the corrective order under the name of the head of Busanjin Fire Station (investigative records, 742, 2375, 237 pages) and (in omitted), a copy of the fire extinguishing plan for 84 years

1. The entries consistent with the facts listed in Article 7 (1) in the judgment of the owner of building without permission or a copy of accusation (in the face of 1098 investigation records) bound in the records

1. The description corresponding to the facts in the judgment of the court in the detailed statement of property damage bound in the records;

1. Each description that conforms to the facts set forth in subparagraph 7 (2) of the judgment and present status of the person subject to the on-site verification (in-house verification No. 2), the on-site verification plan of the flame retardation treatment administration order (in-house verification No. 3), and the flame retardation instruction (in-house verification No. 4)

1. To comply with the descriptions described in subparagraph 7 (1) of the existing and marketed building disposal (No. 7) without permission that has been seized;

1. Since the facts in the judgment can be recognized in full view of the existence, etc. of confiscated petroleum difficult and petroleum market (Evidence No. 9), all of the facts in the judgment can be proven.

Application of Statutes

피고인들의 판시 각 소위 중 피고인 2의 판시 제3 (1) 가, 나, 다의 각 소방법위반의 점은 각 소방법 제73조 제3호 , 제29조 제2항 , 제1항 에 판시 제3(1)라, 마, 바의 각 건축법 위반의 점은 각 건축법 제55조 제3호 , 제42조 제1항 에(검사는 피고인에 대하여 소방법 제74조 제1호 , 제7조 의 적용을 아울러 구하고 있고, 그것은 시장 또는 군수의 개수명령위반에 관한 것이어서 판시 제(1) 라, 마, 바 행위에 대한 것으로 해석되나, 위 각 명령은 건축법상 명령임이 분명하여 위 소방법 위반에는 해당되지 아니함이 명백하고 위 각 행위에 대하여는 건축법 위반죄를 유죄로 인정하므로 이점은 따로이 판단하지 아니한다), 피고인 7의 판지 제4의 업무상 실화의 점은 형법 제171조 , 제170조 제1항 , 제164조 에 피고인 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7의 판시 제5의 각 업무상과실치사상의 점은 형법 제268조 , 제30조 에, 피고인 6의 판시 제3(2)의 소방법 위반의 점은 소방법 제77조 제1호 , 제10조 제2항 제3호 , 제4호 , 제6호 에, 피고인 13의 판시 제6의 뇌물수수의 점은 형법 제129조 제1항 에, 피고인 10, 9, 8의 판시 제7(1)의 각 허위공문서 작성의 점은 각 같은법 제227조 , 제30조 에, 판시 각 동행사의 점은 각 같은법 제229조 , 제227조 , 제30조 에, 피고인 11의 판시 제7(2)의 각 공문서변조의 점은 각 같은법 제225조 에, 각 동행사의 점은 각 같은법 제229조 , 제225조 에, 허위공문서 작성의 점은 같은법 제227조 에, 동 행사의 점은 같은법 제229조 , 제227조 에, 피고인 12 주식회사의 판시 제3(3) 가, 의 각 소방법 위반의 점은 각 소방법 제79조 , 제73조 제3호 , 제29조 제2항 , 제1항 에 각 건축법 위반의 점은 각 건축법 제57조 , 제55조 제3호 , 제42조 제1항 에, 판시 제3(3)나(ㄱ)의 건축법 위반의 점은 건축법 제57조 , 제54조 , 제5조 제1항 에, 판시 제3(3)나 (ㄴ)의 건축법 위반의 점은 건축법 제57조 , 제55조 제3호 , 제7조의3 제1항 에 각 해당하는 바, 피고인 7의 판시 업무상실화죄와 각 업무상과실치사상죄, 피고인 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6의 각 업무상과실치사상죄는 각 1개의 행위가 수개의 죄명에 해당하는 경우이므로 형법 제40조 , 제50조 에 의하여 형 또는 범정이 가장 무거운 구 자익을 치사케 한 업무상과실치사죄에 정한 형으로 각 처벌하기로 하며, 판시 제3(1)의 소방법 위반죄, 판시 제3(1) 건축법 위반죄, 판시 제6의 뇌물수수죄의 각 소정형중 징역형을, 판시 제4호의 업무상과실치사죄의 소정형중 금고형을 각 선택하고, 피고인 2, 6, 10, 9, 8, 11, 12 주식회사의 위 각 죄는 형법 제37조 전단의 경합범이므로 피고인 2에 대하여는 같은법 제38조 제1항 제2호 , 제2항 , 제50조 에 의하여 형이 가장 무거운 판시 업무상과실치사죄에 정한 형에, 피고인 10, 9, 8에 대하여는 같은법 제38조 제1항 제2호 , 제50조 에 의하여 죄질과 범정이 보다 무거운 판시 허위작성공문서행사죄에 정한 형에, 피고인 11에 대하여는 같은법 제38조 제1항 제2호 , 제50조 에 의하여 형 및 죄질과 범정이 가장 무거운 판시 변조공문서행사죄에 정한 형에, 피고인 12 주식회사에 대하여는 같은법 제38조 제1항 제2호 , 제50조 에 의하여 형이 가장 무거운 판시 제3(3)나(ㄱ)의 건축법위반죄에 정한 형에 각 경합범가중을 하며, 피고인 6에 대하여는 같은법 제38조 제1항 제3호 에 의하여 판시 업무상과실치사죄의 금고형과 판시 소방법위반죄의 벌금형을 병과하기로 하여 각 그 소형 형기 및 금액범위내에서 피고인 1을 금고 1년에, 피고인 2를 징역 2년에, 피고인 3, 4를 각 금고 1년에, 피고인 5를 금고 1년 6월에, 피고인 6을 금고 1년 6월 및 벌금 100,000원에, 피고인 7을 금고 3년에, 피고인 13을 징역 6월에, 피고인 8을 징역 10월에, 피고인 9를 징역 1년에, 피고인 10을 징역 6월에, 피고인 11을 징역 1년에, 피고인 12 주식회사를 벌금 15,000,000원에 각 처하고, 피고인 6이 위 벌금을 납입하지 아니하는 경우에는 형법 제70조 , 제69조 제2항 에 의하여 금 5,000원을 1일로 환산한 기간 위 피고인을 노역장에 유치하고, 같은법 제57조 를 적용하여 이 판결선고전의 구금일수중 피고인 1, 13에 대하여는 각 70일을, 피고인 2, 3, 5, 6, 7에 대하여는 각 155일을, 피고인 10에 대하여는 45일을, 피고인 11에 대하여는 100일을 위 징역 또는 금고형에 각 산입하기로 하되, 피고인 1을 카알기피격사건으로 졸지에 남편을 잃고 경황이 없던 차에 위 피고인 12 주식회사의 회장으로서 위 호텔경영에 참여하고 되었으나 여자로서 기업경영의 경험이 전혀 없는데다 평소의 지병 때문에 그 아들인 피고인 2에게 업무전반을 위임한 채 경영일선에 나서지 아니한 결과 이건 화재사고에 이르게 된 것이고, 이건 화재사고 후 피해복구에 전력하여 피해자 대부분이 원만한 합의를 하였고, 피고인 3, 4, 5는 위 호텔의 상무, 지배인, 관리부장으로서 그 소임을 다하지 아니한 결과 이건 화재사고에 이르게 된 것이나 실질상 개인기업과 같이 운영되는 위 호텔에 있어 그들의 형식적 직위에 상응하는 업무를 제대로 수행하기에는 상당한 어려움이 있었던 점을 엿볼 수 있고 또한 자신들의 잘못을 깊이 뉘우치고 있으며, 피고인 10, 9, 8, 11은 다년간 지방공무원 또는 소방공무원으로 성실히 근무하면서 국가사회발전에 진력한 공로가 있고 이건 범행의 동기에 각 동정할 점이 있으며, 이건 범행이 비교적 경미한 사안이라는 점등 각 그 정상에 참작할 만한 사유가 있으므로 같은법 제62조 에 의하여 이 판결 확정일로부터 피고인 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11에 대하여는 각 2년간, 피고인 10에 대하여는 1년간 위 징역 또는 금고형의 집행을 각 유예하고 피고인 13은 1969. 9. 15. 부산지방공무원으로 임용되어 15년동안 성실히 근무하면서 부산시장으로부터 6회의 표창을 받는등 지방행정발전에 기여한 바가 크고, 이건 범행에 이른 동기에 동정할 점이 있으며, 이건 범행의 사안이 경미하고 이건 잘못을 깊이 뉘우치고 있어 개전의 정이 현저한 점등 정상을 참작하여 위 형의 선고를 유예함이 상당하다고 인정되므로 같은법 제59조 를 적용하여 위 형의 선고를 유예하며, 피고인 13이 판시 제5의 범행에 의하여 받은 현금 50,000원은 이를 모두 소비하여 몰수할 수 없으므로 같은법 제134조 후단에 의하여 위 피고인으로부터 그 가액인 금 50,000원을 추징하고, 형사소송법 제334조 제1항 에 의하여 피고인 6에 대하여 위 벌금에 상당한 금액의 가납을 명한다.

Parts of innocence

1. Of the charges against Defendant 1, the summary of the violation of the Fire Services Act and the violation of the Building Act

The above defendant as a de facto operator of the above hotel,

A. On September 15, 1983, from the chief of Busan Fire Station, for the above hotel as a fire fighting object:

(1) The three-story-based government-invested foods need to be self-explosive and separation distance.

(2) A failure to comply with an order to correct and supplement, not later than September 26 of the same year, defective fire-fighting systems over two items, such as the power generator and the adjacent warehouse part, for the said paragraph (2), even though the order was issued to correct and supplement the defective fire-fighting systems up to September 26 of the same year; and

B. For the same building from the chief of Busan Fire Station at the same place on October 22 of the same year:

(i)be capable of operating at all times the indoor fire hydrant location;

(2) It is necessary to install guiding lights at the entrance of the hotel to the entrance of the first floor at the toilet emergency exit.

(3) Outlines of installation of emergency power storage batteries facilities for broadcasting facilities.

(4) the opening of the indoor tank ventilation equipment.

(5) Removal of rooftop transit tanks.

(6) Required to install bomb emission-preventive facilities for ground-to-story dangerous substances storage facilities.

(7) Safety devices such as stowings of local products shall be required to be emulged from emulgating materials.

(8) They need to maintain guiding lights at all times.

(9) Trackn required for carrying a fire extinguisher (a hotel or boat).

In violation of paragraphs (4) and (5) above during the said period, despite having received an order to repair defective fire-fighting systems over nine items, up to November 22 of the same year, failing to comply with them; and

C. For the same building from the chief of Busan Fire Station at the same place on December 7 of the same year:

(1) It is necessary to repair the facility of a heading school, because it is capable of 8 indoors (Pressures).

(2) In the indoor fire hydrants of each floor, the word “fire hydrants” is marked.

(3) an automatic fire detection equipment receiver 2, 12, 15 times the test load summary.

(4) A fixed summary of the rooftop stairs, etc. (elevators, machine rooms) separated from the studio studs.

(5) It is necessary to replace the 5th floor address light lamps damaged.

(6) They need to install guidance signs at the entrance of the outdoor stairs of each floor.

(7) Roof light oil tanks are removed.

(8) Attachments to the number of indoor ventilation equipment and sign board specifications of underground indoor tanks.

(9) Regular points such as the Sychoro Pool Sychotic equipment sign etc.

(x)a permanent point, such as guidance to Austria, etc.;

(11) It shall be necessary to treat retardant papers, Katain and carpet retardant and main wall flapsying.

In violation of paragraph (11) of this Article, even if the fire-fighting systems in 11 items are ordered to be repaired and supplemented until January 7, 1984, the failure to comply with the order within the above period to repair and supplement them;

(d)for the same building from the head of Busan Jin-gu at the same place on October 13 of the same year:

(1) The guest room entrance door is a door door to the opening demand.

(2) Each guest room shall be required to open the smoke by fire.

(3)The demand for the opening of the interior walls of the electronic amusement room by fire.

In the event that it has not been complied with even though it has been ordered to correct the violation of the Building Act over three items, the violation has been committed;

(e)for the same building from the head of the Gu at the same place on November 8 of the same year:

(1) The interior materials of a living room need to be replaced by an incombustible material.

(2) Indoor direct stairs are the demand for escape stairs.

In the event that a corrective order has been issued for a violation of the Building Act over two items, the violation has not been complied with;

With respect to the same building from the head of the Gu at the same place on December 20 of the same year

(i)the cost of installing a fire partition, including the joint venture and pipe duct;

(2) Combustible interior materials of a living room on some floors are combustibility-resistant demand.

(3) Failure of escape stairs (to be installed without openings and movings);

In other words, even if the above defendant was ordered to correct the violation portion of the Building Act over three items, he did not comply with the above (1) and (2) and violated it. The above defendant's actual authority in the operation of the above (name omitted) hotel operated by the defendant 12 corporation. However, as seen above, the above defendant did not know that the above defendant had the same order as stated in the above facts charged, while consistently up to this court until the police became aware of the above facts charged, the above defendant denied the above facts charged, and even if examining all evidence attached to the records, there is no evidence to prove that the above defendant had the same order as stated in the above facts charged, or that the above defendant did not comply with the above order even though he knew that there was an order to correct the above facts charged. Rather, the above defendant did not know that he did not actually participate in the operation of the hotel and did not participate in the business.

Thus, since the above facts charged return to the absence of proof of crime, it is judged not guilty pursuant to the latter part of Article 325 of the Criminal Procedure Act.

2. Of the facts charged against Defendant 5 and 6, the summary of the practicalization of business:

피고인 5는 (명칭 생략)호텔의 자재부장으로서 공석중인 관리부장을 겸임하면서 위 호텔내의 모든 자재, 물품구매 및 보관, 시설물의 설치 및 관리유지 등의 업무처리를 하여 오던자로서, 위 2급 관광호텔객실과 부속시설의 난방시설은 스팀으로 된 난방시설을 설치하도록 되어 있으므로 위 호텔의 4층 사우나에 연결되어 있는 헬스클럽에 설치가 금지된 석유난로 등의 난방용구를 설치해서는 아니되고 부득이 위 헬스클럽의 난방을 위하여 석유난로를 설치하도록 하였으면 3, 4년 정도 노후되고 차열판이 없는 불량한 난로가 아닌 안전한 난로를 설치하여야 하고, 또한 동소는 방염처리가 되지 않은 카페트가 바닥에 깔려있고, 동소 출입구는 바로 위 호텔의 4층 사우나 탈의실로 통하고 있기 때문에 만일의 경우를 대비하여 난로를 설치하더라도 합판등 가연성 물질로 내장된 위 입구 통로에 근접 설치하여서는 아니될 뿐더러 또한 인화성 물질이 완전히 제거 또는 차단된 상태를 유지하여 설치하여야 하며, 난로를 직접 사용하는 자로 하여금 난로의 성능 및 사용상의 유의할 점 등을 숙지케 한 다음 취급케 하는등 취급상의 부주의가 없도록 사전교육을 철저히 하고, 난로설치 이후에도 그 난로의 성능이 좋지 않았으므로 이를 즉시 교체 내지 보수함으로써 이로 인한 화재발생 등을 미연에 방지하여야 할 업무상 주의의무가 있음에도 불구하고, 1984. 1. 11. 10:00경 위 호텔 영선반기사인 공소외 12를 시켜 위 헬스클럽내에 석유난로를 설치토록 지시함에 있어서 약 3년전에 구입하여 동 호텔 디스코홀 등지에서 사용하였던 중고 불량난로를 동 난로의 성능이나 설치장소 등을 전혀 고려하지 아니한 채 헬스클럽 입구에서 불과 90센치미터 정도밖에 떨어지지 않은 근접한 지점에 설치토록 하고, 난로취급경험이 전혀 없는 피고인 7등 사우나 종업원들에게 함부로 사용토록 방치하고, 또한 이들에게 위 중고불량난로의 상태, 성능, 취급요령과 주의사항 등을 전혀 교육하지 아니하고 사용토록 하였고, 설치 이후에 동 난로에서 냄새가 나는등 상태가 좋지 않다는 사실을 보고받았음에도 불구하고 위 공소외 12에게 임시방편으로 연통만 달아주게 하였을 뿐 이를 교체하거나 보수해주지 않는등 그 주의의무를 태만히 하고, 피고인 6은 위 호텔의 방황관리자로서, 위 호텔에 대한 제반소방계획의작성, 소방계획에 의한 소화, 피난 등의 훈련실시, 소방시설 등의 정비, 점검, 화기취급 및 안전관리에 대한 감독등 방화관리상 필요한 제반업무를 담당하는 자로서, 1983. 9. 12. 증축공사를 끝내고 새로 개업한 위 호텔 4층 사우나의 구조가 4층에는 탈의실과 욕실이 있고, 위 호텔 5층과 4층 사이의 방화구획인 5층 바닥 약 13.2 제곱미터를 무단해체하여 4층에 계단식 통로가 설치되어 있으며, 위 4층 탈의실 북쪽편의 벽을 약 3.3제곱미터 가량 헐어내고 인접건물인 피고인 1 등의 회장실 등으로 사용하는 건물 4층과의 사이에 계단식 통로를 설치한 후 위 4층 탈의실바닥과 위 5층 휴게실바닥 및 위 4층과 5층사이의 계단, 4층과 위 헬스클럽 사이의 계단에는 방염처리가 되어 있지 않은 카페트가 깔려 있는 상태에 있었으므로 위 4층과 5층 사이의 계단에 따로 방화문을 설치하는등 각 층별 방화구획을 유지토록 하고, 또한 위 호텔에는 스팀으로 된 난방시설을 설치해야 하기 때문에 위 사우나에 통로로 연결지어진 위 헬스클럽에 석유난로가 설치된 것을 보았다면 즉시 이를 철거할 것을 건의하여 그 조치가 이루어지도록 함은 물론 위 난로취급자를 포함한 위 호텔의 종업원들에 대한 화재예방교육을 월 1회 이상 실시하고 자동화재탐지기와 비상벨의 작동상태 등을 수시로 점검함은 물론 위 난로의 주위에는 약 3평 가량의 방염처리가 되어있지 않은 카페트가 깔려있고, 나머지 바닥부분에는 모노륨이 깔려 있으며, 위 난로의 설치위치가 위 통로로부터 불과 90센치밖에 떨어지지 않는 지점에 있었으므로 만일 화재가 발생할 경우 급속도로 위 카페트와 위 통로로 연결지어진 사우나 탈의실 등지로 번질 위험성이 예견되므로 통로에서 보다 멀리 설치하고 그 주변에 인화성물질이 없도록 이를 제거함은 물론 피고인 7 등을 비롯한 사우나 종업원들에게 난로의 점화 및 석유주입요령등 화기취급에 대한 교육을 철저히 실시함으로써 난로취급부주의로 인한 화재발생 및 확대를 방지하여야 할 업무상 주의의무가 있음에도 불구하고, 방화관리자로서 사용이 금지되는 동 중고불량난로설치 즉시 이를 발견하였음에도 아무런 조치를 취하지 아니하였을뿐 아니라 위 방화구획의 무단해체 4층, 5층간의 불법계단설치, 미방염처리된 카페트설치에 대하여도 그때 그때마다 이를 제지하거나 시정을 구하는등 호텔경영자들에 대한 건의를 일체하지 아니하였고, 또한 종업원들에 대한 화재발생예방교육이나 위 시설물의 작동불량상태 등의 점검을 해태하는등 주의의무를 태만히 한 과실과 피고인 7의 판시 제4사실 기재와 같은 과실이 경합되어 주위에 있는 불이 난로밑과 그 주변에 깔린 가연성 카페트에 인화되고 그 불이 그곳에서 약 57센티미터 가량 떨어진 벽과 약 90센티미터 가량 떨어진 통로에 옮겨 붙은 후 사우나로 연결된 통로를 따라 사우나 내부 탈의실 등과 다시 위 사우나에서 5층 휴게실로 연결지어진 계단 및 자동개폐장치가 되어 있지 않은 공조덕트와 파이프빗트 및 방화문틈새를 통하여 각 층에 번져 순식간에 그 건물 4층 이상의 전체에 파급 연소되어 같은날 10:15경까지 사이에 사람이 현존하는 동 건물 1동 시가 금 139,800,000원 상당과 별지 1 기재와 같은 동 건물내에 있는 물건 합계시가 금 289,800,000원 상당을 소훼한 것이다라고 함에 있으므로 살피건대, 피고인 7의 판시 제4사실 기재와 같은 업무상과실로 이 사건 화재가 발생하였음은 앞서 인정한 바와 같고, 또 피고인 5가 약 3년간 사용되던 위 석유난로를 헬스클럽 입구에서 90센치미터정도 떨어진 지점에 설치토록 하고 설치 이후 냄새가 난다는 보고를 받고도 이를 교체하거나 보수하지 아니한 채 연통만 달아 주었으며 특별히 종업원들에게 위 난로의 상태, 성능, 취급요령 등에 관한 교육을 하지 아니하는 등의 잘못을 저질렀고, 피고인 6은 위 호텔 방화관리자이면서 위 헬스크럽에 설치된 석유난로를 보고도 이를 즉시 철거하는 조치를 취하지 아니하였을 뿐 아니라 종업원에게 위 난로의 취급요령에 관한 교육을 하지 아니한 잘못이 있는 등 기타 위 피고인들에게 위 공소사실과 같은 과실이 있었음은 기록상 이를 인정할 수 있으나, 그렇다하여도 위와 같이 오래된 난로를 통상적인 방법으로 사용하는 경우에 필연적으로 위 난로에서 화재가 발생한 것이 객관적으로 예견된다고는 인정할 수 없고, 더우기 이 사건 화재는 피고인 7이 불을 완전히 끄지 않은 채 위 난로의 기름통을 들어내고 보조탱크에 기름을 주입하다가 발생된 것인바, 이와 같이 보조탱크에 직접 기름을 붓는다는 행위는 통상인으로서는 생각하기 어려운 것이므로 이러한 행위로 인하여 화재가 발생할 것이라는 것을 객관적으로 예견하기는 어렵다고 볼 것이어서 위 피고인들의 위 과실만으로는 그 과실과 이 사건 화재발생 사이에 상당인과관계가 있다고 인정할 수 있고 달리 이를 인정할만한 자료가 없다.

Thus, since the above facts charged return to the absence of proof of crime, it should be pronounced not guilty pursuant to the latter part of Article 325 of the Criminal Procedure Act, or since it is a ground for recognizing the guilty of a crime of occupational negligence resulting in death or injury as stated in the above facts charged and the ordinary concurrent crimes with the above facts charged,

3. Of the facts charged in the instant case, the summary of the preparation of a false official document against Defendant 14, 13 and the fact of the said event is as follows: the above Defendants conspired to exercise their rights;

A. At around 10:00 on September 15, 1983, Nonindicted 6 (title omitted), the head of the Busan Jin-gu Office for Environmental Sanitation and Office, received ex post facto a report on the change of permission for public bath business from the head of the above (title omitted) hotel, and Defendant 13 prepared a report on the so-called bath facilities in addition to the reported goods, and Defendant 13 prepared the report on the so-called bath facilities in addition to the reported goods, although he did not carry out the same facility investigation, he did not enter the fact of the above prior establishment into the fact of the establishment and entered each of the facts that the status of the above facilities such as the structure, bath, and escape room meet the facility criteria, and entered the false investigation on September 15, 1983 on the date of the facility inspection, and the defendant 14 made the above false public document with respect to the duties of the Defendants by suppressing the seal affixed to the mooring column of the above facility inspection report.

B. At the above time and place, the above official document was submitted to Nonindicted 64 as if it were true in its contents. Therefore, the above Defendants’ 1’ statement to the police past this court, Defendant 6’s statement to this court, Nonindicted 3’s statement to the witness, the third statement to the witness who prepared the judicial police council, the record attached to the prosecutor’s third statement to the prosecutor’s protocol, the report to change the permitted matters of public bath facility investigation (the investigative record 651 through 658) to the above 10th day after the above 10th day after the above 10th day after the above 10th day after the above 10th day after the above 10th day after the above 10th day after the above 10th day after the above 20th day after the above 10th day after the above 10th day after the above official document was prepared to the above 3th day after the above 10th day after the entrance inspection or the change of facilities, and the above Defendant’s report to the above 10th day after the above official inspection of facilities.

If so, the above facts charged return to the absence of proof of crime, and thus, the defendant is acquitted pursuant to the latter part of Article 325 of the Criminal Procedure Act.

It is so decided as per Disposition.

Judges Kang Jong-soo (Presiding Judge)