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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울서부지방법원 2016.10.27 2016고단1878

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for two years and by a fine of fifty thousand won.

When the defendant does not pay the above fine, 100.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant is an operator of K Co., Ltd., a livestock product importer and seller, who imports and sells processed products, such as franchis, from around 2002 to JJ.

The Defendant imported business and sold it to food materials distributors, etc., thereby making it difficult for the Defendant to meet the demand of the distribution period as required by the distribution center because the distribution period of the imported business was short, and thus, it was difficult for the Defendant to meet the demand of the distribution center. On the outer side of the product, the Defendant prepared a false import declaration with regard to the distribution period, submitted to the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, and submitted a false import declaration with regard to the product without the distribution period, and the distribution period was extended by the method of stating the distribution period of the imported document in a false way. From the time of import to the outer side of the product, the Defendant had expressed his intent to sell the product with the printing period

1. No person who files an import declaration in violation of the Special Act on Imported Food Safety Control (or any violation of the previous Livestock Products Sanitary Control Act) shall file an import declaration by fraud or other improper means;

Around February 23, 2016, in order to import Ameras Sclas 1,814 km with the circulation period of six months from the date of production, and to increase the circulation period to 12 months, the Defendant made a cargo list with the computers in the office and a manufacturer’s signature files prepared in advance for 12 months, in which the circulation period is extended to 12 months at his/her own discretion, and submitted to the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, through a customs broker a photograph of the products bearing Korean display indicating the documents and the extended circulation period, and filed a false import declaration as if the circulation period was 12 months. From May 18, 2011 to March 11, 2016, the Defendant made a false import declaration as if the circulation period was 12 months.
