Defendant shall be punished by a fine of KRW 5,000,000.
When the defendant does not pay the above fine, 100,000 won.
Punishment of the crime
Around January 17, 2017, the Defendant abused communications policies that make cell phones open, maintain, and manage only the IMF number, and copied a high-priced mobile phone chip 7 (UA:IPHN7 - 128GR, :00,000) using a program, using the program to cover the same IMF number in the medium and medium-sized mobile phone panty pande (UA:IM-A850S). At the same time, the Defendant was able to receive a bounty and installment subsidy from three domestic mobile carriers.
1. No person who violates the Radio Waves Act shall duplicate equipment which has undergone conformity assessment;
Nevertheless, at around January 17, 2017, the Defendant copied the mobile phone (C, IMFI: D, UA:IPHNE7 - 128GR, and conformity certification number: E) which is equipment and materials certified as conformity assessment by the National Radio Research Institute in Gwangju-gu, Gwangju-si, and then copied the mobile phone (UA: IMF-A850S) into IMFD using a mobile phone reproduction program.
From October 17, 2016 to March 17, 2017, the Defendant reproduced a cell phone device, which is a communication device that has undergone conformity assessment over 24 times in total, as shown in the attached Form (1) list of crimes.
2. Around February 25, 2017, the Defendant: (a) entered IMO into a new opening cell phone (UA: IEI) in the name of Gwangju-gu and the mobile phone door-to-door sales office on the 10th floor; (b) entered IMO into a mobile phone (UA: IE-850S) with the aforementioned new cell phone opening in the name of B; and (c) then then copied the core chip and then completed by using a new opening cell (UA:IPHE7-128GR) and equipment and number on the 10th floor; and (d) obtained 450,909 won from the victim corporation, etc. to the 128th cell phone opening from November 25, 2016 to the 2015th day of April 25, 2017; and (e) obtained 2004,000 won from the victim corporation, etc. in the same manner, and obtained the total amount of grants as attached Form 3134.