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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 천안지원 2015.06.15 2015고단544 (1)

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for four months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for one year from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant, along with the Defendant B, C, D, etc., was willing to mar the so-called “san gambling place” in which the human resources in the Chungcheongnamsan-si, Chungcheongnamsan-si were tamped to mix large contents and to open the so-called “san gambling place.”

The above C served as a "warehouse", which is a total book prepared and presided over gambling funds, and the above B served as a "book" base in E white straw and one ton truck, and the above D served as a "book" base in which straws, and straws, and as a part of which gambling participants are recruited in the gambling room in order to keep the straw and straws, and the Defendant served as a "book" role in which gambling participants are recruited by using F Costex.

피고인은 2013. 10. 26. 00:40경 아산시 인주면 냉정리에 있는 야산의 입구에서, 화투 20장을 사용하여 5장씩 4패로 나눈 다음 딜러가 가지고 있는 패를 제외한 3패 중 1패는 총책이 선택하고, 나머지 2패에 도박참가자들로 하여금 판돈을 걸게 한 다음, 5장 중 3장을 합하여 10이나 20이 되도록 한 후 나머지 2장을 더한 숫자가 높은 사람이 승하는 방법으로 1회 수백만 원 상당의 판돈을 걸고 속칭 ’도리짓고땡‘ 도박을 할 수 있도록 종이컵과 화투 등을 준비해 놓고 텐트와 발전기를 설치함으로써 하였다.

Accordingly, the Defendant, along with the above defendants, opened gambling houses for profit.

Summary of Evidence

1. Defendant's legal statement;

1. Each police interrogation record of the accused, C, B, D, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N,O, and P;

1. Application of Acts and subordinate statutes on police seizure records;

1. Article 247 and Article 30 of the Criminal Act, the choice of imprisonment with prison labor concerning the crime;

1. Article 62 (1) of the Criminal Act;

1. Although the crime was committed after the systematic role of sentencing according to Article 48(1)1 of the Criminal Code, it is important to say that there was no previous conviction or more punished by the same criminal history and fine, reflects the fact, and present health.
