The judgment of the court below is reversed.
A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for four years.
Sexual assault, 40 hours against the defendant.
1. Summary of grounds for appeal;
가. 사실오인 피고인과 피해자는 합의 하에 성관계를 가진 것이고, 당시 피해자가 술에 상당히 취한 상태였음을 감안할 때 야외 주차장 바닥에서 성관계를 할 수도 있는 것임에도 불구하고, 이와 관련하여, 피고인은 ‘피해자가 입었다고 하는 찰과상이나 멍 등은 시멘트 바닥에서 성관계를 하면서 생긴 것이고, 피해자의 오른쪽 눈부위가 충혈된 것 역시 감기로 인하여 충혈되었을 가능성이 높으며, 특히 성관계 후 피해자가 피고인에게 돈을 요구하기까지 한 사정, 피해자가 이 사건 직후 옷을 갈아입고 나가 남자친구를 만났고, 피해자가 평소와 좀 다르다는 것을 눈치 챈 남자친구의 112 신고에 의하여 수사가 개시되었던 점 등에 비추어 볼 때 이 사건 공소사실은 충분히 증명되었다고 볼 수 없다.’는 취지로 주장한다.
The court below committed an unlawful act of misunderstanding the facts by finding the Defendant guilty of the facts charged solely on the sole ground that a sexual relationship existed at a dualistic place.
B. The sentence imposed by the lower court (five years of imprisonment, 40 hours of completion of sexual assault treatment programs, and 5 years of disclosure and notification) is too unreasonable.
2. Determination
A. The following facts are acknowledged according to the facts admitted by the court below and the court below and the evidence adopted and examined by the court below as to the assertion of mistake of facts.
① As to the circumstances of the instant case in the court of the court below, the victim of the witness had a length to drink the same on the day of the instant case.
The front way of the parking lot, which is the site of the case, has passed, and the defendant prevented him from being a witness of his own body, saw him, and moved into the parking lot.
The defendant laid the witness on the floor of the parking lot, and putting the witness on his hand.
In order for a witness to not be exposed to a big damage, he/she is required to cope with it.