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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 2018.07.05 2017가합201259

1. The Defendant (Counterclaim Plaintiff) Company B and the Defendant C jointly and severally file for KRW 300,000,000 with the Plaintiff (Counterclaim Defendant).


A principal lawsuit and counterclaim shall also be deemed a principal lawsuit and counterclaim.

1. Basic facts

A. 1) On August 25, 201, the Plaintiff entered into a technical service contract with Defendant B, as well as the E Industrial Complex E (hereinafter “instant industrial complex”) between Defendant B and Defendant B.

) A technical service contract for the creation of a technology (hereinafter “instant service contract”)

The main contents are as follows. The purpose of this service is to provide the services prescribed in Article 2 (Purpose of Service) at the time of the completion of the authorization or permission for intermediate payment of KRW 85,000,000 (Gong150,000) intermediate payment of KRW 85,000 (Gong150,000) intermediate payment of KRW 85,000 (Public) intermediate payment of KRW 00,000) on the condition of the payment of the value-added tax (the name and scope of services) by value-added tax (the name and scope of services) upon the contract, with respect to development projects promoted by “A (the meaning of the Plaintiff; hereinafter the same shall apply)” (the meaning of “B, the meaning of the Plaintiff; hereinafter the same shall apply) in good faith to facilitate the implementation of the development project. Article 3 (Name of Services and the scope thereof) is as follows:

2. Location for services: The scope of services provided by "B" under this Agreement shall be as follows:

1. Article 5 (Amendment of Contracts) (1) When it is necessary to revise the business plan in the course of performing the tasks of this service, the amendment may be made through consultation between "A" and "B";

Accordingly, the change of the contract price shall be determined by consultation between A and B.

(2) The service costs of this task may be adjusted according to the details and ratio of a change in the contract amount, if any.

(3) Where delay in work is inevitable upon the request of "B" due to the suspension of service or force majeure, the relevant number of days may be extended by fixing the contract period.

Article 6 (Matters to be Observed) (1) "B" shall provide this service.
