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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 2016.02.16 2016고단43

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months and by a fine of 100,000 won.

If the defendant fails to pay the above fine, 100,000 won.


Punishment of the crime

[Criminal Records] The Defendant was sentenced to six months of imprisonment and two years of suspended execution by the Daejeon District Court on August 19, 2015, and the said judgment became final and conclusive on the 27th of the same month and is still under suspended execution.

[Criminal facts]

1. 경범죄 처벌법위반 피고인은 2016. 1. 2. 21:03 경 대전 대덕구 C에 있는 D 앞 도로에 이르러 술에 취한 상태로 무단 횡단을 하였고, 이에 교통 단속 근무 중인 대전 동부 경찰서 소속 경찰공무원 E 등이 피고인을 단속하려고 하자 ‘ 너희들 맘대로 해 라, 내가 빵 가면 된다, 이 짭새 새끼들’ 이라고 욕설을 하며 도로 위에 뛰어들어 그곳을 통행하는 택시를 가로막은 뒤 정차한 택시의 보닛 위로 몸을 날려 드러눕고, 계속하여 그곳을 통행하는 버스에 달려들어 몸을 부딪쳤다.

Accordingly, the Defendant, under the influence of alcohol at a place where many people frequent, led to the other person without any justifiable reason.

2. The Defendant damaged public goods at the time, place, as described in paragraph 1 above, and thereby damaged PDA so that the auxiliary police officers belonging to the Daejeon Police Station, the Daejeon East Police Station, taking advantage of PDA to take a bath for recording defects F by taking advantage of PDA, and cutting the aforesaid PDA back on the floor, and cutting it on the floor, thereby impairing PDA’s repair cost.

Accordingly, the defendant damaged the use of goods by public offices, thereby harming their utility.

3. When the defendant interfered with the performance of official duties and the injured person demanded the defendant to present his identification card at the time, place, victim E (48 tax) who is a police officer belonging to the Daejeon East Police Station, and victim F (20 tax) who is a police officer belonging to the Daejeon East Police Station, and the victim F (20 tax) who is an auxiliary police officer, the above victims are able to take a bath to the above victims, and 2 times the victim E's chest part of the chest was h's chest with his hand during the disturbance, as described in the above paragraph 2, and was cut back on the floor after the victim F's plA was cut off from the victim F as described in the above paragraph 2. The victim E h's fat was sealed by his hand.
