본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울동부지방법원 2016.04.14 2016고단541

Defendants shall be punished by imprisonment for eight months.

However, the above judgment against the Defendants for two years from the date of this judgment became final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendants received a certified copy and seal of the register of limited company G from F, and received a re-issuance of the said G representative director H’s proxy certificate and a written application for electronic financial service from financial institutions, which is linked to the account under the name of the juristic person. Defendant A transferred the cash card to Defendant B, Defendant B withdrawn cash, Defendant B transferred the cash card again to another bank, and Defendant B transferred the card to Defendant B in the same manner, and then transferred the card to Defendant B, Defendant B withdrawn the cash and stolen it, and Defendant F transferred it to F, and Defendant F paid the commission to the Defendants.

1. On July 20, 2015, the Defendants: (a) conspired with F, etc. to forge the private document; and (b) without authority, Defendant B, without authority, delegated “the change of the identification number of the existing account, the passbook of the existing account, and the re-issuance of the card” to the agent form “the change of the identification number of the existing account,” and “the re-issuance of the card,” in the proxy column, entered the personal information of Defendant A in the proxy column and printed it into the name “H of the G representative director of the company with limited liability; and (c) Defendant A had affixed the seal of the above G representative director who was in possession of the seal after obtaining it from F, forged four proxy copies of the letter of delegation in the name of H representative director of the company G representative of the company with limited liability, which was installed at the same time, from July 23, 2015 to July 23, 2015, each forged the private document, as seen above, and continued to be forged at each time.

2. The thief Defendants in collusion with F on July 23, 2015, at the point near new banks located in Songpa-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government 365 Madon Madon Madon Madon-ro, Defendant A, and the said G name re-issued by using forged private document as described in the foregoing paragraph 1.
