본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원안산지원 2014.03.27 2011가합1634

1. The Defendants: (a) each of the Plaintiffs A was 25,871,870 won, Defendant B, and C respectively, and each of the said amounts.


1. Basic facts

A. The Defendants of the parties concerned are the doctors of the “G Hospital” (hereinafter “the instant hospital”) located in Ansan-si F, Ansan-si, and the deceased H (hereinafter “the deceased”) is the patients who received hydro testing from Defendant E at the instant hospital. The Plaintiff A’s wife, Plaintiff B, and C are the children of the deceased.

B. 1) On December 13, 2009, the Deceased applied to the instant hospital with an acute sprinking clothes. As a result, the Defendant D performed blood and sprinking on the Deceased, Defendant D provided a diagnosis that he was “pactical chronological chronological chronological chronological chronological chronological chronological chronological chronological chronological chronological chronological chronological chronological chronological chronological chronological chronological chronological chronological cronological chronological cronological chronological chronological chronological cronological cronic cronic cronic cronological cron

(2) At the time of the instant operation, Defendant E conducted the tissue inspection on the Deceased (hereinafter “instant tissue inspection”) and requested the inspection on December 15, 2009 to a medical corporation Green Cross, which is an inspection institution, on December 18, 2009. The inspection was reported on December 18, 2009.

As a result of the organizational inspection of this case, 3.5 cm in the vicinity of the deceased's impulse x 0.7 cm, and there was a opinion of "Aden carnoma". However, the Defendants did not immediately check the result of the organizational inspection.

C. After the instant surgery, the Deceased discharged the instant hospital after receiving antibiotics treatment and preservation treatment from the time of the instant surgery until December 21, 2009. However, on February 3, 2010, the instant hospital was re-exploited with the re-explosive pain.

The defendants judged that a pain was caused by the farming of the YYA and administered antibiotics to the deceased, and as of February 16, 2010, the defendants administered antibiotics to the deceased.

2. 22. Along with 22. They continued to treat antibiotics.

2 The Deceased was hospitalized in the instant hospital on February 28, 2010 with a dives pain certificate.

The defendants confirm the result of the tissue inspection of this case at that time, and the previous clothes CT photographing.
