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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 2014.10.23 2013고단6946

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

From May 16, 2005, the Defendant entered into a check contract with the Daegu Bank Uniform Branch and the Defendant from May 16, 2005 and entered into a check contract under the name of the Defendant.

On July 5, 2013, the Defendant issued a check number “G”, check amount “5,00 won”, and issuance date “1 November 30, 2013” at the F Office of the Defendant’s operation in Daegu-gu, Daegu-gu, the Defendant issued one check number per unit in the name of the Defendant.

The check was presented to the above bank within the period of presentment for payment.

However, from September 13, 2013 to September 13, 2013, the Defendant issued 5 copies per unit and 50,387,000 won in total of the check amount as shown in the attached Table Nos. 4, 7, 11, 14, and 16 between the Defendant and the Defendant did not pay for the shortage of deposits.

The defendant of "2014 Highest 751" is a person who engages in wholesale and retail business of construction materials under the trade name of F.

On September 27, 2013, the Defendant loaned money to the Victim J, which was known to him in the course of trading at the I Office located in Daegu Northern-gu, Daegu-gu, to the victim J, with the face value of KRW 20 million (payment date December 31, 2013) and KRW 5 million per face value (payment date January 31, 2014), and KRW 5 million per face value (payment date January 31, 2014) and KRW 5 million per face value.

“Finally false”

However, in addition to the above Promissory Notes and the Current Number of Shares, the Defendant was required to pay the sum of KRW 320 million of the Promissory Notes and the Current Number of Shares issued by the Defendant to the victim as collateral, and there was no intention and ability to pay the sum of the Promissory Notes and the Current Number of Shares issued by K and L as collateral.

The Defendant received KRW 28,00,000 from the victim’s account in the name of the Defendant.

Accordingly, the defendant was given property by deceiving the victim.

The defendant of "2014 Highest 1275" is with the Daegu Bank from December 30, 2002.
