1. The Plaintiff’s rehabilitation claim against the medical corporation of the Plaintiff’s rehabilitation company B is KRW 155,802,757 and the rehabilitation claim from November 13, 2010.
1. Facts of recognition;
A. On November 13, 2010, the Plaintiff, as the parties, was in operation by the medical corporation B (hereinafter “B”), and was in operation by the E Hospital located in the Republic of Korea (hereinafter “Defendant Hospital”), and B, as the employer who employed the medical personnel of the Defendant Hospital, was decided to commence the rehabilitation procedure in the instant case No. 2015,506, where the lawsuit was pending.
In the above rehabilitation procedure, C (hereinafter referred to as “Defendant”) denied the full amount of the report on the same claim as that of the Plaintiff’s claim in this case, on the ground that it is in a lawsuit, and took over B’s litigation procedure.
나. 원고의 발병 경위 (1) 원고는 2010. 11. 9. 자동차 문에 오른손 다섯 번째 손가락을 찧어 골절상을 입고, 같은 달 12. 피고 병원에 입원하였다.
(2) 피고 병원 의료진은 2010. 11. 13. 원고에 대하여 상완 신경총 상완(上腕, 위팔. 어깨에서 팔꿈치까지의 부위)에 있는 신경총(神經叢)인데, 신경총이란 특정한 장소에 신경세포가 작은 집단을 만들고 있는 것을 뜻하는 용어이다.
Although so-called Malidi (Maxidi) is ‘BPB(axi)' which was written in the anesthesia records at the time of the Plaintiff, it seems that a way of blocking is used in light of the ‘BPB(axi)' which was written in the anesthesia records.
(See the result of the evaluation of medical records at the Chuncheon Hospital at the Korea National Forestry University. On the other hand, the term “amount and amount” refers to the amount and amount.
After anesthesia as a blocking, the Plaintiff performed a non-congested and fin-fixed operation on the part of the mouth (hereinafter “instant operation”), and the Plaintiff discharged the Defendant hospital on the 14th day of the same month.
(3) anesthesia symptoms (low, physical restrictions, etc.) caused by the whole gymnassis are maintained for approximately 8-12 hours, and the Plaintiff cannot bring the right arms to the right even on November 23, 2010.